30 April 2011

Visit and updates....Remembering friends....

Hello everyone, as you know we have had visitors for the last three days and these visitors have been our good friend's Eric and Flynn's mum and dad Jackie and Ivor. They have had a good time and the visit has helped Jackie relax a little before her surgery. Mum and dad took them to see Haworth and York and they went out in the evening for some good food, drinks and laughter. They did though all give me lots of love and cuddles too.I will show you some pictures of the visit. They are all jumbled up because mum mixed them up when putting them on. Sheesh...

First though we are joining in this weekend in remembering our furrends that have left us for the rainbow bridge in a weekend of remembrance. Friends : Kashim, Othello and Salome are hosting this and have all the details on their blog.

I remember all our furrends that have left us for the bridge and especially Sweet Praline who left so recently... Remembering all who are suffering in the USA with the terrible weather. All who suffered so terrible in the earthquakes. There are far too many names to remember individually so I light a candle for all..

I enjoyed the visit and all the attention...here I am guarding the plague rat that they bought for me. I got a bag full of goodies as well..

In Haworth this laid back kitty was happy to have his photo taken and was obviously so used to a lot of people ...His name was Billie..

The people asked for donates to take pictures and it was all for a local cat shelter so of course the mums and dads were happy to do that..

Jackie gave him ear skritches but he didn't wake up..

Here I am getting ear skritches from both dad and Ivor...

In Haworth...

I had to pose for lots of photo's and I humoured them...

Mum and Jackie were pleased with this one because I leaned right in to Jackie and gave her some purrs...

They put Ivor in the stocks in York...

More cuddles....

Still more....

They had fun and games putting the camera on the timer and trying to get me to cooperate for a group picture..

Another at Haworth...

The mums tossed the dads in prison at York..

This very old outside toilet made them smile and the mums tested it out for size..

There were lots of baby feathers at york all being watched over by proud parents who hissed when the beans got too close..

More fun in the York castle museum..

More baby feathers..

Now for an update on me... I have been eating... Not back to normal but eating on my own. Mum and dad got some small tins of Stinky goodness in a pate form and I ate it during the course of the day. When they came in and saw my empty dish there was cheers from all. Eric and Flynn's mum brought me treats and I ate some of those each day too. They are really hoping that this is the real turning point now. When the mums and dads got up on a morning I was asking for food, so another good sign,. I eat small amounts but go back to it on my own.

We had a really lovely visit from Eric and Flynn's mum and it did all of us some good. Come back soon and see us.

Mum will catch up when she can... Love and hugs to all.. GJ xxxx



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It looks like all the humans are having a great visit, GJ. And how fortunate for you to be getting even more attention from your guests. They really do love you too. So good to hear you ate better - keep turning that corner and there is no going back, no U-turns allowed.

Have a great weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Katnip Lounge said...

We are so pleased you all had a good time togather! Mommy had a good laugh at the "Dads" in the jail, we can't understand why...

GJ we're glad you are eating on your own and you were a spectacular host. Mommy is jealous of the bean's trip; she is gaga about Richard II.

Catio Tales said...

GJ that's the bestest news you are eating! We are so pleased. And we hope all the cuddles and healing purrs help Eric and Flynn's mum too.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh GJ, I am SO pleased that you are eating on your own. I am too now, but because mommy can get the steroid pills into me. YOU look gorgeous and handsome and you were such a good host to your mom and Dad's friends. What a good boy you are. I love my Plague ratsie too. xoxoxoxo

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The photos are just wonderful ~ it is so good to see your beans and Eric and Flynn's beans, all enjoying themselves.
And we are THRILLED that you are eating GJ ~ well done. Purrs.


I am so pleased you have had a good time and that you have started to eat.

Enjoy your week=end.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Looks like so much fun with all of you there. Sending lots of purrs for Jackie. So glad you are doing better too GJ!

Oskar said...

You are one handsome devil and all of those humans are so lucky to have you to love on!

Nubbin wiggles,

Angel Simba said...

That looks like a really nice time was had by all, even you GJ! We hope your good eating will continue. I think the remembrance day is a wonderful idea.

Cory said...

GJ...seeing you snuggling with everyone makes us purr! We are thrilled you are eating on your own.

Marg said...

Wow, that sure is all good news. We are so excited to hear that you are eating Mr. GJ. And the pictures of all of you are just terrific. We sure will keep Jackie in our prayers.
So keep up the good work GJ and keep the eating going on. Take care.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are delighted that you had a good time with Eric and Flynn's mum and dad - we bet having a snuggle with you made Jackie feel much better. Mum laughed at the dads in jail and wondered if you threw rotten fruit at them!!
GJ we are so pleased you are eating bits and pieces on your own and some treats too. Keep it up and your mum and dad will have grins from ear to ear.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

So glad you all had such a good time. And very happy you have started eating more and on your own. Yeah! Keep it up.

Kari said...

You're eating! You're eating! How wonderful! The visit is just what everyone needed, including you. It is so wonderful to see the beans put aside their cares and just have fun! And all that attention for you. Delightful.

Why, you look wonderful, dear. And you got a plague ratsie! They're just so wonderful! The Rolls Royce of cat toys!
We are remembering with love and joy all of the great kitties, both family and friends, who have enriched our lives immeasurably over the years. They live on in our hearts. And we remember, too, all of the kitties that were euthanized because there were no homes for them. We will never allow ourselves to ever forget them. Prayers for all.

Kea said...

GJ, we're so happy the beans have had such a great time! We're continuing to purr and purray for Jackie and for you too -- it's good news that you're eating more! Yay! Paws crossed that this time you really have turned the corner.

We have our candle lit this weekend too, in memory of all who have crossed--especially Annie and Chumley.

-Fuzzy Tales

Sparkle said...

It sounds like the visit from Eric and Flynn's humans did everyone good, GJ! I am so happy to hear that you are eating again! Paws crossed that you continue to eat!

BeadedTail said...

Your visitors looked like they had a great time with your mum and dad and especially with you GJ! Our mommy so wishes she could cuddle with you too! We're so glad you are eating on your own too! That is the bestest news of all!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our favourite bit of this lovely post was the last paragraph! W are so happy that you are eating GJ! Now for regaining your strength!

What a lovely time you all had together!

The Chans

Old Kitty said...

WOW!!!! What a wonderful post!! It's so great to see lovely Jackie and Ivor - Eric and Flynn's mum and dad!! Yay!! Awww York and Haworth!!! I went to Howarth in around 1995 or 1996? - around that time as my friend was at Bradford Uni. I loved Howarth!! But there wasn't a little Billie to say hello too then! Awwww!! Me and Charlie are so pleased to see him and doing such a brilliant job for charity too! Yay!
York is beautiful!!! One of my all time favourite cities!! And such a great place for stocks and outside loos! LOL!!! We're glad your mum and Jackie got the dads out of jail! LOL!!! Great to see that you all had such fun!!

Awww sweet and beautiful GJ!!! We are beyond happy that you are eating!! You are doing such a great job being the perfect host too! You are so floofy and gorgeous!!

Are those greylag geese? Maybe not - but they're lovely!!! Awww the little baby geese are so gorgeous!! Yay!!

The candles all lit are such a lovely way to remember all our angel furriends!! Take care, GJ!!

Team Tabby said...

Having a visit from Eric and Flynn's beans must have been just what you needed, GJ, since you have started to eat again! We loved all those pictures of the beans having a great time in York and it seems the weather was decent as well.

Keep eating!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

GJ, I enjoyed the pictures of all of you. How exciting that you got to see Eric & Flynn's mum, too and you could all get together and have a good time. I especially liked the pic of all of you on the sofa.

I'm glad you didn't get put into the stocks!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thanks for sharing those great pictures!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a wonderful update GJ and the pictures were great! I could sure tell everyone had a great time. And I'm so happy you've been eating, that's the best news! We have our candle lit and our memories warm.

Mr Puddy said...

This update gave me a lots of smile : )
Me and mom are so glad you have a brilliant time and You are eating, GJ !!!!!!!
Big Hug

The Island Cats said...

Your humans look like they are all having so much fun! Our mom visited York when she was in England a few years ago and she said it was one of her favorite places!

GJ, we think Eric & Flynn's mum brought some luck with her since you are eating a little better. Keep it up!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I am glad to hear that you are eating some! What a wonderful visit that the Mum's had and the Dads too!

And of course feathers are always interesting!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo should have charged by the pikh!

Thanks fur sharing your visitors with us!

PeeEssWoo: Of khourse we like where they went!

Unknown said...

GJ - You look so contented! It was so cool yous gets to visit with Eric and Flynn's Mommy and Daddy! Mommy kept squealing when me was looking at the pictures and grabbing my iPad to show Daddy the pictures. Mommy's Daddy is from england and she was in York for a family reunion a zillion years ago.
Anyway, Kisses and purrayers to both yous and Eric and Flynn's Mommy. Me will not stop purraying for yous both!
Kisses and head butts

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so glad you has a good visit and Jackie was able to relax. WE are so happy to hear that you are eating better.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you guys had such a nice visit. GJ you look so good and healthy.

Purrs & Prayers still with you baby boy.
We Love You

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, what a fun post!! It was a very nice tribute too! We love the pictures and are so very happy to hear that you are eating on your own....such great news!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

What a great visit, and so nice for Jackie before she faces her upcoming health issues. GJ, glad you are beginning to eat on your own. Keep it up, handsome boy.

Gattina said...

It seems that your mum and dad had a great time with your visitors and I am so happy to hear that you are eating again. That's real good news !
I will meet a blogfriend from Sidney today, she especially came to London for the wedding and then she wanted to experience the Eurostar and I will show her a little of Brussels before she goes back to London.It takes less than two hours !

fambly kittens said...

GJ, you just munching and lunching on everything your momma and dadda put on a plate for you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Our mum and dad have been telling us all about their visit and how lovely you are. We were a little bit jealous when we saw all the cuddles you were getting, but we don't really mind now we have got them back again. They said they had the very best time with your mum and dad.

Meowers from Missouri said...

what a lovely time you all had!! we are so glad that you folk are near nuff to miss jackie an' mr ivor for a visit.

we is still purrin' that you haff turned the corner, so to speak, an' will continue to eat on yer own.

blessin's on you an' yours, furriends!

--the meowers

Jenner said...

What beautiful photos! It looks like everyone had a terrific and fun visit and you got lots of loving!! Keep up the eating, Jasper! xoxo