20 April 2011

A very mixed day....

Today has been a very mixed day. Firstly we found out last night that our friends Eric and Flynn's mum is sick and has to have an operation. We are so sad at this news and send so much love and purrs to them as they fight this. I know that their mum will beat this because she has the power of the paw behind her and that is mighty powerful. we are right behind you Jackie and send so much love. You can send some too by visiting here: Eric and Flynn

Then we got a surprise visit from the beans which brought a little cheer to us, although they are into everything and my toys were all over the place. Dad even had to mend my turbo track. I went in the yard but they were right behind me..
Nicholas bean was saying come down Jasper...

Leon bean was wanting to stroke me... I wanted to play smacky paw...

They were playing hide and seek with the clean washing mol......

Look at Nicholas smile...

Before they came mum and dad went to see the vet, they left me at home so as not to stress me up again. the vet asked how I was doing and they said I am eating some things and drinking milk. Not as much as I should but eating none the less. The vet said to carry on with tempting and coaxing and to see how I go. They are optimistic that all will be well eventually, so all in all a very mixed day of sadness, happiness and optimism.. Love to you all.. GJ xxx


Admiral Hestorb said...

Much love GJ and keep on eating please. Those little beans do upset us when they visit but, our mom's and dad's love them too, MOL.

Eat, sweet boy. Mom and I think of you each and every day.


Kari in Alaska said...

keep on eating!


Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad you are eating some GJ, now, have just a little bit more! We're all purring for Eric and Flynn's Mom too, we are all going to cheer her on so she can beat this thing!!!

Team Tabby said...

We are still sending our purrs to you GJ, good to hear you are still eating, keep it up. Your tiny beans are very cute and you are obviously a big hit with them!

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Cat said...

Sending you love and purrs GJ that you will be better soon!!!

The Monkeys said...

We didn't hear the latest news about Eric and Flynn's Mum needing surgery, but we'll increase our purrs for her! We hope she is okay.

We are still purring for you to eat more, dear friend.

HH and The Boys said...

GJ... have been thinking and purring about you all day. Glad you are still eating. Keep at it, pal. I know you'll beat this. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

pawhugs, Max

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a nice surprise. The little beans look so happy there with Mum - bet she was happy to see them even if they did make a mess:) That's what little beans do.

Paws crossed for you and for your furiends Mum too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi GJ. We were so sad to read about Eric and Flynn's mom and went and sent her tons of purrs and prayers!

We are glad you had some happy visitors - they are little cuties!

And we think it is great you are eating even if it isn't quite as much as it should be - it takes time to build the appetite back up. We are sending you keep eating purrs and prayers too!

ButterBean said...

Been thinking about you - good to hear your still eating .. eat more :)

Marg said...

We were so sad to hear about Jackie too but the power of Purrs really does work, so we all just need to purr like crazy. Like GJ said, she will fight this new thing and will win the battle. Just have to go day by day.
Now GJ, you need to keep up the eating of fuds. We are sending you tons of purrs and prayers. Take care.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

GJ, human kittens are even bigger troublemakers than kitty kittens! I can't say I blame you for wanting to play smackypaw.

I'm very concerned too about Eric and Flynn's human and am purring lots for her.

The Island Cats said...

We hope you continue to eat a little more each day, GJ!

We are purring very hard for Eric and Flynn's mom and we hope she will be okay.

BeadedTail said...

That is a very mixed day GJ. We're purring for your furiend's mom and we hope you continue to keep eating and feeling better too.

The little beans are cute and we bet they enjoyed playing smackypaw with you! That's a cute picture of them with your mum!

Kea said...

We're purring hard for Jackie, GJ, and for you. We're glad you're eating a bit, want to see you eat normally again.

Your little sticky beans look cute, but we think we prefer any little bean in photos, not in real life. :-P

-Fuzzy Tales

Katnip Lounge said...

We think your Mum is looking well and the sticky beans are cute. (but frightening!)

Good for you that you are eating a little more, we are purring for you every day.

We and Mommy are furry upset about Jackie, we are praying and purring hard for her to be well, soon.

Oskar said...

Great job on eating GJ, I will head on over to lend my POTP to your friends!

Nubbin wiggles,

Sweet Purrfections said...

I know your mom was very happy to see the little beans!

Continued purrs that you will continue eating. I'm not eating as much lately and my mom is still worried.

Mr Puddy said...

I do think the same way as Katnip Lounge, The little beans look cute but scared me in some way.

GJ, Purrs for you more and more to keep you eating sweatheart.

And Me and my mom do prayer and purring for Mommy Jackie to beat her evil


Sagira said...

That sure is a day filled with emotion for sure.

I sure hope E and F's mom will be okay. Wishing her well.

The beans are adorable.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautiful and fantastic GJ!! Me and Charlie are so happy that you continue to eat! You are looking really lovely here especially surrounded by the amazing beans, Leon and Nicholas! They are just gorgeous!!!! Awwww!! Great to see your mum too! Yay! What a brilliant visit!!

We've just popped over to sweet Eric and Flynn's blog to wish their mum Jackie, well and to leave her purrs and prayers.

Take care and please please keep eating your yummy prawns and drinking your scrummy milk, GJ!!! x

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

There has been an awful lot of sadness around recently, so, GJ, we're counting on you to be one of the stories with a happy ending!

The Chans

PS: THose baby beans look terrifying!!!


I am happy for you as you continue to eat a little but sad for your friends, I hope the op goes well.

Danielle said...

We are sad too that Eric and Flynn's mom is sick, but we are glad that you are eating better, GJ!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Keep eating GJ...we know you can do it! Please!! Your little beans are really cute! We pray for your friend's mum and hope the operation goes fast and fine. BTW...we love that little ceramic doggie in your garden....it is very cute!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Jacqueline said...

Keep eating and feel better every single day, sweet boy=we love you and are still purring loudly for you, precious friend...Kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ what a lovely message to Eric and Flynn's Mom!!! We've been planting purrs and prayers all over our garden too especially under the hummingbird feeder. Those little strong and determined birds will pass on lots of their strength and determination to Ms. Jackie.

Oh my cats you have very handsome little beans!!! I don't have any beans but I expect they must have very fast fingers.
Hugs Madi

My Mind's Eye said...

PS GJ we are so thrilled to hear you are eating a little better.
Please keep up the good work!!
Hugs M&M

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew
I was sad to heaw about Ewic and Flynn's Mum too and sent some love.
Nicholas and Leo bean awe adowabull and I'm suwe they helped put a smile on evewyone's faces.Now as fow you GJ
I am still vewy optomistic and cwossing my paws that you eat and eat and dwink and get all the way well.
I love you
smoochie kisses

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, we were so sorry to hear about Jackie's bad news, and have already visited and left a hopefully encouraging message.

What a lovely surprise to have your grandbeans arrive for a visit! Of course, GJ doesn't look too sure about them, but I'm sure it cheers you up.

I hope GJ keeps improving on his new diet, too.

Ellen Whyte said...

Keep chowing it down, GJ. We see you're in a good mood, and that is a good thing.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What khuties!!!

Thanks fur sharing ALL the smiles!


White Dog Blog said...

We are sending White Dog healing energy and strength that your friends, Eric and Flynn's mom gets through what she is facing. She is encircled by the Power of the Paw with all its awesome positivity.

Please continue to eat, GJ! We are wooing that you are coming out of the woods and will be healthy again in no time!

Margaret said...

My secretary has been out of town, but she's back now. I love the picture of you with your Dad. (I think you just love to be picked up..haha..me neither.) Those Turbo Tracks sure are flimsy, aren't they?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Those bean boys are precious! But we know how they torture a cat who doesn't stay out of reach. We hope you keep eating, GJ, and get over whatever this is. We are thinking about you and also lots about Eric and Flynn's mum Jackie.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope those bean boys did not stress you out. Keep on eating!

Cory said...

Keep on eating GJ!

We too are purring very loudly for Eric and Flynn's mom.

The Florida Furkids said...

Keep up the good work with the noms!! We're purring for Eric and Flynn's Mo too.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Kari said...

It was very upsetting to hear about Eric and Flynn's wonderful mum. We have praying and purring very hard for her. You're right, Jasper, she will beat this.

Look how happy your mum is when the little beans are near! We cats, on the other hand, can find baby beans so trying. Especially when we aren't feeling our finest!

It means so much to us that you are trying to eat! That's all you need to do: try your best. It's hard to get back to full meals after you are sick. Eating lots of small meals is is just perfect. Less taxing on the digestion. Hopefully, it won't be long before you have regained the weight you lost.
We love you dear. Kisses and hugs!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We know how yoo feel. We are sad abowt you GJ, and Jackie ... and yet optimistic that you will both recover fully. We are happy that the power of the paw is helping you both.

The little beans are growing so fast and look utterly adorable. They made us smile.


Angel Simba said...

Jackie WILL get well, and you WILL eat more. It just has to be. Those kiddos are super cute boys.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Do try to eat a little bite more each day GJ so you don't have to go v-e-t visiting.
Your little beans look furry cute -and we were glad to see you sitting on the wall out of reach!
We were so sorry about Eric and Flynn's mum but we know with all the CB's purrs, wuffs, and love she will get better and beat the evil C.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Unknown said...

Your little beans is sweet. Our little beans is growed bigger and lives a long way a way so we don't see them much. Me is happy yous is eating. Keeps up the good work and try little mores everyday!

KarenMcG said...

"The Boys" and I are encouraged by your news from the vet, GJ. And we're glad to know you're still getting some nourishment in you.

But about those beans...cute as a button they are. Even if they do tend to cause a little ruckus there.

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm enchanted by that last picture, your mommy and the cute babies!Thanks for sharing!
And We are also sad about the news, and sending purrs and prayers for the lovely mommy of Eric and Flynn.

*** my beans are going out for some days,so...see you next week okay!
purrs and Happy Easter

Jenner said...

The babies are adorable! Friend loves to play swatty paw, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts for our mum GJ. We are trying to keep her and dad's spirits up and we succeeded in making them laugh this morning. Watch out for our post tomorrow!
We are glad to hear you are still eating and hope you continue to eat more each day. If you don't we will send our Beans up to have words with you!
The GrandBeans are very cute.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that you are feeling better! Do not stop eating!! We are sad about Eric and Flynn's mom. We will be purring and praying for her.