Mum got a delivery today. When it was unpacked. I claimed the box... Just my size.... What do you mean you are throwing it out... Phhhh I am not having that...
Awwww ever so floofy and adorable GJ!!! Me and Charlie think you did a great job claiming that box for yourself!!! We think your raspberry to mum says it all LOL!!! The box fits you most perfectly and you fit it just fine!!
My kitteh siblings were horrified and aghast that your mom would throw out that super terrific box. They think that's the craziest thing they ever heard and are very much glad you stood your ground!
That's is Jas!!! It's your box now and your Mom needs to keep her hands off ;) It's just the right size too ! Purrfect!!!!!!!! Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
It looked like a fair deal to me. She got stuff... you got the box... and then... she said she wanted to get rid of YOUR box! Hmmmm.... I hope you won! Kisses and hugs Lorenza
Hi GJ and Mom, I have never meet a cat that didn't love boxes!! Even Happy at her OLd age loves them!! Hope you have a good weekend dear friend and you too GJ. XXOo, Bambi & Fern
Squeeee! Double Squeeee! Just look how adorable you look in your box! You look like the most precious gift ever! Wouldn't we just LOVE to find you at our door. We'll take the raspberry if it means we get to see that sweet little, pink tongue. Your blog looks lovely! Very vibrant, with great style. Job well done. See you tomorrow, dear.
I SOOOOOO love your raspberry to your mum!
Woo khats are something!
HAHAHAHA!!! You certainly showed your Mom who's boss! I'm glad you were able to keep what is rightfully yours! :-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Love the raspberry! Stand your ground and don't let her get rid of your box!
Guard that box, GJ!
LOL! What a cute pictures! And what a PAWesome box!
YAY, good job, saved your box!!!!! xxxxxx
Good job saving the box GJ! You sure showed your mom who's boss!
Doesn't she know it's a LAW that the boxes have to be kept until the kitty is bored of them?
You told her who is boss
Keep your eyes on that box Ginger Jasper.
You sure told her GJ!
How could she even think she was going to throw your box away!
Greetings Jasper,
Good for you to show who is the boss in this house!
That box certainly is your right size and after a few days it will be well worn in and perfect.
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Miss Kitty and Egmont
You go Ginger...stand your ground.
GJ that looks like the perfect box for you - you have to convince her to let you keep it - at least for a while!
Awwww ever so floofy and adorable GJ!!! Me and Charlie think you did a great job claiming that box for yourself!!! We think your raspberry to mum says it all LOL!!! The box fits you most perfectly and you fit it just fine!!
Take care
:) That's setting her straight!
Kitty rule: All boxes must be kept!
My kitteh siblings were horrified and aghast that your mom would throw out that super terrific box. They think that's the craziest thing they ever heard and are very much glad you stood your ground!
Wiggles & Wags,
Can you have your mom ship you to my house to play for a few days? :)
Love the new Livestrong as well. A close friend of ours is a cancer survivor and this means a lot.
That's is Jas!!! It's your box now and your Mom needs to keep her hands off ;) It's just the right size too !
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
It looked like a fair deal to me. She got stuff... you got the box... and then... she said she wanted to get rid of YOUR box! Hmmmm....
I hope you won!
Kisses and hugs
Hi GJ and Mom,
I have never meet a cat that didn't love boxes!! Even Happy at her OLd age loves them!!
Hope you have a good weekend dear friend and you too GJ.
XXOo, Bambi & Fern
She can't throw out the box if you're sitting in it, GJ!!
GJ you really are pawsome! Excellent box too.
MOL! We don't blame you Jasper!
That box is worth fighting for!
Boxes are the best! So cozy! They are my favorite.
Pawsome raspberry! It's your box. You claimed it fair and square!
Cats love boxes, we hope you convinced your mum!
Martha and Bailey xxxx
Squeeee! Double Squeeee! Just look how adorable you look in your box! You look like the most precious gift ever! Wouldn't we just LOVE to find you at our door. We'll take the raspberry if it means we get to see that sweet little, pink tongue.
Your blog looks lovely! Very vibrant, with great style. Job well done. See you tomorrow, dear.
Hello gorgeous GJ, mum and dad!!! You are just too too too sweet!! Awwwww!
Charlie's just reminded me that I've not given you my email address! Oh that kitty despairs of Old Kitty!
:-) Take care
You are such a recycler!
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