Well it's here at last and enough to make all the mums quake in their shoes.. After lots of thinking here are my results.....

1. Mum posts most days but lately has been slacking. I must take into account that she is ill at the moment.[2]
2. I am happy with the choice of photo’s and creativity that mum puts on my blog but I do have to work to avoid the flashy beast.[4]
3.My fans can contact me via mums email address and she says we can share. But would you believe mum made me my own email address and has not published it on my blog. Sheesh[2]
4.I am happy that mum lets me join in as many contests, party’s and events as she can. We join in all the auctions ant voting we can. So full marks on this one.[4]
5.I get lots of nice comments on my blog from my friends so I think they must like what they see.[4]
Now for my overall rating: I give not a four but not a two. I deviate from the norm and give a three . Mum
does try her best and loves posting on my blog. I have to make allowances for her not being well, but will keep in mind for when she is better. I have to say that mum must not let the dreaded vets near my furs again, they are awful. I think I must put a clause in that says less work and more snuggling with GJ. On the whole not a bad review mum..
How did your mum's do.. With love and hugs GJ xxx
Dear Jasper, your blog is a super blog!We love your posts so much.I guess your mommy deserves 10! :)
happy weekend
we're supposed to take illness into account? Oh dear.
What a great review your mum had.
Oh GJ, we are so sorry we haven't been keeping up. Healing & Comforting purrs for your Mum. We are purring she comes through surgery with flying colors and is pain free.
We also wish her the happiest of birthdays and hope she enjoys the pre-birthday celebration at the local pub.
GJ, that was a nice review. Our Mom did all right too. We love your blog a lot. We hope your Mom starts to feel better soon and gets that surgery over soon too. Take care and have a fun week end.
Hi GP, I am back after my weeks holiday. hope your mum gets through her op ok.
Take care.
Your mom does a fantastic job. Good purrrformance review. I love coming to your blog, so she's doin' it right. And she has a wonderful subject for her picture taking.
pawhugs, Max
We think your mum deserves full marks GJ for the beautiful photos she takes of you - mind we must take into account your photogenic qualities too.
Lots of luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
GJ we love your blog and think you and your mom do a great job!
You Mum does a great job, GJ, even when she's not feeling well. We think she deserves four and a half paws!!!
The Chans
Awwwww lovely and ever so adorable and sweet GJ!!!! Awwww your mum is a beautiful STAR!!! Me and Charlie are so happy whenever we visit here!! You and your mum and dad make us smile and smile!! Yay!!
p.s. we're so overjoyed to see your beautiful furrs growing more floofy -yay!!!!
pps. we are sending lots of healing purrs and hugs to your mum! take care
We love your blog Ginger Jasper and we think your mommy does a good job helping you with your blog. Hugs and nose kisses
GJ, definitely a four paws blog - you and your Mum and your Dad do an awesome job. We always enjoy our visits and you are very good about visiting us too. Paws crossed for Mum to have a good surgery.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
GJ, I love your mom , you can add up my 4 paws for her : ) And I purrs for her to be safe
I think you have a super blog GJ and hooray to your Mom! I know, you left her some room for improvement, that's better that the other way! Have a great weekend and purrs to your Mom!
GJ, we think you have a super Mum, and that you gave her a fair review...but you need to factor the 52 paws up from us into your average!
Good job, GJ!! Mai mom thinks ur mom is the GREATEST, and even me thinks she deserves 4 paws. xxoo Bhu
I think your human does work pretty hard on your blog, GJ - your 3 paws is a pretty fair assessment! I would not have rated my human so high!
Aw, how sweet. You did recognize her contributions to your blog and gave her some leeway for still working for you while she's ill. Your mom is a sweetie. As long as she keeps you away from the vet, of course.
I love that picture of you! I think your mom has done pretty well this year considering her job and health issues.
We think your mum has done a pawesome job helping you with your blog even while not feeling well! She gets 4 paws up from all of us too!
Oh Honey, you gave your mommy a great rating and you made the right allowances, You are an understanding baby as well as a beautiful one.
Jasper, we enjoy visiting you so we'll give you 4 paws from all of us!!
I love these Annual Purrformance reviews. They are so funny and very clever. Ginger Jasper you tell your mom I'm thinking of her and hope she has a fun time at the pub for her early Birthday celebration. I hope she will be pain free soon.
All in all I think you gave your mom a pretty good review. It was very thoughtful of you to remember that she hasn't been feeling her best, and to consider it when rating her purrformance.
Your mum does do a good job for you. Being sick or having a family member sick does take time away from us, but that is the way it isn.
We think your mom does a fantastic job GJ!
my Mum didn't do as well as your Mum did! You gave a very honest review!
The photo of you at the top with your "to do" list is just too cute!
Great review - we love your blog....
Hi, Ginger Jasper!
Your mom has the best qualifications!
Sure she deserves the best reviews!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
sounds like your mum is doing a pretty good job with your blog from your review. Nice to meet you Ginger Jasper.
GJ, great review!! We think your mum and dad deserve the highest marks because we love visiting you and you are so much fun! We sure hope and pray your mum gets all better soon from the surgery. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Your mum does a great job helping you with your blog and deserves the good review you gave her. We hope she is having a lovely party.
Who is your little mouse friend!?
What a dear, sweet boy you are, Jasper, trying to be modest about your mum. But it's alright. Go ahead and tell us what an amazing mum you have... Because we already know! We think she is an extraordinary lady in every way and we understand how proud of her you are! We think she should get the bestest rating and then some! By taking photos of you and helping you with your bloggie, she brings joy and delight to all of your loyal followers. We love her, lots!
Your blog is cool.
Moma wouldn't let us read this post. We think we know why. But we at least wanted to stop in long enough to let you know (DESPITE her poor performance in the past few months) that we think about you ALL the time. And we even talk about you a lot. Talked about you a lot when we were in Florida. With Gramma. And that VeryNiceCard and scarf you sent our gramma.
You're an especially special friend, GJ. Know that, even in Moma's (i.e., OUR) absence.
Jake and Fergi
Your mum didn't do too bad on her review - unlike mine!
We come over to wish your mummy lots of love for her operation. Lots of prrrrrrrs xx
GJ, your mummy does a good job but you're right to withhold a paw - it will make her work harder.
And speaking of the mummy... we are purring that all goes well tomorrow, and that you are all reunited and 100% healthy as soon as possible.
We fink yoor mom deserves 100% for sure! And we are sending her BIG rumbly get well purrs.
PS: is yoor flat cat going into hospital wiv yoor mom, to look after her? If so, can yoor dad take pics?
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