10 December 2010

Scheesh are you ready for this...

Well this is the result of what the vet did to me. Mum and dad were so shocked that they could not believe it... Nor could I. The nurse said it will grow and be better for it. Mum could not believe how short they had cut me..

Dad stayed close to me...
I cuddled into mum's dressing gown...
Then today they went and bought me a jumper...
Its red and warm..
But I don't like it... I walked out of it and shook it off.
Mum sewed it at the sides and made it smaller so I couldn't get it off.
I will be glad when my furs grow again.. My mouth is still sore and swollen. Mum and dad are giving me pain meds and antibiotics. The vet wants to see me again on Monday to check that all is healing OK.
Thanks for all the good wishes and sorry we haven't got to visit much..
With love GJ xx


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh GJ, it will grow back before you know it, really. I'm just glad you got those teeth out that were hurting you and that you will be feeling better. Keep warm my friend!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh my! But we love that very handsome sweater to keep you warm. You will be feeling better now that those nasty ol' hurty teeth are gone.


That red sweater looks lovely on you.
We are glad that your teeth are no longer hurting you and your furrs will all grow back. Just keep your sweater on for warmth.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm not sure even I was ready fur that!

The sweater does look good -

Maybe a wee piece of dukht tape?


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Sweet GJ!! Your furs will grow back soon! You look very good in that red sweater though!! We are still sending you healing purrs and vibes and woofs about your teeth. Keep really warm you beautiful GJ!!! Lots of love to you, Holly and mom

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Oh, GJ! That was a shock! We are sorry you had all your furs stolen. We hope you stay warm.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm with Khyra. I don't think I was ready for that much! I must admit, you do look quite fetching in that red sweater!

Hope the healing goes well for your mouth.

White Dog Blog said...

Oh GJ, you look like Nuka did, when she came to live with us! The good news is that her fur is quickly growing back and we can no longer see any pink skin. Red is a good color and the sweater looks warm. We are so glad that you are in better health now that your bad teeth have been removed. Your handsome soul and beautiful caring heart still make you the sexiest mancat around.

Mr Puddy said...

Oh Dear GJ,
Really Really short cut ! ...And your mom really care about you. Where you live it's cold ! It's nice to have a jumper. And it look cute !
And like Brain said by the time you know, your fur will grow back.
Please take care GJ and I'm so happy to see you are ok. : )

The Chair Speaks said...

We are glad those bad teeth no longer hurt you.
GJ, since you've got this lion cut, perhaps you should act like one and terrorise everyone in sight! :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Blimey GJ! That is short! We can see why your mum and dad had such a shock when they saw you. It will soon grow though, just make sure you stay indoors in the warm. We hope your mouth soon feels better. When the swelling goes down you will be glad you got rid of those nasty old teeth.

BeadedTail said...

That is a shock that your furs were cut so short but you are still very handsome and we know your furs will grow back. We do like your red sweater! We're glad those bad teefs have been pulled out and we hope your mouth feels better very soon!

Max said...

Doood...I was so totally not expecting that...I kinda choked on a snort for a second... but ya know, you rock the red sweater, so it's not all bad! I just hope you don't itch as the furs grow back out...

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor old GJ! We're purring for you darling, and we're not laughing at the lion cut - honest.

Just Ducky said...

YIKES! GJ we knows you had mats in your furs, but goodness please stay warm.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

GJ, it sure looks to us like someone wasn't patient enough to work their way through your tangles. We know it will grow in beautifully but we are so glad you have that sweater to keep you warm. Take care and do be good about your meds.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

lupie said...

Oh dear and Wolfie heard that it has been cold over there?
Keep warm pls.

Sweater looks very nice.
We hope you feel well soon.

Till then, if you need extra layers, Wolfie can spare you my spidermeow outfit.

With love from all of us!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh GJ, Mommy was shocked too! You are *whispers* NEKKID! At least you have your handsome red sweater to keep you warm. We wonder if a heated cat cup might be nice for you.
Purrs for your sore mouth, and we will all donate some furs for you if you'de like.
Luv, The Lounge Kats

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we know your furs will grow back!! But you do look cute in your sweater!!

We have a story to share with you...a long time ago when mom and dad were just dating, our dad had a woofie named Sam. Sam was a really nice woofie, our mom says. Anyway, Sam needed to go to the groomer for a bath and a haircut...he was a cockapoo...and his old groomer wasn't available anymore...so our mom called another groomer and took Sam to them. When she went to pick Sam up, she saw this almost bald dog running around and she said to the groomer, "Where's Sam?" and the groomer said "Right there" and pointed at that bald dog. Mom nearly cried because she knew our dad would not like Sam's haircut! Anyway...our dad was a little upset, but Sam's furs did grow back over time and everything was okay. And we know you'll be okay too.

We hope your teefs feel better soon.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We lost our one longhaired furriend, Spot, last year from intestinal lymphoma, but he was a Turkish Van cat and had lots of floof, too.

But the 3 times that he was shaved down, Teri insisted that all of him be shaved, so he would kinda just look like Disco for a while, then a short haired cat for a while and then a medium haired cat and finally back to his usual long hair all over.

Really, if you ever have to be shaved again, ask them to do a 'crew cut' if you think you would like that...just cuz you are a Persian doesn't mean you can't buck the trend of Lion Cuts ...we're just sayin'

And our Sammy had to have a dental with many extractions back in February and he quickly felt so much better and has put on 12 ounces because his mouth isn't sore anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you will feel better after going thru all this but that is a shocking sight. Keep your sweater on and stay warm.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh you poor baby!!!!! I feel so bad for you!!
I am very glad that you are going to be ok thought and as Brian said it will grow back before you know it!!

Margaret said...

GJ! Heavens to Betsy! You look so cold. I'm glad you got a new sweater to wear. I think 2011 is going to be a better year for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh the shame!!!!! I'm sorry baby!

The Creek Cats said...

Bless your precious heart, GJ!! We still think you are the kyootest kitty ever!!! And your new red sweater goes great with your ginger furs and looks very festive!
Sending you lots of healing vibes for mouth!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Wow, that is pretty short! BUT.... Mr. Bufus got hair cuts that left his furs that short, and he looked quite dashing! And we think you look quite dashing, too, although we can see how the sweater might help keep you warm! (Mr. Bufus got his cuts in the summer...) Keep taking your drugs and you'll be on the mend soon. Thank for your card, BTW!!!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Cat said...

Oh my goodness GJ I hardly recognized you...for a moment I thought you were wearing a biege coat!!! I love your boots though they look very cute and your red jumper is very smart!!! I'm sure your floofs will grow back very quickly, but in the meantime stay warm my friend :-)

Maxmom said...

Hey there GJ...

You know, I was shocked at first and then I remembered... DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVERS!

I love you GJ! You Momma and Dad adore you too and all the bloggers as well! The furs will grow back and I am sure that you are going to get extra attention too.

In addition, the Vet's prognosis is good, isn't it...a lot to be happy about. I know it's a shock, but it's all gonna be okay...and yes, I too think you are fetching in your red jacket.

Sending lotsaluv to you all

Poppy Q said...

GJ, yoou must feel like a little kitten with no furs and not many teeths. We are glad though, that you are home again with mum and dad, and that you have warm heaters and your own beds to sleep in.

Gentle hugs to you dude.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

OMC, GJ! I had to slap my human because she was laughing, and this is clearly no laughing matter! You might want to keep that sweater on, even if it does feel weird - it is winter, after all! And at least I am glad you got your dental work done - I am sure you will feel so much better for it!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

GJ, I about fell off my chair when I saw this. You're still a very handsome mancat, and we're glad your teeth have been fixed!!

As a PS - that mesh tunnel thing you sent? TOTALLY my favorite thing EVER. Rumblemum can't pry me from it. heheheh! Thanks again.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry that you have to wear that red jumper! It does look nice on you! But I think I wouldn't like it either! We hope you feel better.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Maybe the jumper isn't the right material?

By the way, you DO know, don't youGJ, that we love however short your fur is?

The Chans

Ingrid said...

Sorry, but I think your vet is crazy ! How could he or she shave poor GJ until the skin ?? My cat Kim is just as hairy as GJ or maybe even a bit more and we can't brush her at all, she runs away and is very shy. But after having had her shaved once (never again) because she too had to get a few teeth out, I now found a young woman a groomer she does such a good job and gets rid of the worst knots. Have a look on this video. It was the first time I went there with Kim. With the fur she took out I could have stuffed another cat !

It's so dangerous even for an inside cat to shave in winter !!

Kea said...

Wow, that was a shock, GJ! We know kitties get that lion cut, though, and yes, your furs will grow back beautifully!

Your sweater is very becoming, though, and we hope it keeps you warm. Maybe something fleecy, if you need something warmer?

Lots of healing purrs and Light and big smooches from our mom!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh Oh, Oh No. And to think we were "worried" about our day at the salon & spa earlier this week.
Dear Mr GJ... we feel your pain!
But looks like your Mum & Dad are doing lots of good things for you...
and you know what: you are No. 1
Handsome to us with furs or
without furs. We luvs you,
Maggy and Zoey.

Mrs Mac said...

Oh no!!!!! I am so glad you have a jumper. It does look good on you, very nice. Poor thing!

Thank you for your kind words re Fluffy... I think she only has a little time left now, poor sweet thing... We are so sad...

Cat with a Garden said...

GJ, we are very happy your toothies are out and that you are taking your medication to get all well. We don't know what to make of your lion's cut though. we think the vet certainly overdid it, there's no way your fur could have been THAT matted. But anyway, we have to look on the bright sight and just wait for your floof ti kick in again.
Many purrs also to your Mom and Daddy.
Siena & Chilli


Pleased you're feeling better.
Take care.


Old Kitty said...

Oh. my. goodness.

GJ! Beautiful beautiful GJ!!! What have they done to you!??!?! Oh my goodness. Oh GJ!!! Awwwwwww me and Charlie are so sending you tons of warm hugs and lots of floofy cuddles!!! Your furrs - your beautiful furrs!!! We are in shock. Oh my.

We hope your mouth gets better - we hope you won't be so sore soon. Poor sweet gorgeous GJ!!!. Stay close to mum and dad!!!!

Purrs, purrs, purrs!! Take care

A Big Fat Ginger Cat said...

GJ. Don't worry, your floof will soon grow back, and you look very handsome in your red jumper. You just make sure you keep warm.

Sending you purrs.


Cezar and Léia said...

OMG poor Jasper!
Mommy and dad there are so lovely taking good care of you, and you will feel better for sure, I loved your red sweeter, it's help to keep you warm!
I'm here thinking of you okay!

Marg said...

Oh GJ, we are so sorry we haven't visited you in all your stress. Poor thing, lost your teeth and your furs. But the furs will grow back and we love your jumper. You will just have to snuggle with Mom and Dad under their clothes or blanket. You probably will feel better now that the sore teeth are gone. Our sisfur who has gone to the bridge, ate for many many years without any teeth and she did just fine. She even ate some dry food. Our best to you GJ. Feel better.

AFSS said...

YOUR NEKKID!!!!! Well we never. We are sending growing purrs for your fur, so it will hurry up and grow back. We thinks you look handsome in your red jumper though, and are very sorry you don't like wearing it.

Healing purrs for your teeth.

Happy Holidays

Kari said...

Oh, sweetheart! It is so upsetting to see you with a surgical shave all over your body and snow outside. Even though you are inside, you must be so cold! And your poor swollen gums.
So much for one kitty to bear. We know your hair will grow back but you shouldn't have had to suffer through the cold weather.
Your little red jumper makes you look very festive! And dont worry about how you look. You are absolutely gorgeous and like the White Dog said, your handsome soul and beautiful caring heart make you the most beautiful mancat around.
P.S. if you had a little red cap, you'd look just like Kitty Humbug!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MEOWZA, GJ!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't believe they cut you that short in the wintertime....or any other time for that matter!!!!

Bless your Mum and Dad for buying you a jumper. We are purraying that your furs will grow back really quickly.

we are purraying also, that your mouth will heal quickly.

we love ya so much, GJ.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Holy carp! That is short! We're glad that you now have a warm jumper to wear.

The Mum to Jasper's Mum: Honestly I think you should complain to the vet practice. Okay, Japser needed to be shaved for comfort reasons, but at no time did they make you aware how short they would shave him. If they had told you, would you have agreed to it or gone elsewhere? I hope it grows back very quickly!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh GJ we thought you would have some furs left - well we suppose you have furry boots - like the trendy Ugg ones. Thank goodness the snow has melted but it's still furry chilly outside don't even think about a door step sniff of fresh air until about June 2011.
We still love you GJ - Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Kari in Alaska said...

HOLY MOLY! That is shocking


Anya said...

Poooooooooooooor GJ :(
What did they do with your fur
you are looking so naked ;(
Love your new sweater
i hope its very warm !!!
Be careful and stay in the house
please !!!!!!

Warm hugs from Kareltje =^.^=

edda said...

poor sweetheart. we've posted a link on mommy's site so that people purr for you.

edda and her mommy (jen)

The Army of Four said...

We love you, GJ! You STILL are a handsome mancat!
Tail wags,

Cory said...

GJ, you don't need fur to be handsome!

I'm just trying to think about how I'd feel if I woke up from a nap with no fur!!! I might pout. And demand cheese.

Sagira said...

Oh my goodness. I don't mean this to sound rude, but you don't even look real anymore. It looks like someone photoshopped our GJ's head on another cats body. That is one short cut. I am sure that is will grow back fast in no time. And hey...that sweater is super cute on you. I hope you're mouth feels better soon GJ.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, GJ, we're so sorry they made you naked. And glad your mom bought you a sweater to keep warm. Hope your mouth is healing well.

Freya's Staff said...

Oh GJ, I'm so glad you're on the mend with your toothies, and I think the Lion cut looks very authentic on you. You look even MORE like a lion now!

Chesney Cats said...

OMC!! You poor thing! We hope you are feeling better & that your furs grow back furry quickly. Thank Cod you have that sweater!!

Catio Tales said...

Wow GJ - sorry to comment late but our blog roll hasn't been updating. You must be so chilly around the tummy - I hope that nasty jumper keeps you warm and that your Mom and Dad give you thousands of warming cuddles. When Ruska was shaved he wasn't quite that short - you look like a sphynxie! But please know we love you just as much and hope you are feeling your old self really soon. Wish you could come here for a sauna to help you stay warm.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Wow Jasper do you ever look cool!!! No furs but it would have been better in the summer if that would have happened and not now in the freezing winter times. I can tell you will be so happy now that your tooths are fixed out. Mine got stolen last year and now I am good as new with a great appitite...
Forgive your mommy because it is the season to do so...
We love you and your precious family...stay warm buddy...love Miss Peach

CCL Wendy said...

Poor GJ! What a shock for you and your parents! I guess some of those matts must have been right down close to the skin. I guess you'll never quite trust that vet again, though.

In any event, you have a lovely jumper to keep you warm until your gorgeous furs grow back in.

Maybe if you let your mama groom you more often this wouldn't happen anymore. Just a thought.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh yoo poor sweet boy BUT don't worry 'cos it will grow back as good as noo. Purrs. We so hope yoo feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

OMG, my poor Ginger, I hope that you're feeling better. I promise you that you hair will grow back. Mine did.

I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that your mom and dad are well.

