9 April 2011

Weekend blues........

my two good friends Eric and Flynn's mum is a Little under the weather. I send her lots of purrs, hugs and love.... Get well soon jackie xxxx Me.... Mum and dad are in despair and just don't know what to do. When we get the results at beginning of the week and if they show nothing then we will go with steroid injections in the hope they will boost me to start eating. Mum tried food on her fingers and pushing into my mouth. Dad picks me up and puts my nose right to the dish. Its almost as if I just don't like food. I have gone from eating really well and being huge to this. what on earth has happened, mum and dad wish we knew. Two vets wish they knew...O h my cod we all wish we knew..
Love to all my friends and purrs for my friends in need of purrs especially sweet Praline and my bean friend Jackie..... Hugs G xx


Kea said...

You've probably already mentioned this before, GJ, but can you smell? Because of course if you cant' smell for some reason now, you wouldn't be inclined to eat. We know kitties only have about 437 taste buds and rely on smell and texture to be tempted by food.

Just a thought....

Continued purrs, love and Light to you all.

-Fuzzy Tales

Oskar said...

Hmm, I wonder if what Kea said has any possibilities.

We're praying for you buddy,



If hugs could make you well
You'd be better by now.
For we all think the world of you,
Have a lovely Sunday somehow.


Princess Jasmine said...

We really hope you start to feel up to eating really soon. We can understand how worried you must all be. Lots of love xxxx

Danielle said...

I really hope you will start eating more and that the v-e-t can find what is causing you problems!

Cory said...

We are so worried about you GJ...thinking of you everyday and hoping that whatever is bothering you can be figured out. Not knowing is the hardest.

Angel Simba said...

Purring here for Jackie and for YOU, GJ. We wish your Mom and Dad and vets knew what you needed to make you want to eat. Have they tried the appetite stimulant pills like Admiral Hestorb is getting?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

With all the love coming at you, GJ, you just have to get well. We feel so badly for you and your parents. We all know the power of the paw and we sure have our paws crossed for you. Feel better, pal.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pattyskypants said...

Bhu is kinda depurressed that his good furrends are not feeling well!! He wants you to know he would do anything to make you feel better, except he doesn't know what that is. "U can has mai Appetizers!!! Maybe U would laik to eat those!" xxoo Patty and Bhu

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We sure hope the new results show what the problem is!

Sagira said...

We read about E & J's mom and wished her well.

GJ...sure do hope you eat soon. This is very scary. :(

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are there with you every step of the way, GJ. We are keeping all paws crossed that the test results will at last clarify the situation.

The Chans

Lorenza said...

Ginger Jasper!
I always want the weekend to last a lot but this one.... I want it to go faster so you will get your results and then you will know what to do next!
Paws crossed here for you!
Kisses and hugs

Old Kitty said...

Oh GJ. Me and Charlie are so very worried about you. We have everything crossed that you get some concrete results from all your tests. We hope that all possibilities of why you're not eating will be considered. Something has changed inside of you to stop you from eating. Oh dear! Poor sweet GJ!! We are sending you all lots of hugs and purrs.

We are also sending Eric and Flynn's mum lots of healing hugs too! Take care

Kari said...

Hello precious love. We are upset beyond words. We have been begging God to help one of his very finest little creations. We are with you in this, dear Jasper.
I couple of ideas here. Have you tried smelling a bit of catnip to get you stimulated before you are offered food? Not enough to tire you, but just enough to get you a little perked up? Also mum was thinking of the most calorically dense food she could think of. Bacon!! American style bacon, the nice fatty kind, fried to a soft not crisp texture. Even it you ate a bit, the fatty nature of bacon might help you move the bowels.
We think it may be time for the tube feedings to begin. We have done this with 3 of our cats already. Our Colby needed to be tube fed because he refused to eat when I had to board him to fly back and take care of my dad's funeral. Nothing would tempt him. The vet tube fed him each day. The tube did not stay in.
Could your mum call the vet and ask to please start the steroids if they would not be of harm. And/ or appetite stimulants? Maybe we can get them from our vet for you.
We love you beyond belief, sweet boy. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish you knew too. I've been telling everyone about GJ so a lot of people are praying for you.

Please get well!!

Marg said...

I have to agree with Kari. You need to get those steroid shots started. They usually do help. I have an old cat here, that I give steroid pills twice a day and an hour later she eats. GJ, we are saying all kinds of prayers for you too. Maybe on Monday when they have the results,they can give him a shot just to try it. I have given this old cats steroid pills for 4 years now and she hasn't had an adverse results. Keeping our paws crossed.

Unknown said...

Dearest GJ,
!!!! Please eats!!!! Sending purrs and kitty lisses
Your friend Nellie

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with Kari too, why the wait, start those shots now, you've got to eat sweet friend. We send our best purrs to you, Mom Jackie and Sweet Praline.

Daniela said...

My poor sweet friend. My mommy is an RVT and sometimes when her patients wouldn't eat all it took was some SQ fluids to help get that appetite going. I would definitely do whatever your mom and your vet tells you..best wishes.

your friend,

Kari said...

GJ! It's us again! On Pikku Punapippuri's blog today it shows their mum feeding small, whole fish to the kitties. Don't think I've lost my mind here but how about this. Take one of the little fish- cooked, raw or tinned, however you think Jasper would prefer it - tie a little string around the tail of the fish and either dangle it or draw it in front of GJ. Maybe we can appeal to his primal cat instinct to capture and devour prey.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

GJ, you REALLY need to eat! All of us are purring for you to get your appetite back!

BeadedTail said...

Ginger Jasper, our hearts are so sad to hear that you are still not eating. We wish we knew what would work to make you eat. Admiral takes a pill of some sort and it makes her eat so maybe that kind of pill would help you too. We're so worried about you and are sending lots of purrs and crossing paws that you get better as well as your furiends. Love to you and your mum and dad!

Jacqueline said...

We are purring and praying they figure out what to do to help you feel better, sweet boy...We are so concerned...Love to you and your wonderful parents...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We wish we know what was wrong with you, too! we are purring overtime for you, Praline and Jackie!

Anonymous said...

Oh baby,...how about some prawns!

The Chair Speaks said...

A thousand million thanks for sending healing purrs. Cinders is better.

We are sending a thousand million feel good purrs to you, GJ! So please eat, eat!

The Island Cats said...

Oh GJ! We are so worried about you! We hope the vet can figure out what is going on!! We know this isn't a lot of fun, but has your mom tried force feeding you?? Our mom did this with one that came before us. She got some Hills prescription A/D from the vet which is supposed to be really yummy and watered it down and put it in a big eye dropper.

We just want you to eat, GJ!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, GJ, you have just got to eat. Are you unable to smell your food? We are all worried about you. Sending purrs and tail wags to you.

And to Eric & Flynn's mom.

Catsparella said...

Sending lots of love and healing purrs your way, GJ! I hope they can figure out what's wrong soon so you can get better right away xo

Sweet Purrfections said...

Jasper, I'm really purring for you and your mom and dad. When I refused to eat, the vet said as we kitties get older, our sense of smell isn't as good, so mom heats my food for a few seconds in the microwave.

Thanks for the good wishes for me.

Mr Puddy said...

My Sweet GJ, Eat up please !
You got me really worry right now. I'm sending more purrs for you and prayer as well.

Jenner said...

Hmmmm... I wonder if they've thought of vitamin B12 injections? I heard they stimulate the appetite as well. I was hoping for better news when I checked in tonight. It puzzles me that the bloodwork didn't show any decreased kidney or liver function. I was a vet tech for 5 years and wish I had more expertise to offer. I bet your vets are trying as hard as they can to diagnose you, though, and I pray every day that they are able to discover what is bothering you!!!! xoxoxoxoxooxox

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh GJ!!! We are purrring and praying for you everyday!! We hope the results from the Dr. Vet help!
(((((((((HUGGGGSSSSS)))))) from your TX furiends,

Gattina said...

I am feeling with you, it must be horrible, I hope the blood tests will finally reveal what happens. Nothing is worse not to know !

Vicki said...

GJ!! Where have you gone - you are half the floofy cat you used to be. I hope they all figure out what is going on...hugs and purrs to you xxxooo

Karen Jo said...

I hope that your test show some results that can be used to help you. Have your folks tried offering you treats? When Herman was so sick, he would sometimes eat a treat and that made him hungry enough to eat some food.

Catio Tales said...

Oh GJ we know and you know the whole CB is desperate for you to eat. And your Mum and Dad must be so upset - we send our very very best to all of you. We know so many people have offered advice and none of it is helping so much, but just to add our bit: we had muikku - in English whitebait yesterday and that was awesome. Rilli really wolfed it down. And Ă„iti roasts whole chickens for us (we have her trained). She roasts them in a bag until they are really really soft and all the yummy liquid comes out. She then saves the liquid and adds it to the meat and blends it. It is very tasty and also smells quite strong.
Hang on in there good buddy.

Freya's Staff said...

Poor GJ. We really feel your pain, and your mum & Dad's frustration too. Hugs to all of you!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Dear GJ, we wish we had some good advice and hope you eat soon. Purrs.

We are sending love and purrs tp you and yoor mom and dad, Mom Jackie and Sweet Praline ~ and all the sick kits/pups/beans in the CB.

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh GJ, I'm so worried about you. I'm purring hard for you.

HH and The Boys said...

I got great big hugs for you GJ... I hope you find out something from the tests. We all are hoping you'll start gobbling food soon. I'm sending you love and strength, pal.

pawhugs, Max

Hannah and Lucy said...

GJ you are really really worrying everyone with your lack of appetite and you mum and dad asre beside themselves. We can't think of anything else to suggest to make
you feel interested in eating.
We are sending all our purrs and very, very gentle headbutts to you in the hope they will make you feel a tiny bit hingry.
luv Hannah and Lucy - also purrs and kisses to your mum and dad. xx
xx xx

Asta said...

It bweaks my heawt to see you and youw pawents sad..I am pwaying so hawd the vetses can figoowe this out and you get to being youw happy , healthy self again
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Hi Ginger Jasper, I'm so sorry to read about your mysterious illness. I hope the doctors will be able to find out what kind of illness you have. And please eat. Paws are crossed that you get better real soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

GJ, we are so sad that you are still not eating. We hope your vet puts you on the steroids right away to encourage you. We are sending you purrs.

Just Ducky said...

GJ you are so thoughtful to think of Eric and Flynn's mum when you are feeling so poorly. We keep sending our purrs and purrayers to you and your family.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, we continue to pray for you and your friends too. I saw a message at the beginning from Kea about your ability to smell.....that is a question I have also. I cannot smell anything which has made me not want to eat....because everything tastes like cardboard. That's a good question for the vet. We hope and pray that you start to eat and get much better! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Meowers from Missouri said...

how are you today, dear ginger j?? we purrs fur you!