4 January 2011

Early morning check in.......

Hi everyone, just checking in early as mum is at work at silly o'clock. Just a couple pictures to show you that yesterday it was an old picture. my furs are growing back fast and are all silky soft as they are growing but mum put an old one on yesterday for the birthday..
Hello everyone...
Still keeping an eye on that mousie..... Keep warm and snug everyone and love to you all GJ xxxx


Catio Tales said...

Wow you are early GJ - hope your Mom is awake enough! Your furs are looking so sleek now, and you'll be so handsome when they grow back fully. You keep warm now and go back to snoozing when your Mom leaves for work.

The Chair Speaks said...

Hi GJ, will you be shaved again for summer?

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Mousie? Did you say mousie? What? Where?!

Miss Kitty said...

Greetings GJ,

Trust me it is very cold here in Northern California where is is to be mild. It has been rather unseasonal all over.

Stay warm.

Warmest regards,
Miss Kitty and Egmont

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

GJ, you're handsome no matter what level your floof is at.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look fine with the lion cut. Your handsome face is still floofy. Our mom doesn't go to work at silly o'clock, she goes to bed them. She works mostly in the evening.

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you're staying warm without your furs, GJ!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello sweet Jasper,
I'm sure you will catch that mouse you are such a great hunter!
How are you? I'm so happy visiting you now, as my beans came back home.I'm also happy because my big brother came from Brazil and he is really nice with me.
As the weather is not good here, we have lots of that white stuff outside, and I like to take long naps in my bed.
purrs and always love

The Monkeys said...

We're sure your furs will grow in perfectly, GJ! It is looking wonderful!

HH and The Boys said...

GJ... you look beautiful no matter how long your fur is... Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 says she would just love to come over and snuggle with you, GJ, because your furs look SUPER SOFT!!!

The Chans

Mack said...

I hope you catch that mousie!
Give your mom some sugars for me when she comes home. She is one hard-working lady!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hey GJ!! How nice of you to get up so early to support Mum.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful and adorable GJ!! Your beautiful furrs are truly growing!! Yay!!! That's so brilliant to know!!! And you are looking so lovely as always!!

Me and Charlie love your new look blog too!! And we hope your mum and dad are ok and well! Take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

As we have told you before, we are so happy you have a warm and snuggly home because you would be very cold outside. Glad to see your furs are coming in so nicely.

Have fun with the mousie.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kea said...

Looking good, GJ! Your furs ARE growing back quickly!

Puddin said...

I love the haircut. You look so cute. What a sweet face you have GJ!

SuziQCat said...

We are happy your furs are growing back in...stay warm!

Hannah and Lucy said...

You keep warm and snug too GJ - don't go outside now you're less furry. We are purring for your mum with her silly work times.

Katnip Lounge said...

Your furs look like a very soft peach velvet fuzz...Kona has been very good about being brushed after she saw your shave job, so GJ, other kitties are learning from your bout with noodity.

Marg said...

Hi there GJ. You are looking much better with your new furs coming in. They look very pretty. Now you will be a little warmer. Have a really fun day.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those furs will grow back and you will be back to your floofly self. You do look very soft and cuddly!

BeadedTail said...

You are just so handsome GJ and we love your lion cut! We are glad it's growing out a bit to keep your manly body warm.

septembermom said...

Looking good GJ!

Kari in Alaska said...

You're looking good even without all the furs


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The new bakhkground looks purry good!

As fur your furs and being warm...woo KNOW I would just love to *HELP*



Good day GP, though for me it's hardly morning as I am late doing my comments.


Kari said...

We bet your new furs feel just like silk. Our mum would be over the moon if she could rub her cheek along your soft, sleek body. You are such a handsome boy, dearest Jasper. Nothing could make you look less than gorgeous because you ARE gorgeous outside and in. Wishing you a day full of mousies just waiting to be caught.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, you're starting to fill in nicely, GJ! We wish you much warmth, too, now and always.

Sagira said...

You know that they say the early bird gets the worm...or maybe they meant mousie? :)

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew
You awe the ost bootiful of kittehs I would love to smooch youw fuws and that bootiful face
youw poow Mommi must be vewy tiwed getting up at widicoolous houws. MyMommi doesn't fall anseep till about fouw o clock ow latew so she's useless in the mownings
smoochie kisses

Jans Funny Farm said...

Stay warm, GJ. You're as handsome as ever, even after a shave.


Looking good and we knew your beautiful furrs would all grown back and make you look fabulous. Stay warm


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh GJ, your new furs are going to be so silky soft!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your fur looks like it is growing back nicely GJ. Can we have a photo of your adorable slippers though.

Cat said...

Hi GJ, we can see your furs are growing in beautifully!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We can see how soft your furs are as they are growing back.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Ginger!!!!!!!!! We have been away way too long :( Sorry to her about your dental problems and the"gasp" shave!!!! You are looking good now,though ;)
We are glad you had a nice Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Mom says thanks for the B'Day wishes too :)
Have a fun day and stay warm!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

White Dog Blog said...

We are so glad your furs are growing back so quickly! You look handsome as ever but we worry that you are cold. Mum is a very hardy woman to be up and at work at that time!

Thank you for sending healing energy to my sister, Puff. She is home from her final Heartworm dose at the Vet and now we just believe and hope that in 4 months when she is retested that those icky worms will be gone! We believe that all of your wonderful prayers and purrs have helped saved her life!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, you'll be back to your fuzzy self real soon!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Your sweet little face makes me fall in love with you. You are beautiful with short or long fur.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ginger Jasper!
Every time I see you... naked... I feel cold myself!
Have a great day!
Kisses and hugs

Ellen Whyte said...

Your poor mum, GJ. Better cuddle her lots.

Our post today is at http://blog.lepak.com/2011/01/wordless-wednesday-cat-gift-from-kea.html. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Gattina said...

You start to look ginger again ! Nice that it grows so fast. I saw your picture with the little grand bean, I have one too now, 1 1/2 months old but he hasn't met my cats yet !

Vicki said...

Hope you stay lovely and toasty warm GJ!!

Keiko said...

Hi GJ! Happy New Year to you and what an ordeal you've had with your furs being all cut off and the teeth extractions!
Your new furs are looking so smooth and beautiful.
Lots of purrs from Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Ginger Jasper and Mom,
I wish I had more time to go back a see what happened to your fur GJ!!
Glad it is growing back tho!!! Yes we don't want a spot with out it!!
Hope your Mom is feeling ok.
I am doing good!!
Thanks for your visit. I always love to see that you had come to see us!!
xx, Happy, Bambi & Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh I read some of your comments and you are talking about hair growing back b/c you got it shaved last summer. LOL

GreatGranny said...

Ginger, you're looking beautiful with your furz growing back.