6 July 2011

A few more..............

Hello everyone. I am peeping from under the garden chair here to try and sneak up on the feathers.. I am going to show you a few more of key west because flat me had lots there. mum and dad loved it down there.
They loved the guest house and thought it was really pretty. here I am checking out the comfy bed...

The guest house had a lovely feel and they had two resident kitties. each night when mum and dad came in they were there to greet them...

They both were in the same place each night...

Mum loved this paving mosaic and its meaning is so true...

Posing with mum...

the flutterby house was really lovely and there were some very colourful flutterby's....
I cooled off near this pretty water feature..

Mum and dad had a cooling drink in this place...

Another pretty feature in the flutterby house...

We saw this kitty around with his family a lot. He was so happy in the stroller and didnt mind everyone saying hello. We saw him later climbing into the car with the family when they were going home..

Hope you enjoyed a few more of my US trip pictures...

Liam is going from strength to strength and they are really pleased with him... Hugs to all.. GJ xxx



I was in the US six weeks ago and had a wonderful time. loved the pictures they are excellent.
Pleased to hear about Liam.

Take care all.

Fuzzy Tales said...

A guest house with two resident kitties sounds wonderful! And we especially love that mosaic too, because it is Truth.

Fuzzy Tales said...

P.S. We would say that All Beings are One Family, not just humans!

BeadedTail said...

We really enjoy the photos of your flat GJ and your mum and dad's trip here in the US! We like that mosaic too. We love that first photo of your handsome face GJ!

Old Kitty said...

Flat GJ!!!! You are adorable as a flutterby chair!! Yay!!! Aww Key West looks so fabulous - and your room and hotel were just gorgeous! Awww we love the resident kitties but that amazing kitty on the stroller is just unique!! Yay!

We hope you had a great time under the table beautiful GJ!!!

We continue to purr and pray for lovely Liam.

Take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are so glad that Liam is improving.
The photos are lovely. That sounds like the best sort of guest house with resident kitties to welcome you.

Angel Simba said...

I enjoyed those pics all very much, GJ! You humans seem to have had a great trip to Key West with your flat self.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What a wunderful trip! Looks like Flat GJ did a lot of fun things! I hope you catch your feathers! Purrs for Liam.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We love the photos of your trip and enjoy them very much! Love the resident kitties! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

I love the idea for the cardboard kitty. The ones seen from afar look definitely real :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The Keys is such a pretty place to visit -looks like that was a nice place Mum and Dad stayed. That pretty kitty looks a bit like Artemesia from AFSS.

Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

ZOOLATRY said...

Loverly, loverly. Meow!!

Athena said...

A guest house wif a torbie! Wonderful!

So glad to hear Liam continues to do well.

Mr Puddy said...

I enjoy your mom's trip very much. So much things to see !!!


Sparkle said...

GJ, these photos are seriously making my human want to go to Key West!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love that butterfly you are sitting in! Very cool!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Our mum is really enjoying your Key West pictures! She wants to go there real bad. (((HUGS))) to Liam.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are great GJ, I hear it is such a pretty place! Hooray for Liam and we're all still sending purrs!

The Island Cats said...

How nice that you got to meet some other kitties, GJ.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

loved your photos and LOVE that Liam is doing better and better!

I also loved that quote "One human family" wish more people would learn from that

White Dog Blog said...

Your parents look so happy on their visit! Key West is very lovely but I am glad they are back home with you as I am sure you were missing each other terribly! Sending healing energy still to Liam, glad to hear the Power of the Paw is helping him mend.

Chesney Cats said...

Mama loves the pictures! She went to Florida a squillion years ago but never made it to Key West.

We are sooo furry happy that Liam is getting better!! What wonderful news!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

What a nice hotel "you" and your 2-legged stayed in at Key West !
I just loved that Butterfly bench !!!
I sure would have loved to chase that bootiful blue flutterfly ;-)
I have added me as a folowwer to your blog.
Have a PAWsome thursday :)

We love LUNA said...

What a wonderful trip and you have found beautiful kitties there!
Thanks for sharing

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Lovely pics.

We are so pleased lian continues to improve. We will keep praying and purring for him.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We love the flat GJ tours! They are so funny.

Yay Liam! That's a tough lad.

Admiral Hestorb said...

GJ what an adventure and i loved the photos. oh to have kitties to love on while traveling, mommy said! And a flat GJ to help mom and dad enjoy!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We continue to purray/pray for Liam, and are happy to hear he is fighting.

Great pictures...thanks for sharing them.

Lou Belcher said...

Wonderful pictures of the Key West trip. Those cats in your room were great. What a nice touch... You looked great in all those pics, Flat GJ.

pawhugs, Max

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ we have so enjoyed the pictures taken in Key West!! I bet you and your claws would have thoroughly enjoyed playing with the mosquito netting around the bed.

We will keep purring for Liam.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Hannah and Lucy said...

We were so pleased to hear that Liam is improving - every tiny thing helps in the whole picture.
The guest house with the cat residents looked lovely and flat GJ seemed to fit in just right.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Meowers from Missouri said...

we are so furry happy to hear that young liam is mending, albeit slowly. he'll pick up speed as he goes along, we bet!

an' please thank yer mum fer postin' those delightsome pictures of flat you in key west! our mama was there when a tyke, an' wants furry much to go back someday. it's nice that you all had so much fun!!

Ikaika said...

Loved your pictures and are very happy to hear that Liam continues to improve. Healing purrs continuing ...

Sagira said...

What cute photos! looks like a great time. :)

Kari said...

What a lovely seaside inn! And kitties too! You look so adorable in the butterfly bench. You look as if you face sprouted wings and are ready to fly away. That bench would look perfect in your garden at home, surrounded by all of your lovely garden lights. And our mum is hoing mad over all of the tropical plants!
Isn't the kitty in the stroller just too cute. He kind of looks like one of the cats on the blog Pikku Punapippuri (English kitties living in Finland). Risto! Just the colour on his ear is cute enough but the way he is sitting is even cuter! But never as cute as you. We cannot tell you how happy we are for Liam! We continue to offer prayers for hid recovery and thank God for all the progress he has already made.