10 July 2011

Sheesh blogger playing up again.. Sunday good update...

Hello everyone, well I don't know if anyone else is having problems with blogger but we have been all day today. We comment on one friends blog and then the next few it will let us type the comment and when we go to post it takes us to sign in again although we are signed in and then does it again and again. So the one day mum could get to comment on friends posts blogger just wont let us. So friends I am trying to visit but it just wont let me...
Also my followers are not there at the moment...
This is what I think to blogger......

Now I have good updates on Liam and once again am in awe at the power of the paw.Mum and dad went to see him yesterday and were amazed at how different he looks in a couple of days. We also learnt a little more of the extent of his injuries. Just check these out and then you will see why we are amazed at today's update.

Every rib on left side broken, punctured lung on left side, breast bone, collar bone,broken. Arm pinned and plated in several places. Heart bruised and swollen. Ruptured spleen. Five small broken bones in back. ( not near spinal cord ) Both eyes suffered trauma, sight still not there in right one. Lip severed right through. Deep gashes to chin and smaller ones all over face.These are just some of injuries. Bow when I tell you the next news you will see why there is amazement. Plastics came and stitched the lip and face while in an induced coma. Operated on arm and eyes several times, while in same state. Then a few days ago the physios started to get Liam out of bed and gradually to walk around. they worked on his chest to help him rid it of gunge, thus helping him breathe. Non stop working on the hospital staff's part. determination and youth on Liam's part and they said to him that they considered he could go home and go back and forth for treatments. they think that he will maybe heal even faster at home with his parents help. His mum is a nurse and can do a lot of the things he needs. There is still a long way to go and many operations on his eyes but hey what an achievement. Not so long ago we were told it was touch and go and now look. When mum and dad went yesterday they said that Liam was in obvious pain when breathing and moving because of his ribs and lung, but not complaining at all and was happy and grateful to be doing so well. he was never knocked out and remembers every detail of the accident which could also pose problems along the way. But hey we give thanks and we say to you all as well.. Thank you so much for all the good wishes, prayers, purrs and woofs. They all helped and of that we have no doubt..

Liam is also looking forward to organising a 24 hours sponsored swim at the pool where he is a life guard in aid of the air ambulance. As soon as he is well enough. Today is his 19th birthday and thanks in part to them he is here to celebrate and hopefully fulfill the university place he had secured,even if he enters late..

Hugs to all.. With love GJ xxxx


Angel Simba said...

GJ, Blogger has been giving me some trouble too. I am copying my comments before I submit, so if the comment doesn't go through, I can try again without retyping it.

Mom is leaky eyed about the news about Liam: both what he has been through, and also the good news that he is doing so well. God has been with him for sure.

More purrs and prayers for a full recovery for him.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have had a bit of trouble with leaving comments, but not too bad. We do hear that a number of bloggers are having trouble. Hope they can figure out this mess soon.

Happy Birthday to Liam - what an incredible young man to be thinking of doing something for the air ambulance folks. He must have had a lot of guardian angels watching over him to be doing so well in light of all those terrible injuries. We will continue to cross our paws and say prayers for his continued recovery.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am so happy Liam continues to improved and we're all still sending purrs. Yep, blogger is hardly letting us comment either.

HH and The Boys said...

Wonderful news. Happy Birthday to Liam and what a wonderful blessing that things are progressing so well. We will continue to send purrs for continued progress.

Yes, GJ, blogger has been a pain all day. I was on Mozilla Firefox and was having the same problem you were having. Now I'm on Google Chrome. We'll see if this goes through.

Purrs to all of you.

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news on Liam. Happy Birthday to him! Will keep praying and looking for all the good reports.

Sorry you are having trouble with Blogger. Maybe it will all clear up soon. Hugs and nose kisses


Hi having problems also, with commenting and on dashboard.

Pleased Liam is progressing and hopes he has a happy birthday as possible.

Take care.

Oskar said...

What an amazing story. We will continue to keep prayers for Liam.

Nubbin wiggles,

Katnip Lounge said...

My God. Liam is indeed blessed by an angel on his shoulder. My heart goes out to this brave, resiliant young man. I cannot imagine the agony. Prayers and purrs are with him all the time!

GJ, your folks were on holiday when Blogger had some BIG problems, especially if you used IE. Try using Chrome for your browser; it's faster and works much better with blogger, for commenting and posting.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Blogger in Draft has been revamped--not an improvement in the mom's opinion, so we've gone back to regular Blogger now. We agree with how you feel about it today!

GJ, it's so amazing that Liam is recovering so well, given the extent of his injuries. We're continuing to send our purrs and universal Light to him and to all his family. We also wish him a happy birthday and hope that next year he gets to celebrate in a MUCH better way.

It's "funny" how your whole life can turn in a split second, isn't it? :-/

Old Kitty said...

Blogger is completely playing up lovely GJ and me and Charlie share and add to your raspberries at Blogger! LOL!!

Awwww but yay!!!! and HOORAHHH!! for brave and wonderful Liam!! Awwww it's brilliant to hear that he is doing so well and is coping so stoically!! What a trouper!!

We continue to send him tons of purrs and prayers!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him too!! Yay!!!!

Take care

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi blogger has been given us a hard time too :(

Happy Birthday to Liam !!!
He sure must be a fighter !!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Birthday, Liam! Go on dreaming about all the good things!

No trouble with Blogger yet but we are bracing ourselves...

The Chans (including Baby Gen-Chan!)

Princess Jasmine said...

We are so pleased to hear Liam is making good progress. We would like to send him birthday wishes and gentle hugs to help him on his road to recovery :)xx

Kari said...

Praise and thanks to God! We're leaking tears of joy for this courageous young man. What a totally great guy he is to think of a benefit for the air ambulance while he is still so sick. That's real heart! Continued prayers and positive thoughts comming his way. if there is a fundraiser, count all of his Cat Blogosphere supporters in. Love to all!

ZOOLATRY said...

Wonderful news! Makes the heart soar and sing ... we are so very happy for all of you.

(yes, blogger's been quite cranky today... all day!)

Sparkle said...

That is amazing news about Liam! He is truly a miracle. We are continuing to purr lots for him here!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so relieved to hear that Liam in continuing to mend. We are sending him healing purrs for a speedy recovery, and our hopes he will be able to go to university as planned.

Blessing to all of you.

Blogger is doing some updating. We couldn't post to our blog for one whole day, the next day when we were able to get in totally new format. Which we thinks we might like better once we learn it. At the moment we are kinda hissy with it.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are glad that Liam is doing better...he has been through so much. God Bless Him.

Blogger is causing problems with us being able to even see pictures but not the comments...yet. It will...it always acts up! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

BeadedTail said...

It's wonderful that Liam is doing so well after all he's been through. It's truly a miracle and we do believe in the power of the paw!

We have had trouble with blogger with those on embedded comments. We usually just pick the Name/URL option on the drop down menu to type in our name and website address and it works. It also works in Google Chrome. We hope Blogger fixes their problems soon!

Mr Puddy said...

Dear GJ,

Liam went through too many !!! and I proud of his brave. Massive Purrs for him to get better everyday.

About Blogger, I found some answers for you. You may try.
1. Clear cache, cookies, and sessions (not just cache or cookies) - then restart the browser.
2. Login to Blogger using "www.blogger.com".
3. Do not check "Remember me"

I think the quick way is Katnip's way ! I heard so many friends done that, and solve the problem. Mom use Chrome too. We Love it ! It's Fast !!!!


The Island Cats said...

GJ, we were having some problems commenting awhile ago. We learned that if we didn't click the "keep me signed in" box, we didn't have a problem then.

We are so happy that Liam is doing better. We continue to purr for his full recovery.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday to Liam! How wonderful he is here to celebrate it with family. WE hope he continues to make good progress.

Blogger was giving us fits today too.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mommy says blogger has been awful and made her say sum bad words. Alot of furriends prolly think we just quit commenting. We didn't get one whole day of updates! But, we are so happy for Liam! Yay! We will continue purring for him as these things take alot of time. Purrs and happy Monday!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so glad that Liam is making progress!


I saw on twitter that blogger had some 503errors which they said they resolved. I think because they just rolled out google+ and are also rebranding blogger and picasa they are doing a lot behind the scenes.
Such encouragement about Liam.

Abby purrs

Chesney Cats said...

Happy Birthday to Liam & thank goodness he is doing so much better!!

We are still purring & purraying that he makes a complete recovery!

We love LUNA said...

Love and lights to sweet Liam, great news dear Jasper!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Carol, my blood ran cold when I read those injuries. I knew it was bad, but not that bad. Thank goodness that Liam has youth on his side and a determination to recover. Bless him.
I can't imagine how awful this must have been for you all as a family. ((((hugs))).

Happy 19th Birthday to Liam. I think surviving and getting well is the best birthday present of all.

Love Jan xx
Milo and Alfie send purrs.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Wow. Amazing. Not much more to say, other than tears are falling here.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are thrilled to hear of Liam's improvements each day. He is still in our daily prayers and thoughts.

Mum was having trouble with leaving comments on blogger so she now uses Firefox instead if Internet Explorer and it's much better.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is wonderful news that Liam is recovering so well from those horrific injuries. We all hope he had as good a birthday as possible in these circumstances. He remains in our thoughts and prayers.

The Lee County Clowder said...

GJ - Blogger was being berry, berry bad Sunday. We tried about four times to post this than gave up.

Purrrrss, purrrayers, and big cheers for Liam. Our Dad winced when he heard about Every rib on left side broken. He had two broken ribs a few years ago, and still rememberz how much that hurt.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


All we khan pal is just WOW!!!

It wasn't his time yet - but unlike woo khats, I'm not sure he'll get eight more chances -

PeeEssWoo: I hope he had some furry special KHAKE!

Just Ducky said...

Wow on the progress Liam is making. That is such good news and amazing that they think he might be well enough to go home and do his therapy as an outpatient.

septembermom said...

I'm so happy to hear that Liam is making such wonderful progress!!