Mum and dad pop to York for a little shopping quite often, Monday had an added bonus as the bell ringers were practicing at the minster,What a lovely sound... Check it out..
See ya GJ xx
Don't forget to pee mail me your address if you want to exchange Christmas cards. I am looking forward to it..
That was lovely. We agree you need to get rid of the spider.
Oh boy you got rids of that giant spider good job Ginger!
Lovely photos and lovely sounds!!!!
YAY!!!!!! We're so happy you got rid of that monster spider!!!!
Ginger, so beautiful photos and pretty sounds! Thank´s god you got rid of that spider.
Well, if they were in York, why didn't they pop in to see me?
PeeEssWoo: Oh woo meant the OTHER York! Tank woo fur sharing the video!
Did you nom the giant spider?! You're so brave!
Those bells do sound lovely. So what became of the huge spider?
Our mum loves York - those were great pics and we loved the sound of the bells.
Martha & Bailey xx
Magnificent architecture!
Wonderful pictures dear friends, thanks for sharing!
purrs and love
The pictures of lovely. We're so glad you got rid of that horrible spidey.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Wow, we are impressed by this beautiful church and the sound of the bells! I should show it my son. he is 13 and love the buildings of churches.
This huge spider was scary!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Those were very cool pictures of the church - we don't have any that fancy around here.
And I am glad you got rid of that spider - it was very creepy and big!
Beautiful photos today!! What a lovely building!
Those were some great photos. Your humans really have some great skills with the flashy beast. Spider....what spider?
Paws and fuzz,
Oz and Zozo, The Z Rollerz
BEAUTIFUL photos! Really beautiful!
And the ones your peeps took in York aren't bad, either. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
PS: Good news about that spider!
Beautiful buildings, and we loved the bells!
And we're glad that spider is gone, that was just icky!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Loved the bells!
I thought you liked spiders!
Beautiful pictures! We love the bells too!! It's not fair, I never get to york... Never go anywhere....
Purrs and rubs, Bambi, Fern
Our mom visited York years ago when she was in England...she loved York...she said it was one of her favorite places on her trip!
Good for you for taking care of that spider! I like the little ones, but we have some really big ones that hang out outside and they are kind of scary.
Ooo GJ! I could have done with you last night! I had to get rid of a big 8-legger myself! But I was very brave. Then one of the resident mice came and ate the remains! But I suppose you'd have eaten HIM as well!!!
Thanks for your kind words re my pawtrait of Miss Peach!
I would LOVE to exchange Xmas cards with you! I'm off to peemail my address! =)
We have a friend who is in the bell choir. I got to hear them practice once during the summer when they practiced in the lobby brcause it was too warm in church. Mom and I sat outside in the shade and was lovely. Glad the monster spider is gone!
Gingew jaspew
I'm so glad the spidew is gone..I love youw laughing, hehehe
How lucky to be able to heaw those gowgeous bells..thank you fow shawing
smoochie kisses
Tee hee!!! We love the last photo of you, SO cute!!
Loved the sound of the bells ! and what a beautiful cathedral ! York must be a beautiful town.
Good GJ, the spiders deserve it!
Thank goodness the spider is gone. He was No Good.
The pics and bells ringing were lovely ~ Mom said she loves Yorkminster but it has been about twenty years since she visited it.
Milo and Alfie xx
Mum loved York, she has only got to visit their twice, but there is something magical about that city.
Our mom visited York a couple of years ago and just loved it. She even climbed to the top of the cathedral. Your photos brought back sweet memories for her!
9 and Chani
P.S. We don't think we have ever seen a spider before. I doubt we'd be as brave as you!
Whata great post!!!!!
And York looks sooooooooooo beautiful!!!
We want come!!!!!We want visit York!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.....can we GJ????
These pics are soooooo beautiful photos and what a pretty sounds!!!!!
Thank´s god you got rid of that spider!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day sweet Gj and give tons of special licks to your humans from us ok???!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
i love church bells ringing too. i miss it from when we lived at the seminary and the bells from several churches would go off every hour.
-jen (edda's mommy)
The bells are beautiful. Too bad it was the other York, Khyra would have loved to meet you in furson.
So what happened to the spider?
woos, the OP Pack
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