31 May 2011

Making smiles.....

I always make mum and dad smile when have my cat milk, sometimes I just drink it or other times I like to dip my paw in and just lick my paws. I can drink a whole lot like that and it always makes mum and dad smile..( And Glad I am drinking it too. )

an you see my little dish of ham too. If it gets put in my big dish I don't eat it but if I get a little dish in the front room I eat it..

What....... I am a cat and can have these little foibles...
Mum was going to delete this photo and I wish she had. talk about bad hair day... Have a great day... Hugs GJ xx


Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are great pictures GJ, you never have a bad hair day!!!

The Monkeys said...

You certainly made us smile, GJ!

Admiral Hestorb said...

GJ, my darling boy...I am so PROUD of you for eating your hams and drinking your cat milk..and drinking it any way you please! That is the way of the cat. xoxoxoxo

Cat said...

You look beautiful in all the pictures GJ

Unknown said...

GJ - Yous never has a bad hair day! Good thing yous is eating.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, seeing you do that made me smile too!! You never have a bad hair day...You are beautiful!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Princess Jasmine said...

It's lovely to see you slurping up your milk and munching on your ham. That's a lovely fluffy picture of you, i'm glad your mummy didn't delete it :)xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha - your own version of dunking a bit in the milk:) Phantom is odd like that about dishes too. Some days he will eat his canned food out of a separate bowl, other days he really wants it on the floor, and other days he likes a saucer. For sure, though, don't mix it with his kibble:)

Love your crazy hair day pic:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

OKcats said...

Good job eating and drinking, Mr. GJ! I like to dip my paws and lick the water from them sometimes, too. It doesn't make my mom happy though - especially when I shake my paw and get water on her.

Your friend, Fuzzy

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't think you could ever have a bad hair day! (except maybe that one time when the groomer took off all of your floof! LOL)

Mom Paula

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've khaught up on the news in your recent pawings!

Furry khool all the way around!

Of khourse, I hope Khousin Ben gets to khome visit woo whilst his mum stops by ;-)

AND I guess I need to make sure Mom releases my floof so your mum and dad khan spot in when they are THIS side of The Pond!


Old Kitty said...

Awwww me and Charlie are so glad mum didn't delete that last photo of you gorgeous GJ cos you look just lovely and cute!! Yay!!

Awwwww you are a very clever kitty to drink your milk with your paws!! Yay!!! We are so glad you are eating your ham too! Of course you must have your ham in your special bowl and have your special bowl in your special place!!! Yay!! :-) Take care

Oskar said...

That hair looks great to me. Glad you are eating some, keep it up!

Nubbin wiggles,

BeadedTail said...

GJ, you certainly made us smile! We're happy you are eating your ham and drinking your milk even if you have to do it with little cute quirks! That's what we love about you!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You make us smile, too, WE all have bad hair days. It is just a part of life.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

yes you are right! You are a cat and you can do what you want!
I think your hair looks mahvelous!

Avalon Lion said...

I do the same thing with my paws! And you don't have a bad hair day; you look awesome ;-) Kitty hugz xxxx

Angel Simba said...

GJ, I think your way of drinking your cat milk is great. Who wants to eat the way humans expect us to? That would be boring.

Kari said...

You can eat and drink anyway you want as long as you eat and drink! Our beans have their preferences and we kitties do too! Your mum and dad will have to teach your sitters which bowls you like.
Your little pawsie in the milk is so precious. We love you, dearest.

The Whiskeratti said...

That picture is totally adorable! We're glad we got to see it.

Mr Puddy said...

You never have a bad hair do, GJ
But Human does... Especially when they just wake up : )

Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper,there is no such thing as a bad kitty picture ;) We love ALL your pics!!!!!!!!!
We love that you made your Mom & Dad smile too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Sparkle said...

I only use my paw to eat if I don't really like the food. It never occurred to me to drink anything that way!

Athena said...

GJ, I am so glad to see you are eating up your ham and drinking up your milk wif your cute little paw! Hooray!

m.q said...

it not look like a bad hair day to me GJ!!!

much love;
BoBo Salem & ChaCha

Ellen Whyte said...

Nice paw action, GJ!

The Island Cats said...

Oh GJ! We think you look great in that picture! Very lion-like!!

Lorenza said...

I can understand you make them smile!
sure is pawesome to see you drink your milk and eat your hams!
Kisses and hugs

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, you are the ultimate Human-Player! We salute you, and strive to emulate you...unfortunately, our Mommy is rather dim-witted about our hints.


Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You get hamm AND milk?? I've never had kitty milk. Is it really good? I KNOW how hamm tastes. I had some yesterday!I loves my hamm I does.

White Dog Blog said...

You make us smile, my friend. Personally, I see nothing wrong with have a special spot...I refuse to eat on the kitchen floor....or in the company of the rest of the Army...for me, it is in the living room with momma or not at all!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Of course, GJ! Who needs to be boring and unpredictable?!

The Chans

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

GJ, you're ALWAYS in fashion!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is not a bad hair day! You look extra cute and floofy. We don't like milk, but if mum gives us food we don't like as much, I dip my paw in it to eat it and fling it all over the fridge and freezer.

HH and The Boys said...

Don't care how you do it, just keep eating, GJ... It's good to see that happening.

pawhugs, MaX

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are a very special kitty, GJ.

Shelly drinks the same way!!!!!!! She sticks her paw in and then licks it off her paw!!!!!!!!

We send our love to y'all.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are so happy you are eating, and yes, we cats do it as we please, of course. You are a true sweetie.

Kari in Alaska said...

love the paw technique


Sagira said...

Glad to see you drinking your milk. :)

My kitty sisters like to do that with the water bowl.

Keiko said...

You are soooo cute, GJ, dipping your paw in!!! Our cousin Merlot does that too, to drink his water!!!

Purrrrrrs KQ

formatie nunta said...

You are beautiful, a great cat....i wish to have one like you at my home.