I am joining in with wordy Wednesday challenge and am proud to be a part of it My word is Love - Lishious ....
Because mum says..... I am so... full of love and deliciously soft......
What fun to play.. Thank you so much Ann and Judi for the hard work involved and to Ann Maggie and Zoey of Zoolatry for my simply gorgeous picture.... GJ xxxxVisit and leave your link if you are joining in.
That is a gorgeous picture, and oh my, yes, that's you fur sure GJ!
That is a great picture GJ, and yes, we agree that you look full of love and very soft and cuddly.
I'll second that word for you GJ!
Yup, you're a lovely softie, GJ.
That is just purrfect for you, GJ. Love your word, love your graphic, love you too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Absolutly You, Sweet GJ : )
Sweet Ginger, you are everything Mom says you are.
Oh GJ! That's the purrfect word for you!!
GJ, what a beautiful picture of you! We love the header very much too! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Love - Lishious describes you perfectly!
And you are, darling boy! And you are. Love-lishious!
Your new header is so lovely. The colour green suits you perfectly. We hope you will have lots of fun for St. Patricks day. With all the sad things happening in the world, we think that people will may want to celebrate to lift their spirits.
Such a creative and purrfect word for you GJ! Mom says I have to be patient and wait 2 more hours before my word is posted. Sigh.
That's a super picture! Love-Lishious is purrfect for you!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Love-Lishous, indeed you are, Our furriend!
Beautiful graphic!
Good job, Ginger Jasper!
Sure you are lishious!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
You make my tastebuds tickle, GJ! :)
Sending lotsaluv
That's a very graceful soft and gentle wordy post, GJ~!
Big hugs!
Lovely picture Ginger Jasper and thanks for visiting me and the lovely comment,
GJ. we couldn't agree more. Smoochies to the sweetest boy!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Wonderful and ever so fabulous GJ!!! You are sublimely love-liscious !! What a brilliant pic of you!! Yay for Ann and Judi!! Take care
What a fun, purrfect post, handsome GJ!...We adore you, sweetie; have a great day, precious friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a great word to describe your wonderfulness, GJ!
That is a super picture. And GJ you sure are love delicious. We love seeing pictures of you. Hope you have a super day.
That suits you to a "T," GJ! Purrfect!
-Nicki and Derry
Gorgeous picture is right! Love how you and the drink just seem to go together color-wise.
What a great picture!!
How's our favorite man-cat doing today - sorry we haven't been around much but our secretary has been slacking off!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Hi GJ, that IS a great word to describe you :-)
Is that a ginger peach shake?? Ooooo, YUM! Oh, GJ, I would love to give you a great, big hug and pet your luxurious furs and have a love-lishus fest! xxoo Patty
Mai word fur U, GJ, is HANSOME! xxoo Bhu
We totally agree GJ...we love your picture and graphic. You are just a beauty, you are. Hugs and nose kisses
You DO look Lishious!!! Nice to meet you on this Wordy Day!
Mischevious Penelope
We like your word :)
We think your are a total love, GJ...and we're sure you're totally soft!!!!!! We love you so very much!!!!!
It couldn't be mowe pawfect!
You twooly awe lovelicious!
smoochie kisses
Oh yes -- you really are!!! (that looks delish too, MOL).
Love-lishious! How wonderful!
We love your word GJ - you mum has got you spot on.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You certainly are! And adorable too!
What a great word and picture for you Jasper!
You are certainly the personification of your word! Love it.
Cats of Wildcat Woods
You are a gorgeous kitty, GJ!
Love your picture, and we agree ... your choice of word is just purrfect!
Now that looks like a good word for you, GJ. We like it.
Lovely picture... Headbonks from Avalon, your newest follower...
What a cute picture GJ! :)
Oh my! You and your word and picture are fabulous! Stunning really and so is your blog header!
OMC what a purrfect pair! Delicious milkshake (is it peach?) and an even MORE delicious...YOU!
That graphic is so beautiful and the word is just right!
Happy Wednesday Challenge
That's a gorgeous pic of you and yes, we can see that you are a little love bug. Happy St Patrick's Day!
I think you are perfect for those words. You are just the sweetest!
GJ we just love your Word Love-Lishious!! It suits you to a T!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,
What a perfect word to describe you, GJ! Very cool photo! Hope mum is doing better and better.
We wants to just drink you up.
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