2 July 2009

I am at Danewalk.. Khyra look what mum found.....

Today is the day I had to go to Danewalk, because the folks are going to Turkey for a week. I saw the dreaded basket come out and saw mum put my blanket in. I decided to get on my window ledge and mope. I put on my saddest face, but to no avail. In the basket I went.
I made lots of noise all the way there. we saw the sign. We went down the drive and arrived at reception.

Mum saw a board with pictures of Khyra dogs on. Mum hasn't seen that there before and asked what it was about. I turned out that the ladies at Danewalk run a rescue centre there for Khyra dogs. Mum didn't know that and was asking all about it. The man that was there said they had fallen in love with three in particular and had kept those one's. The man fetched one out for mum. Mum was fussing and petting him... Hey what about me.... He was, the man said special as he had not Had a good life.. He was now happy and loved.. The man showed mum all around and she met the other dogs..

Then we went down to the cat part and mum put me in my home for the next week. I went straight through my cat flap and checked out the outside run. Mum went with the man and she got to open all the cat pens and pet all the cats.. They were pleased to see mum and she made a fuss of them. Mum gave me a kiss and said she would be back in a week.. Sigh,, Please don't forget me my friends.. If there is anything important going on, please leave me a comment and mum will pick them up when we get back..

Mum said she always knew that Danewalk was a good cattery but today when she saw all the rescue work they do, it is even better. Mum got the website and will share it to show you.. Hugs to my friends GJ xxx

Ps Mum has just learnt to change text colour and size. lol

On my window moping......

That basket...

Oh heck I am in...

Tongue out to that.....

We arrive.....

Check out these lovelies.

What about this gorgeous fella....

More of him.....

Getting a treat..... Tuna.....

He liked mum.....

Bye for now... Love you all and will miss you.........


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh, I dunno, I just gets back and off you go... hehe.
Have a nice holiday at your very nice cattery!
~lickies, Ludo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Khyra dogs at YOUR khattery!

Khool! What grrrreat looking pups!

I miss woo already!

Hurry bakhk!


Martha said...

Wait till Khyra's mom sees this post!!!
They sound like lovely people Jasper and they will take great care of you.
Well lets face it they will have the entire dog blogging world to answer to if they dont!!!
We will miss you and thought you pouted pretty well!
Have a great week in Turkey mum & dad - we will miss you all.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Martha said...

She just beat us to it!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! You are locked up for a whole week! Do you want us to send the nip cake with the file in? Those looked like nice woofies.
We hope your Beans have a lovely time visiting the turkey.

Noll's Nip said...

Turkey sounds exciting! Bon voyage!

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you, Jasper! Try to relax and pretend that you're at a spa, okay? We love you, furriend!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh no! Lock up! I've been there and don't want to do that again.

Don't worry, I won't forget about you!!!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Will miss your posts! Can't wait til you get back!! Don't cause too much of a rukkus!



Tuck said...

I sure will miss you GJ! I hope you make some friends at that hotel!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hey GJ, we'll miss you. Is that your "stick out your tongue" entry.

We're so happy to see that the cattery people are taking good care of the Khyra dogs.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Jasmim said...

You're very cute in the basket!

Jas & Gi

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a lovely travel basket you have, GJ. We hope you have a good time at your hotel and meet lots more of our kind of pups there. The one you showed us is so very beautiful, we think he is what we call a wooly, with all that long hair.

Happy Travels to Mum and Dad too.

Woos, TD and Phantom

The Kitty Krew said...

We'll miss you, Jasper! Hope your time in the hotel isn't too awfully horrible. We're sure you'll be spoiled rotten!!

And we do hope the beans have a good time on their trip, even if they were mean and left you behind.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Chesney Cats said...

We will miss you while you're gone!! Is the week over yet??

Anya said...

We will miss you GJ :(
Have a great time in Danewalk!!!
We wish you're Mom & Dad a great vacation ....
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)

Cory said...

I think the sign said 5 star luxury accomodations! I hope they treat you right GJ! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

We will be right here when you get back, sweetie. There is no way anyone could ever forget a cutie pie like you☺

Reese =^..^= said...

Hurry back, my friend. I will miss you.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry GJ, we will be waiting here when you get back from your "forced" holiday at Danewalk. We're glad it's a nice place and you will be well looked after. See you soon.

Love Milo and Alfie xx

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hope you come home soon! My mom thinks that is a neat travel carrier!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh noes I can't believe you're in prison for a week. I hope it's not too horrible. Do you want me to bake a cake with a file in it to bust you out?

That husky is a gorgeous boy!

Huffle Mawson

Vicki said...

Have a great holiday....I love the one of you moping on the window - it never works does it???? I have heard rumours of a holiday here too....

Poppy Q said...

We will miss you GJ. What a nice cattery, they have beautiful woofies.

Tell the beans to have fun in Turkey. Mum went there in 1994 and had a great couple of weeks.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

GJ.....We are going to miss you!! That was a great MOPE and it would have worked on Mommy!!! Hope that your humans have a great time and that you have fun in the hotel!


Parker said...

We'll miss you GJ!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, the doggies are very cute and we bet they are nice just like Khyra. Maybe you can visit them while you are at Danewalk. Who knows you might even get to bring one home.

We likes your basket better then our carrier. But nothing that you get shut up in and stuck in a car is good. ~S,S,C & F

Hansel said...

wow that husky sure was handsome! wow! We love his furs! Floofy, just like you! :) Also, we love the basket, mom says she's going to see if she can find one like that for us to travel in!

SEDONA said...

Hi Ginger!
Hope you make lots of new friends at the pet hotel!
Don't miss your humans too much!
Your pal,

Pattyskypants said...

Hey, Gingie! I'll stop by and visit if I can! xxoo Bhu

The Creek Cats said...

Those Khyra woofies are furry cute!!

Danewalk looks and sounds like a very nice place to stay! We're sure those nice people will take great care of you, GJ!

P.S. LOVE your basket!

Anonymous said...

oh i will miss you! a week is such along time!!!! write as soon as you is back
marko meowii

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!
we'll miss you a lot sweet GJ!!!!!!
Hope you'll have a great time at the hotel and pretend they take care of you like spa!!!!!!!!!
If you need we're here for you!!!!!
Can't wait to hear froem yuu again!!
We love you a lot!!!!!!
sweet sweet kisses and licks!!!

Ingrid said...

Looks like a very nice hotel for your holidays, it's not Turkey but it looks good !
Your butlers will love Turkey, it is really very beauiful. I was twice there on a roundtrip, once the landscapes and once the cities. There is so many history there, and better conserved then in Greece which for me was very disappointing.
Wish you all wonderful holidays, we just came back. all pussies are well despite the unusual heat, we had over 30°! Warmer then in Italy !

Sassy Kat said...

Looks like you are spending this fourth away from home. Hope you make the best of it and get some kind of a party going!

Anonymous said...

We hope yoo get lots of treats when they come back from dere trip. See yoo soon GJ!

Baby Patches said...

OMC! You goes to a kitty hotel while your mum is gone! I hopes you has a wonderfur time as does your mum but I bets you misses her very much!

I never forgets about you Jasper! Purrrrrrrrrs and Nosetaps

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We;ll be here waiting for your return!!!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Poor GJ! At least you know your mommy and daddy luffs you so much and they're not leaving you there for a long time -- it's just a week, and that's almost ofur.

I sure hopes they bring some turkey back fur you, too, since they gots lots of it in Turkey!

Fat Eric said...

Oh no, you are in kitty jail, Jasper. I know how that feels all too well.

Chin up, they will be back soon!

jenianddean said...

Sorry you are in kitty jail. I hope your beans rescue you soon.

Byron y Xinver said...

we hope you enjoy it

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh, I just start following and your mom is off on vacation already - I guess that gives me time to read all the older posts! I love your cat basket - it looks very comfy compared to a lot of the carriers out there. And boy that was a cute woofie - it sounds like you will be staying in a nice place for the next week. I hope your mom has fun on vacation!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Jasper my sweet...how could we forget you...would never happen!
Enjoy your week on holiday. My week will be in September when the beans go to Alaska on a big ship.
Your Hotel looks like a posh place to stay...hope they have yummy food. I like your basket and see your new blanket you won is inside to keep you warm until your furs grow in again.
See you when you return...your friend Miss Peach

The Florida Furkids said...

Have fun on your vacation! We'll miss you!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

i like your basket. i miss you. have fun on vacation