3 December 2009

I am not amused..................

Hello everyone.... I can tell you I am not amused... No post put on yesterday or hardly any friends visited. Mum had the usual excuse of course. That place called work. Scheesh I was annoyed I can tell you. The only comments made were a few at 1.30 this morning....

I sat at the side this morning ( almost dinner time I may add ) and insisted mum made time for this measly quick post.......

So it is official I am not amused..............

If we don't get to you ..... Sorry.... we will catch up later....
Lots of love your friend GJ xxxxx


The Island Cats said...

Our mom has been real busy lately too and hasn't helped us blog much or visit!!! We like seeing your face, GJ....even if you look not amused!!!

Cindy said...

You should keep her up at night. We always wake up mommy if she is bad during the day. No excuses we say!

Anya said...

Its always nice
to see your lovely face GJ
Our mom's always busy busy ....

Kareltje =^.^=

Anonymous said...

I like your stern look, very serious!

Cat with a Garden said...

Don't be too hard to your mommy, sweet Jasper. We know that she loves to help you blog and tries her best.

ScrapsofMe said...

I see you have that mouse thingy well in hand. I haven't been able to post too much recently either, SHE says she's too busy right now driving Mr.Daisy to his appointments and trying to work around his schedules. But I did like all those photos of the flooding and wanted to ask, did your Mom or Dad take those? That would have been skeery indeed to be that close to all that water.
I hope you have a better day, stay warm and dry and snuggled up to your fave peep.

One Cats Nip said...

It's this christmas times things they always finds so much to does. Between work, cleaning, food, decorating, gifting, christmas cards...for some reason they put our blogs at the bottom of the list...maybe the purrfurmance reviews should have come afters christmas...lols

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What is it with these moms at times...they can sure put a damper in our social lives!!!!! Handsome photos of you, GJ. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

That's ok, our mommy gets bizy too! We really want to thank you as you are...OUR 1st CHRISTMAS CARD! We got it yesterday and posted it on our bloggie today! Cheer up, effuryone will visit you today!

Kari said...

Oh my, Ginger Jasper! You do look cross. Our mums do get busy at times and with Christmas just around the corner, we have to forgive them.
If she gets too busy to post for you, we'll still stop by to see your beautiful face on your lovely Christmas header.

Gattina said...

You really have the adequate face to show that you are not amused, lol !

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

All Mom's are really busy this time of year! We are glad to see our friends when we can!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Being bust has a lot to answer for. We mean what do humans have to be so busy about if not us?

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We are glad you have not floated away with all of the rain you've been having.

We got our sweet Christmas card from you yesterday and our Mom must get on the ball and get ours in the mail - lazy Mom - sometimes she doesn't amuse us either.

lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Anonymous said...

Blogging before eating? Wow, you are seriously not amused. We hope the 'measly quick post' was compensated with lots of yummie treats for you.

The WriggleButts said...

We know how horrible lazy hoomans can be. Hey Mom's even pretending her exam thingy is more important than us blogging. Can you believe it?


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Ginger you have to try and remember that Santa Paws is coming soon...so we have to be nice to our Mamas!!


Cezar and Léia said...

You are so beautiful with your mommy in this picture!
I loved this post!

White Dog Blog said...

Mum is trying her best, GJ, be an understanding compassionate kitty and don't be mad. As much as we miss seeing you and reading your stories, we know humans are sometimes tangled up in things like paying the rent and making our meals.

Anonymous said...

Tell your Mum that I am not amused either... she probably won't care. Why would she? But I'm doing my best to be a good dog so Santa will bring me a surfboard. I normally would not care much if a cat is having a bad day, so see? I'm being a good dog, right?
Okay, maybe I was a little too honest with that last comment. Darn. It's so hard to be good.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Everyones buzy this time of the year.
We do love seeing your posts though.

We hope you are having a nice day and we send you purrs and kisses.

From Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

GJ, you really don't look too happy, but maybe you need to give her a break. Remember how sick she was last week, and now she is working so hard. It's OK if you don't get to all the blogs, we all understand. We are all in the same boat, tough finding time to do everything.

Hope to see you smiling soon.

Woos, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

But I did get your pawesome and wonderpurr and beaWOOtiful khard!

So I still got my taste - I mean my daily dose of GJ!

PeeEssWoo: Tank woo furry purry much!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We understand your pain GJ. Meowm has not been putting in much of waht we want to say....just posting pictures of us. We know she is having a rough time, but enough is enough. We hope things improve for you soon!

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew
I know exackly how you feel..I'm tewwibly behind in all my visiting..and then to make mattews wowse..I weceived my vewy fiwst Chwissmuss cawd It was FWOM YOU!!! and Mommi has't even stawted to make my cawd yet..BOOOHOOO.
Thank you so much fow youws..it's puwwfect!
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Oh GJ I just love your picture. This is my first time to visit you and you are so Beautiful.I saw all of the flooding. Where are you guys from?It looks like a neat place.Come and visit our blog.There are alot of cats in my household.There is something going on all of the time.
Paws and Kisses

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Never mind GJ, it is a busy time of year for all the Beans.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look not amused and we wouldn't mess with that. Sometimes the mom gets all busy with what she thinks is important and says it's how we can have food and stuff. We suppose.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Don't worry, GJ. My mom has been quite busy lately, too. You are definitely not amused.

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

Don't be too hard to your mom, cute Jasper. she love`s help. Now, you look so gorgeous in all pictures!!!!!!! Paloma and Wu .

The Army of Four said...

Our mom has gotten real busy, too - and because of her, we're way behind with our friends' blogs. Where are her priorities?!?!
Play bows,

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Yikes! If I was there, I would get out of you way.
your pal, Morgan