Mum has an exceptional busy busy week this week at work and home and just had no time for my blog. Then I made her just put on a quick post before goingto work because today is Mo Cats day and we are very important.. Thank goodness she listened. "Happy Mo cats day"Lets hope more people adopt cats..
Sorry not more time to do more but we are with everyone on this....
Hi GJ. We are sorry your mum is so busy. We hope she soon gets chance to relax a bit. We are glad you got your Mo' Cats post up though because we have to make sure that silly Urlesque site doesn't get any more silly ideas about banning cats for a day.
Oh sweet GJ!! Please give your mum a great big hug and lots of purrs from me and Charlie! We hope her busy week winds down soon so she can take things easy!!
We thoroughly agree - today is very important because it is MO-CATS day!!! Take care x
Your mum is amazing! As busy as she is, she still finds time to help us kitties. Well, you'll tell her that we are purring our biggest thank you purr right now. And there are a lot of us. Can you feel the vibrations ? Love to you dear boy.
Boy. Do we understand. Moma has been FOREVER since she's let us be on the blogs. We've almost forgotten how to read. Let alone write out comments.
But we HAVEN'T forgotten you. In fact. We think about you all the time. And ever since Jake fell so in love with Ruby this summer ... we keep hoping Moma will someday consider a kitty for our family. We like the idea of Mo Cats!
Your very laid back foxy terrier friends, Jake and Fergi xxoo
GJ, we didn't know about Mo Cats until this evening but we sure had lots of pictures for it when we found out! It's very important to have a day like this!! Tell your mum we hope she gets some time off soon to relax with you! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hello sweetheart! We've stopped by to say hello and give you our love. Hugs and kisses to you. Regards to mum and dad. You are on our minds and in our hearts.
Hi GJ. We are sorry your mum is so busy. We hope she soon gets chance to relax a bit. We are glad you got your Mo' Cats post up though because we have to make sure that silly Urlesque site doesn't get any more silly ideas about banning cats for a day.
We hope your mom gets a chance to get some relaxation time soon. We're happy to see you and that she listened! YAY for MO CATS!
Hi GJ! Happy Mo Cats Day. Please tell your Mum that we hope she has a chance to relax very soon!
Oh sweet GJ!! Please give your mum a great big hug and lots of purrs from me and Charlie! We hope her busy week winds down soon so she can take things easy!!
We thoroughly agree - today is very important because it is MO-CATS day!!! Take care
It's good of your mum to find time to do your blog as she is so busy.
It's lovely to see you.
Happy Mo Cats Day to you GJ! Mo Cats Rule!
WE are happy you got to post for Mo Cat day!
Tell Mom we understand but we wish she weren't so busy. Happy Mo-Cats Day to you!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
YESSSS Happy MO Cats DAy! Cats Rock!
and purrs to all!
YAY MO CATS DAY!!! Hey GJ we're glad your mum was able to post with the rest of us on this special day :-)
Hope things calm down for your mom and she can spend some more time with us...I mean you! :)
I hope woo save some purry nice khuddles fur your mum!
My word is making me smile - and pikhture a new species...
It is FROGANA ! ! !
Happy Mo' Cats Day to you!!
Your mum is amazing! As busy as she is, she still finds time to help us kitties. Well, you'll tell her that we are purring our biggest thank you purr right now. And there are a lot of us. Can you feel the vibrations ? Love to you dear boy.
Boy. Do we understand. Moma has been FOREVER since she's let us be on the blogs. We've almost forgotten how to read. Let alone write out comments.
But we HAVEN'T forgotten you. In fact. We think about you all the time. And ever since Jake fell so in love with Ruby this summer ... we keep hoping Moma will someday consider a kitty for our family. We like the idea of Mo Cats!
Your very laid back foxy terrier friends,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
GJ, we didn't know about Mo Cats until this evening but we sure had lots of pictures for it when we found out! It's very important to have a day like this!! Tell your mum we hope she gets some time off soon to relax with you! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Your poor mummy. We hope she gets the weekend off. And of course we need Mo Cats!
Thanks for joining GJ, purrs to you.
GJ, remind your human that Mo Cats means less time at other, less important activities!
Happy mo cat day to you and your mummy!
Happy Mo Cats Day - love it!
We are sending BIG rumbly purrrs and (((((hugs))))) for yoor mom, 'cos we fink she werks way too hard!
Happy Mo Cats Day!
HI GJ! We hope your mom isn't getting too overworked! We hope she has at least a little time in the day to relax! We hope you had a good Mo Cats Day!!
Happy Mo Cats Day, GJ! We hope some day every kitty has a safe and loving forever home!
We also hope mum gets a chance to just relax and breathe deeply soon...would not want her to have a relapse with her neck pain.
We are all for Mo cats too. No such thing as a no cats day. Hope you have a terrific week end.
I understand Jasper... my mom is always so very busy too!
Yay mo cats, and yay to your mom for posting! My mom gets just like that too!
Hello sweetheart! We've stopped by to say hello and give you our love. Hugs and kisses to you. Regards to mum and dad. You are on our minds and in our hearts.
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