30 June 2011

Sadness and international box day.......

Today's post was going to be all about international box day but we needed to ask our friends for prayers too. The last couple of days have been very worrying and that is ongoing as we had some awful news on Monday. Our nephew Liam was involved in a very bad accident on Sunday evening and is in intensive care. Liam was driving with two of his friends when a motorcyclist missed a bend and hit Liam's car head on. The motorcyclist went through the windscreen of Liam's car and pushed the steering wheel into Liam. This has resulted in multiple injuries, many very serious. Liam is a very poorly lad and we would appreciate a little power of the paw.There happened to be in the car traveling behind a paramedic who undoubtedly saved Liam's life,along with the air ambulance getting him to hospital quickly, but there is a long way to go before he is safely out of danger. The motorcyclist sadly lost his life.

The post we had planned is now shortened but we joined in below.. Thank you everyone because we know you will all join in with the power of the paw for us...

Love and hugs to all... GJ xxx


Mack said...

We are saying a special prayer for sweet Liam and his family.


The Kewl~Kitty~Krew said...

We are sending turbo healing purrayers to Laim and hope that he has a full recovery. Our thoughts and puurayers are with him, you, and the rest of his family.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such terrible news... Our hearts go out to Liam and his parents and you. We pray that you all can deal with this challange and keep you all in our thoughts.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

The Monkeys said...

We are definitely sending all our purrs to your nephew, GJ! We purr for good news.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, GJ, Mom and I are so very sorry to hear about the terrible accident Liam was involved in. We pray Liam will recover fully.

Your box graphic is very very nice.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are furry sorry to see about Liam BUT my paws will be khrossed fur his full and speedy rekhovery -

PeeEssWoo: In getting my post together fur IBD, I rekhalled SO fondly the special tail I had stuffed in a box!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no! What a horrible accident all around. We will purr hard.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Oh dear..we are so sorry for Liam and his family. What a horrible accident. Sending lots of purrs and prayers for him.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh GJ, that is so awful. My sisters and I are sending mega purrs and prayers to Liam and we hope the healing comes quickly.

Love you box pics GJ!

BeadedTail said...

We're sending special purrs and prayers to Liam. Hugs to you too!

GJ, we hope you enjoy Box Day!

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear about Liam. We are purring for him and hope he will be okay.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are purring and praying for Liam. Mom is hunting boxes for us so we can play, too!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, we are so sorry to hear about Liam and his family. We will be saying lots of prayers for them. Love, Debbie & Holly

Katnip Lounge said...

We are purring our best for Liam. Please keep us posted.
Love, The Lounge Kitties and Mommy Trish

Lorenza said...

My paws are crossed and my mom is praying for Liam.
We hope everything is going to be ok.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

We will say a prayer and cross our paws for Liam's speedy recovery.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Great International Box Day Pictures.

We are saying purrs and prayers for Liam. We are purring that he makes a full recovery and we are sending comforting purrs to all of Liam's family at this very scary time.

Hugs ~Alasandra & AFSS

GreatGranny said...

It was a blessing that the Paramedic was there on the scene. And yes Liam will be in our prayers. We hope and pray to get a positive update.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Purrayers for Liam, and efurrybody involved. *nosetaps*

Sparkle said...

How awful - I am sending Liam purrs. Please keep us posted.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh GJ we are so so sorry to hear about Liam's accident. We ar esending him tons of healing purrs and prayers, and we are also sending out purrs and prayers for everyone involved. We hope that Liam is healthy again very soon.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. We will be sending up prayers for Liam and the family. Hugs and nose kisses

Ellen Whyte said...

How dreadful. We're purring for you and Liam.


I am so sorry to hear your awful news, My prayers are with all concerned.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are crossing all paws and fingers for Liam and sending many purrs and good vibes.

Mr Puddy said...

I am sending purrs and prayer for Laim. I hope he have the best recovery

Old Kitty said...

Oh GJ! Me and Charlie are horrified to hear of this tragedy. How awful for you and your family! We are purring and praying very hard for Liam and are lighting a candle in our hearts for him, for all of you and for the family of the bereaved. What a horrendous tragedy. We are so sorry. Liam, please hear the power of the paw!!!!! You are much much loved and we all want you to get better!!!

GJ! You are gorgeous in your boxes! Take care

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The mom speaks:

Carol, I am so very sorry to hear such sad news. We will all think positive and pray and purr for Liam to make a speedy recovery. What a terrible and tragic thing to have happened. was anyone else injured?
Our condolances to the motor cyclist's family too ~ such a sudden and tragic death.

Jan x

ZOOLATRY said...

Carol, many prayers for you and for all the family and for Liam.

HH and The Boys said...

I am sending you all the purrs in the world. I know how worried you must be. We will be thinking of you and sending prayers for Liam and to all of you in this difficult time.

pawhugs to all of you, Max

Admiral Hestorb said...

Admiral's mom here. Indeed I will. The power of prayer is awesome.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, GJ, we are so sorry about Liam's terrible accident, for all involved. We're sending our loudest purrs, purrayers and universal Light too, to Liam and all who love him.

You didn't say, but we expect the motorcyclist was killed or certainly also terribly injured, so we're sending purrs to his/her family also.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear GJ. we are so very sorry to read about Liam's horrific accident. Mom and I are sending many prayers to you and your entire family. Thank goodness he rece'd quick onsite triage. The first few minutes are crucial
with love and hugs
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. Prayers for Laim.

Eva & Gracie's Mom

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Oh, no!!!!!!!! We are definitely purraying for Liam!!!!!!!
(Mama loves the name Liam)


Catio Tales said...

Paws are crossed GJ - that's a terrible time for your family.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are so sorry to hear your sad news. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to all of you, and powerful thoughts that Liam makes a good recovery.

Martha said...

We were just dropping by some of our friends and were so sorry to read about the accident.
These things are truly awful - we are thinking of Liam and his family and of course the motorcyclist's family - it is just unbearably sad xxx

Athena said...

Purring hard for Liam. Kit sends his purrs too.

OKcats said...

You look very nice in your box, Mr. GJ, and we will definitely purr for Mr. Liam. We hope that he makes a full and speedy recovery.

Cat Mandu said...

Oh, dear. We are praying for Liam. Give him some hugs for me.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are purring our hearts out for Liam!

you look very cute in that box GJ!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry to hear this GJ and we will say special purrayers for Liam and his family who must be devastated. Our thoughts are with you all and we so hope he will make a full recovery.
We love you all
Luv Hannah, Lucy & mum Sue xx xx xx

Marg said...

Gosh Carol, I am so sorry to hear this news. Lots and lots of purrs coming across the pond to Liam. We are also praying for miracles to happen. We are all crossing our paws for Liam too.
GJ, you are so very handsome in your box. We love that picture. Take care and give Mom and Dad some big cuddles for their sadness.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh no, we are so sorry to hear about Liam. You have our love and purrayers.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sending super loud purrs and prayers to Liam. We hope things turn out okay for him.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, God bless poor Liam. We are so sorry we didn't see this sooner. We have all our paws crossed and Mom will pray for Liam to heal well. Good thoughts to all of your family as well. Please do keep us updated on his progress.

Hugs from all of us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom too

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, GJ, we are purring and praying for Liam, his whole family, and all of you, too.

Kari said...

We are praying very hard for Liam. Such a horrible accident. We thank God that the medic was on the scene and could administer life saving intervention so quickly. We will keep Liam in our prayers throughout the day and all days until he is feeling better. We pray for the repose of the soul of the young man that died.

White Dog Blog said...

Sending powerful White Dog healing energy to Liam and positivity to his family...Power of The Paw is amazing and we know Liam will recover quickly from this tragedy.

GJ, you even manage to make sitting in a box look elegant!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

GJ and your family and Liam. We're so sorry to hear such sad news. We'll keep Liam and his family in our purryers.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

sending prayers to Liam and his family as well ((((hugs))))

Just Ducky said...

Lots of purrs for Liam, what a scary accident and nothing he could do to avoid it. Good for the paramedic and air ambulance.

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh dear. I send my best purrs for Liam.

We love LUNA said...

Dear Jasper,
We are praying and sending lights and love to Liam!

Cat said...

Oh no! We are so sorry to hear this sad news, how awful. We are sending prayers to Liam and hope for his full recovery!!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

GJ, we are sending our strongest purrs and purrayers to Liam ...
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Miss Lizzy said...

Sending prayers, paws, and purrs for a full recovery for Liam.

Forty Paws said...

Oh yes! We are purring and purraying for Liam! Our thoughts and hugs come over the big water to you and your family.

Luf, Us

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear, we're late getting by and had no idea. We are sorry this has happened to Liam and his family.
We send a big hug, purrs and wags.

Anonymous said...

absolutely sending big purrs for Liam.

Clooney said...

We will have Liam in our thoughts and prayers and be sending our biggest and best purrs to him and your family. GJ you are looking so very cute in your boxes, great graphics.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Sending our best, heavy duty healing purrrrrss and comforting purrrrayers to Liam and the whole family.

Sending a gentle headbuttt for the family of that motorcyclist, as well.


Kea said...

Is there any update?

Continued purrs, purrayers and universal Light.

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh my dear friends. I have been where Liam's family is; it is a v.e.r.y. long journey indeed and I sincerely pray with all might for his eventual recovery and peace on his family members during this horrific time.


The Daily Pip said...

Liam and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Your pal, Pip

Cory said...

We are so late getting here...but know that we have joined paws and are purring our most healing purrs for Liam.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Sending more purrs for Liam, we do hope he is improving.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no!!! We are sending our best purrrrs and prayers to your nephew Liam!! And lots of hugs to you GJ, and your Mom & Dad and Liam's family!!
Your TX furiends,

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh noes! We are keeping Liam and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Motor Home Cats said...

We are sending purrs to your nephew and his family. It's so hard on everyone when someone is in intensive care.

Cody and Gracie

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My precious friends...how utterly sad your post is to read. the cozy cottage is purrrring overtime this whole weekend for your dear Liam to regain his body completely...and for the family who lost their loved one in this tragic accident. In the blink of an eye...live are altered furever. Please know how much we care and wish all so well...please eat Jasper!!! Please lick mommies check for us....we love you all so much...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

GJ, it was brave of you to join the Box Day Celebration. But we unnerstand that you are more worried about yers Beins who are injured. Our purrs of healing to them.

lupie said...

We pray that Liam will recover soon.

Chesney Cats said...

We are sending healing purrs & purrayers for Liam to have a complete recovery. We also send up purrayers for all involved in the accident.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are sending our purrs to Liam and purr they help him. We also send purrs to all families.
Purrs Tillie & Georgia

Chrissie said...

I'm purrayin', too, GJ, for your Liam and all the family.

Your friend,

Angus Mhor

Nikita Cat said...

Our thoughts are with you.

Nikita, Elvira, & Daddy Kiril

Willow said...

Oh dear, China Cat and I were so sad to hear about your nephew, Liam. We immediately began sending our healing purrs over to him. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Purrrrrrrrrrrs, Willow

We also really liked your box picture.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Carol - I've been with Deb the past few days and she has been keeping me up-to-date. My prayers are with your family and Liam.

Mom Paula

Meowers from Missouri said...

gj, we are most certainly purrin' heavy-duty fur your nevvy, liam. poor lad. what a blessin' that there was help so near at hand! he an' his fambly is in our purrrayers!

Ikaika said...

Oh dear! We are sending lots of healing purrs to Liam for a full recovery. Our thoughts are with your family.

'Kaika and the Yosemite cats

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We has purrs and headbutts on the way to Liam. Hold strong bean boy, we is all purrin fer yoo!