26 April 2011

Time out....

Hello everyone, I may not be around for a couple days because we are having visitors to come stay with us. Our visitors are Eric and Flynn's mum and dad. Their dad wanted to take their mum away for a little while to rest up before her surgery and he is bringing her here to us. Mum and dad are going to take them to see the sights around and will I think be too busy to blog. So don't worry and I will see you soon.

Mum didn't want to go without letting you know how I am going. I am getting the medicine and am eating a little with dad's help. Thank you so much for all your loving comments as they mean so much.

I will be going to my friends Milo and Alfie's on Friday because they are having a party for the royal wedding, so if not before see you then. Hugs GJ xx


Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, we know you will take good care of E & F's Mum and Dad...enjoy your time with them! And can you purr on their Mum for us? We are worried and purring hard for her.

Oh, and YOU keep eating!

Brian's Home Blog said...

How exciting to see Eric & Flynn's Mum. Tell them what you want to eat and I'm sure they will get it for you. See you soon pal!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We so hope when you come back, GJ, that you will be feeling just fantastic. Hope Mum and Dad have a great visit with Eric and Flynn's humans.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Marg said...

We are glad that Eric and Flynn's Mom and Dad are coming to see all you. Maybe everyone can cheer everyone else up and make you all better GJ. Glad to hear that you are eating a little bit. Please give that Jackie a big Purr for us GJ. And for heavens sake, keep eating. Take care. See you Friday

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Enjoy YOUR visitors!

I know Mom and I SO enjoyed having The Nice Vicky Lady here!

BTW, my word is a hint of some human fun: PUBST ;-)

PeeEssWoo: Keep up the great work!

Deborah said...

Hi GJ, Have a nice rest and have fun at the royal wedding!

Sagira said...

That sounds like so much fun. Have a great time with your company!

A few Good Cats said...

We hope the visit from Eric and Flynn's mum (and dad) will do both of you good. Have a great time together!

Princess Jasmine said...

I hope they all make a big fuss of you, you deserve it :)xx

Asta said...

I hope you have a wondewful visit.
I am thinking of E&F's Mum and pwaying that she will be all wight. Pleez tell hew.
I will miss you, but hope the visit bwings you good appetite
I love you
smoochie kisses

Kea said...

We hope the beans have a wonderful time together (we're sure they will!) and we're sending continued purrs to you and to Jackie.

*Kitty kisses* and hugs.

-Fuzzy Tales


Enjoy your visitors GJ, and I hope all is going well with you.

Kas said...

Sorry to hear you have not been well, I hope you have fun with the extra people there.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww beautiful and lovely GJ!!! Me and Charlie are so happy to hear you are eating! Yay for mum and dad! We hope the medications are working now!! Please please keep on eating GJ!!

It's lovely that Eric and Flynn's mum and dad are coming over -that's just so nice - especialy for their mum!! Yay!

Enjoy the wedding with Milo and Alfie!! We do hope it doesn't rain!! Oh dear!!! But it'll be a great day, nonetheless! Take care

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, that sounds like fun for all the humans. Too bad you can't go too. All that sightseeing might give you an appetite.

It's really great your folks and Eric & Flynn's are getting together. How nice of their dad to do this for their mom.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Right then, GJ. You'll keep on eating, then? PROMISE???

#1 has a friend coming over Friday morning and they plan to plonk themselves down in front of the TV whilst we are at milo and Alfie's.

The Chans


Enjoy your visit with Eric and Flynn's Mom and Dad. We are glad to hear you are eating and we know your Mom and Dad are happy about that too.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Angel Simba said...

How very nice that Eric and Flynn's humans are comign for a visit. All the best to everybody.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Honey, fanks you for telling us so we wouldn't worry. xoxoxo

Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper, it is wonderful the Eric & Flynn's Mom and Day will relax at your place!! It will do them some good!! You too we hope :) Please give them a hug for us!!
We are sending purrs to you and we hope you feel better!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

BeadedTail said...

We hope your mum and dad have fun with Eric and Flynn's mum! We bet it'll be a great time for all!

We're glad you're eating some GJ and we are purring you continue to do so!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

How wonderful you will get to visit with Eric and Flynn's mum! We bet they can get you to eat!

We are getting up at 3am Friday morning to watch the Royal Wedding. We hope you don't think we Americans are a little silly for doing so.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I am hoping that with the arrival of Eric and Flynn's Mommy that maybe you will want to eat. I am happy that you are eating at least a little with your Daddy's help.
Enjoy your visit, please give Eric & Flynn's Mommy a HUGE hug from us, also a HUGE hug to you and your Mommy and Daddy.
I am getting up at 4am Friday because I wouldn't miss the Royal Wedding for the world!!!! I remember watching Charles & Diana's and I am praying for a much better outcome for William and Kate

Daniela said...

Oh how exciting. I hope you have a nice visit. I will miss you. I'm so glad that you are eating a little bit. Keep up the good work


m.q said...

GJ, take care yourself ok. i'll wait for more stories when u come back..

Shawn said...

We are so happy you will be visiting with E&F's Mum and Dad! Take care and keep up the good work eating!
Do you have your fancy Dud's ready for the Royal Wedding?

Chloe and Cecil

Sweet Purrfections said...

Enjoy your visit with Eric and Flynn's mom and take care of yourself.

Mom Paula

Kari said...

How wonderful for you to have Eric and Flynn' s parents visit. Your parents will have such a good time. All of the beans have been through so much lately. They all need some relaxation and fun. We know you will be the most wonderful boy in the world and demonstrate how perfectly you can eat. Everyone will be so proud of you! We wish we lived closer. Mum would love to be able to take care of you. Prayers for you, dear.

The Island Cats said...

Hi GJ, we hope you have a good time with Eric and Flynn's mum and dad. We hope the visit helps their mum. Give her a headbutt from us, okay??

And you keep eating!! We want you to be well. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope your dad continues to get you to eat.

We Love You

White Dog Blog said...

Hope everyone gets the chance to de-stress and relax! Keep on eating, my friend.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will be sure to look for you at Milo & Alfie's Friday.

We think it is great Eric & Flynn's parents are coming for a visit. We knows the beans will all have a good time.

More healing purrs for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us know so we don't worry, GJ. Have fun with Eric and Flynn's mum and dad. And be sure to eat something while they're there, okay? My paws are still crossed for you to feel all the way better soon!

Wiggles & Wags,

RoySr said...

GJ, I'm hoping the visit will be good for all concerned. You just make sure you eat regularly, and give our love to all the beans and the kitties and other little ones.

The best to one and all.

Lisa, Roy, and the 6 Mouskateers of 5 Oaks Manor.

Cat said...

We hope all of you have a nice time together and a happy visit! Give our best to Eric and Flynn's mum and dad and GJ you be a good kitty and keep on eating :-)

GreatGranny said...

Sweet Ginger, I hope you'll continue eating. Enjoy your company, sounds like fun.We hope E&F's Mom will be ok.
xoxo Kassey and her Mom

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Enjoy your company and maybe you will eat for them!

Mr Puddy said...

That's fantastic to meet Eric & Flynn's Mum. And GJ , I hope you do eat more GJ.
See You when you get back. I'm always be here for you : )

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

That is so nice of your humans to host a visit with Eric and Flynn's humans! I am sure they will all have a lovely time! You will have to tell us all about it when you get back to blogging! (And I hope by then you are eating better!!)

Jenner said...

I'll miss your posts but enjoy your visitors and we expect to read a full report when you have time again. xxooxo

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Have a great visit! Keep eating as best you can.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We hope yoo are all having a great time together. Love to yoo all.

Keep eating GJ, and purrs for yoo and Jackie.

See yoo Friday. xx

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

dearest Jasper! how wonderful your mum and dad are to host Eric and Flynn's beans! That is so sweet! We wish we could come and visit also...it would be such a grand time. We wish their mum all the best on her surgery and a quick recovery.
We hope you get loved on lots and are encouraged to eat tasty morsels...that is our biggest wish for you sweet boy. We will see you soon...enjoy your time together...

The WriggleButts said...

Hope you guys have fun, and that you feel better soon GJ!

KarenMcG said...

Well, GJ, sounds like you and your family are going to be really busy what with the guests and visiting trips and all.

Glad to know you are eating a little bit. Every little bit helps.

And a wedding party. What fun.

Kari said...

Hello sweetheart! Are you excited about guests coming? Just think of all of the loving attention you'll be getting. And with all of that love surrounding you, you'll eat like a champion! Kisses and prayers..

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Have lots of fun with your company!! GJ, keep eating and we will see you soon!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Danielle said...

We hope you have a good time with Eric and Flynns humans!

PS Keep on eating, GJ!

Unknown said...

Rock on GJ and don't pawty to hawty!

Cory said...

Please give Eric and Flynn's mom and dad big purrs and nose kissies from us, ok?

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

How furry exciting.
We are also purring furry hard for Eric & Flynn's Mum.
And I'll bet they haf a grrreat visit.
And please, GJ, please eat!
Love & Purrs,

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Jasper,
I know this trip will be good for the mommy of our friends Eric and Flynn.Your mommy and dad are adorable!
I'm sending love and purrs to you all.
My beans were out visiting Italy and they just came back last night. I'm here always thinking of you!
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mommy Léia

Anonymous said...

We are keeping you close to our ♥. Please eat and get well soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi GJ we you your peeps and E&F's peeps are having a fine visit!
Hugs all around,
Madi and Mom

TwoSpecialWires said...

How nice that you will all be able to share some time with Eric and Flynn's mum and dad ... and then partying during the wedding with Milo and Alfie. We hope all that special and fun activity will help to increase your appetite! We'd been wondering what you'd be doing on Friday ... and now we know. Hopefully they'll have prawns in the canapes!

Enjoy. And keep nibbling away at that food!
Jake and Fergi

Jacqueline said...

GJ, we hope you keep eating and get better soon sweetie...Please give Eric and Glynn's Mum and Dad lots of headbutts and kisses from us=we are praying for both you and wonderful Jackie to get well asap...Sending love and hugs to all of you...Calle, Halle, Sukki