22 July 2011

Sheesh....and Happy Birthday Mollie bean ........

Mum and dad are going to a friends surprise birthday party tonight and as it is in Hartlepool they are staying overnight in a hotel. That means.... Sheesh I am home alone ... I will just have to spend my time between napping and window watching.... Sheesh...

Today is my Mollie bean's 13th birthday.. Happy Birthday Mollie bean and have a great day.... Mum loves this photo showing Mollie having fun in a school lesson..

Love to all, have a great weekend and see you all soon...

Hugs GJ xxx


Catio Tales said...

Abandoned - why can't you go to the party ? Not fair. I hope you are left lots of treats and things to watch.

Mr Puddy said...

GJ, You are home alone, I guess I can sneak out, and come right over to play with you. Let's play " Surprise House Trash " heh..heh..heh

And Happy Mollie bean's 13th birthday : ) My human Sis is 13 too, but she is going to turns to be 14 in this Dec. Hooray for Mollie, I hope she has lots of fun today : )


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We know all about being abandoned... Well, at least it's only for one night. Hang in there, GJ!

The Chans

PS: Happy Birthday to Mollie!

Old Kitty said...

Awww sweet GJ!! When mum and dad's away, it's time to play! Yay!! Awwwww me and Charlie just know you'll get extra yummy noms from Hartlepool!


Take care


Hope mum and dad has a wonderful time. And that you're not too lonely.


Cezar and Léia said...

Lots of love and a beautiful happy birthday to Mollie bean!
Luna - We love Luna

Mack said...

Happy birthday to sweet Mollie Bean!
Maybe she will get some Rottie Birthday Sugars today!!?

HH and The Boys said...

Wish I were close enough to come keep you company tonight. Just take a nap and they'll be home soon enough. Have a great weekend.

pawhugs, Max

Princess Jasmine said...

Oh no, you can come round to ours to play if you like :)
Happy Birthday to Millie Bean, 13 is an exciting birthday. Now she is a teenager :)xx

Marg said...

Oh no GJ. Alone again. We sure hope you get tons of great treats when they get home. How are you doing on the eating subject?? Are you eating enough fuds?? Hope you have a great week end anyway.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Mollie - we hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

GJ, we will come keep you company while Mum and Dad are away, OK?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy 13th Birthday, Mollie Bean....you are a lovely young lady.

Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be home alone.....but only if it isn't for more than a day!!!!!!!!

We love you and yours, GJ.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy birthday to Mollie! We hope she has a wonderful celebration, with lots of great presents and yummy cake. :-)

As for you, GJ, we're sorry you're being abandoned for the night, that's totally unfair. But at least it's only one night!

Have a great weekend.

BeadedTail said...

We wish we could come over and keep you company GJ! Hope your mum and dad have a good time though. Happy Birthday to Mollie bean!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Wish Mollie bean a Happy Birthday from us GJ. We wish we'd known you were going to be on your own - mum could have fetched you for a game of THoE.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Chair Speaks said...

GJ, have you ever tried stowaway in your mom's luggage? Happy birthday to Mollie bean!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is so unfair. Of course I know exactly how you feel as my person is leaving too. Happy Birthday to Mollie!

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, how about an impromtu house trashing? We're always ready and willing...

Happy Birthday to your Mollie-bean! She looks like a very serious student. heh heh.

Lisa + current cat said...

Have a great weekend, GJ. I recommend lots of napping while your mum and dad are away (but don't let them know you passed away the time fine without them).

The Whiskeratti said...

Happy B Day to Mollie. We hope your 'rents come home soon.

Julia Williams said...

stay out of trouble while they are gone! I know it will be tempting to look for mischief. well, that is what would happen here with MY three kittehs!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Happy Birthday to Mollie Bean!!! We think you should take it easy and nap GJ!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Brian's Home Blog said...

Don't get in any trouble while they are gone GJ! Happy Birthday Mollie Bean!

Oskar said...

So is there a party at your place tonight? Happy birthday to your Molly Bean!

Nubbin wiggles,

meowmeowmans said...

They should have taken YOU to the party, GJ! Do you want us to teleport over and keep you company?

Happy birthday to Mollie Bean!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hope your mum and dad had fun!! Happy Birthday Mollie bean! Mollie bean has an interesting tongue!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy birthday to Mollie Bean. We are out of purrison now so we will teleport up to keep you company.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Happy birthday Miss Molly-bean!!

The Island Cats said...

Oh man, GJ! We can't believe they left you!! Maybe we should teleport over for a quick house trashing!

Happy Birthday to Mollie bean!!

Kari said...

All across the Blogosphere kitties are being forced to stay at home when the beans go on trips and to parties! What are we kitties to do?
We wish we lived close to you, dear Jasper. We'd come over and party with you! We'd bring our mum( she's got the thumbs to open the Fancy Feast). She's really a soft touch when it comes to food and treats; we'll eat like kings! And she can tidy up when we take our post party naps. But since we live so far away, we will count on you to do some world class napping on dad's chair, playing all night and eating lots and lots of food.
Happy Birthday to Mollie! She is lovely...and fun!

Sparkle said...

Abandoned by yourself? That is so not fair, GJ! But then, if someone was staying with you, you could probably not get away with as much as when you are alone. Something to think about.

P.S. Happy birthday to Mollie bean!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sorry that you will be alone. Happy Birthday Mollie.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Birthday to Mollie bean!

We can't believe they are leaving you again! We think you need to demand extra attention and extra treats when they come home.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Florida Furkids said...

We wanted to come back to say that for some reason you show in our reader but aren't coming up in it. We just set it up (again) to follow you!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

White Dog Blog said...

Happy Birthday to Molly Bean. She has grown into such a lovely young lady! We hope her day is extra special and wonderful.

Was there a pre-discussion on how reparation is going to be made for the injustice of your abandonment? I hope that you will be amply rewarded.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I'm teleporting ofur right now. We'll stand guard together. Purrs.

Happy Birthday to Mollie bean!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, we hope they left ya enough food!

Jacqueline said...

Handsome GJ, we think you should teleport over here and hang out with us for the weekend, sweetie=we'd LOVE to have you!!...Happy Belated Birthday to lovely Mollie!!...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

Belated Happy Birthday to Mollie bean.

And Jasper, if your folks are going to run off and leave you so often, you really need to have a house trashing party. We're only saying ...

Ellen Whyte said...

How dreadful GJ. I hope they bring you back treats.

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you had fun being Home Alone!

Vicki said...

Happy birthday Mollie-bean! Hope everyone comes home soon!
Vicki thanks you for the kind wishes. She is on the mend now.

Sagira said...

Happy Birthday to the bean. :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Belated happy birthday to Mollie bean ~ we love that pic!

How is Lian doing? We are still purring for him daily. (((hugs)))