You know what that means... They are leaving me again.... I heard them saying something about Turkey and Friday.. That means I go to Danewalk.. They are good to me but not the same as mum..
Well I am off.. Anyone got room for me...
Then guess what happened to me.. I won the raffle for the water fountain over at my special friend SWEET PRAILINE.... Mum said that we never won anything until we joined the blog.. Now I am very lucky.. I am also very lucky in having lots of good friends.. Wow ....
xxxxxxxxxxxxx WOW xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now a couple of me in animation, hope it works..Love GJ xxx

Make your own animation
I know how you feel I also don't like suitcases they are BAD NEWS and mean that icky kennel place for me.
I do like kitties. I used to have one when I was a puppy, we were good friends. She used to swat at me. I miss her very much!
I hope you have a fun time with your friends while your humans are away!
Happy Smiles!
Our Nana and Grampy had 4 suitcases this morning and then they got into Uncle Allen's van and drove away. We do not like vacations.
Congratulations on winning the DrinkWell Fountain! That's awesome!
Sorry you are getting left, GJ. We are getting left next weekend too! Thankfully, only for a day and a half! Hope your mum and dad have a fun and safe trip!
Concatulations on winning the fountain, that is pawsome!
Great animations!
GRRRR!!! We HATE the suitcases. Please come stay with us and we'll take good care of you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Is TURKEY like ham like chikhken like khat?
Your mum khan't leave woo!
Khongrats on your win!
I hate the suitcases, too! You are more than welcome to come and visit me again! I am thrilled that I picked your name for the fountain. I hope you enjoy it and think of me while you are drinking that fresh water!
We just hate it when our beans leave us! You're welcome to come on over here if you want to, Jasper.
Pee Ess: Concats on winning Praline's fountain:)
That was a very cool animation! We must try that.
Jasper just pack your own case and come up to Scotland.
We would love to have you!
Imagine a couple of weeks with two dogs - how lucky can one cat get!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
PS Congratulations on winning your prize - sorry it must be bedtime! xxx
Don't be too sad GJ! They'll be back. Congrats on the prize. Cool animation:)
Congrats !!!
You deserve ^^
Jas & Gi
Hi dude, I was struck by the similarity ,I hope to be your friend.Purrs Boris ....
My mom forgot my blog address,
there is -----------------
BORIS( I am new in this area is my first blog )
Hello friend!
wow this animation is so cool I loved it!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
cool animation photo!!
we love winning stuff... rarely do but that's what makes winning so fun! we think we must be saving up big wins for the super loto jackpot or something like that!
xo & martine
ps: we would love to have you over... as far aw we know sugar loves kitties!
Concats on winning Praline's fountain. Our Beans are leaving us this weekend too but it is only for two days. We have heard a rumour that they are deserting us for a month in October.
We hate the suitcases too, they usually mean a not so great trip for us too. Turkey???? How wonderful for them!
Love that animation - we will have to try it too.
Woos, the OP Pack
I LOVE your pictures....BAH, HISS at suitcases!
Come stay with me GJ!!!!! We can have a house trashing party while the humans are at work!
You can come stay with us, Jasper! Tell your Mum and Dad to take lots of pictures in Turkey -- I am very jealous! Love your animation & congratulations about your prize! We think BB is very lucky, so I guess you are two of a kind!
Danewalk ,
is good for you I think ;)
I go always to a cat hotel,
its really fun there ...
Concatulations on winning the fountain ^__^
Have a nice vacation all,
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
I am sorry the humans at your house are leaving! My will leave to go camping later this summer!
Congratulations on winning that prize!
Hi GJ,
Well we think we are very lucky having you as a blogging friend!
Congrats on the water fountain - we are SO envious!
We like your animatin - it's very clever! Pity anout the suitcases though ... :sheesh:
Pop over to see us ANYTIME while they are away. You could use your boogie mat for transport!
Milo and Alfie xx
I hope you enjoy the water fountain!
I am sorry you are being abandoned, I hope it's not for too long.
Huffle Mawson
Oh no! A trip! Make sure your check out the suitcases carefully before packing, we always have to do an inspection before The Mommy can go anywhere.
Congrats on winning the fountain!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
GJ, come on over and stay with uSSSSS! We would love the company!
The animations of you are fantastic!!!
Come stay with me please!! i know we just met but you can teach me how to be a mancat and i will share my temptations with you and we can chase the dogs. it would be awesome!
Congratulations on the win, GJ!
We hope your Mum and Dad aren't gone too long!
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