Stoooopid internet.....
Our Internet has been playing stooopid and we could not get on. Mum can check her mail at work but not the blogs. Dad has been trying everything and fingers crossed got it going. Now mum has to run out the door to work..
See you soon friends.. Love GJ xx
We SO know how you feel when the net gets sick! Glad to see your adorable face though!!!
Our human got problems posting in the blog today too.
We're glad to be able to see your cute freckled nose! :)
We have had problems leaving comments sometimes at the moment - Goodgle error 503 keeps coming up and eating the comment so she starts again after 3 tries on one post she gives up!!
The internets can really be a pain sometimes, can't they? I hope yours is up and running to stay!
Happy catnapping,
It is awful when the internets keep us from our friends!
Good morning, darling. We consider it a most happy day when we can see your sweet, loving, beautiful face.
Smooches, Smooches and even more Smooches to you, love.
I know what you mean GJ, that ruins the whole day!
We hope it is fixed now, GJ!!!!!!!
Oh beautiful GJ!!! Me and Charlie hope that the silly internet is now working! In the meantime we hope you enjoy your nap and chillaxing time! :-)
Good luck to your dad and hello to your mum! :-)
take care
We feel your pain!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
I'm keeping my paws crossed that your secretary will be able to fix things.
We really know how crazy that can be. It ruins the day almost. We'll glad to see your pretty face though!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I hate when the internet does not work here! Not only does that make it hard to visit my friends, my human also says a lot of bad words, very loudly. It makes my ears hurt.
We know about those problems too and we hope you can fix it soon!!!
We also have commenting problems with Error 503...don´t know why.
I too am fed up with seeing error 503, Hope you are alright
Take care.
Oh no! Hope you get it fixed soon. Sick computers are no fun.
We hope your dad has got your internet working again.
I hate when computer gremlins play with the System and botch things up! Glad dad was able to defeat them!
Oh Gingew Jaspew
I undewstand youw fwustwation
Mommi had that twouble all weekend
it's sooo annoying, but I hope it's all solved now.
I bet if you take a nice nap, it will be all good when you wake
smoochie kisses
thanks for stopping by blogland to say hi!
Oh boy we wondered why you hadn't visited. Hope it all works out soon.
We don't like it when the innernets doesn't work!! We hope yours is fixed now, GJ!! We love your LiveStrong header!!
Hi, Ginger Jasper!
It is not funny when we have internet problems!
I hope your dad can fix it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi GJ, we so love your new blog background and you stuck inside a polo mint!
We have had lots of internet problems too and had to get a new router............although we have no idea what that is!
Hope it is fixed soon as we have noticed humans get a bit tetchy when they cannot connect to cyberspace!
Martha and Bailey xx
Well I can see you perfectly well!
I know what you mean about these darn computers. Sometimes you just want to throw them out the window. I am glad to hear that other people are having trouble leaving comments.
Anyway we got our package yesterday and we sure do thank you so much. We are putting pictures up today if you are able to get over there. Thanks again. All of us kitties sure do appreciate all the super toys and the great treats. Hope you have a better internet day.
Greetings Ginger,
I know we were here before and thought dad had posted a comment but looks like he maybe planned to come back later.
Having Internet problems is indeed frustrating but dad says it is good just to shut down and leave things alone. Sometimes that works but not always.
Wishing you all the best,
Miss Kitty and Egmont
PS: Love how you have prepared the blog for Livestrong.
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