26 March 2014

Spring brings light...

I have been missing from blogging for a few days but hopefully I am back. My last post must have sounded full of doom and gloom and I edited and took out the words. I have been struggling a little and have been very down and when there its hard to bounce back up. I spoke with my friend Jackie ( Flynn )and told her I took out all the words, she said I should have left them because everyone in our blog circle would understand and not as I thought think, oh more moans. I have not even logged on to look at friends blogs and that is so not like me but I was not in a good place. I am though getting passed that hopefully and am on the up.

                             Wonderful colours of spring in a park in York...

                                          He was busy digging for nuts left there before..

                                               He found them...
                                       I saw this on a friends status and thought it was so true. I am going to try and follow this...
Love to all .. Carol xxx


Fuzzy Tales said...

Yes, we'd all understand. I've been in a funk lately and have had my own struggles with depression over the years, both dysthymia and full-blown (unipolar) depression. Our lingering, FREEZING winter and ice is NOT helping me right now. LOL.

All the flowers are lovely and oh so cheery and uplifting...I hope Spring lifts your mood.

Purrs from the boys and hugs from me.

Kim, Nicki and Derry

Fuzzy Tales said...

P.S. If you need a bit of inspiration, I found this site yesterday, good no matter what one's beliefs!


Team Tabby said...

Oh, thank you for sending us those lovely spring flowers for us to gaze upon. Just the lift we needed as the wind howls outside.

We send you our love and we know you will feel better if you share your feelings with all of us. We really do understand and care. GJ has a special place in our hearts, thanks for sharing his stories.

and mombean Nina

Brian's Home Blog said...

We all do understand and will always be here smiling when you show up. Hugs from all of us.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Those BEAUTIFUL Spring Flowers have put SMILES on all the faces here. THANK you.

Mickey's Musings said...

Flynn's Mom is right.We do not mind if you need to vent, get things off your chest,feel sad or angry or be depressed.Losing a sweet kitty and life events affect all of us at one time or another.
Be kind to yourself. Before you know it, you will be feeling better.
We love the Spring flowers as today we just had a blizzard! Our scenery is very white.
Hugs, Nancy and the kitties

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The flowers are very pretty and cheerful. I hope Spring arriving and the lighter days helps you climb out from your dark place and you can enjoy life again. We are all here for you.

Oui Oui said...

Such beautiful spring flowers! We hope they helped to brighten your days. We are looking forward to BlogPaws, and understand you and Barrie will be visiting. We are SO excited to have a chance to meet you, something we never thought was possible!

jen said...

jasper was a special boy. we're ok with it if you need to mention that you're having a hard time -- it makes it easier to pray for you.

san said...

What a nice gift for us as we do not have spring over here, just rain or a lot of sun. These days just a lot of sun and dust and nothing much else. So we enjoyed your lovely flowers very much. We are sure GJ had sent you his inspiration for the post as well and this is a gift from him to all of us on earth.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful flowers and what a very inspiring saying! We hope you are well, we think of you often.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful flowers and what a very inspiring saying! We hope you are well, we think of you often.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

meowmeowmans said...

Such beautiful flowers to greet us, dear Carol. And yes, we all DO understand, and we love you lots.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What glorious springtime pics!
We understand. This winter has been particularly hard.
Sending big ((hugs)) of comfort.

Gigi said...

We love your beauteous flowers! And we totally understand having low periods, and hope you are feeling better as the days lighten XOXOX

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It is hard to be up all the time. I hope Spring and the lovely flowers will help you feel better!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We understand, Carol. There are times when life is just very difficult and all we can do is plod through and hope for better things. The clocks go forward this weekend, so let's hope for lots of beautiful, long sunny days!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Carol, we sure do understand. Hugs and purrs coming your way from us.

Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy

John Bellen said...

Every day can't be a good one. Sometimes I get discouraged for no discernible reason. Sometimes the reasons are all too clear. I like to pretend that I'm the only one who feels that way (it makes me feel special!) but in fact, most people have felt like that, and understand. We like our blogging friends always, not just on their good days - though I hope today is a good one!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Never, ever be afraid to be your OWN AUTHENTIC YOU with all of us. We all have been there, we ALL understand. We love you through all of the ups and downs.

Marilia said...

Beautiful photos!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

carol, there is nothing wrong with being sad; grief has no rules or regulations... for anyone... in any given circumstance....work thru it in your own pace and in your own time; if it takes 6 weeks or 6 months...so be it...Ginger Jasper was.. is.. and always will be a HUGE part of your life; he understands...we understand...and those that don't; ultimately we can feel sorry for them that they've apparently never had the love from a cat///dog///etc....as we have....

sorry to run on, the flowers are beautiful ♥

The Whiskeratti said...

Hey, pretty much all of us have been there. We do understand. I missed the post you're speaking of, but I want offer the floofy paw of comfort and encouragement from North Carolina.

katsrus said...

We all understand. Better to get it out sometimes. Big hugs to you. The gardens are beautiful.
Sue B

White Dog Blog said...

Dearest friend, we all understand. We care. We don't judge. And we are always at your side...that is what heart family does. Be at peace and be well. The White Dog Army loves you.

Anonymous said...

Owning to family issues I am giving up blogging for a while. Can you send me your email address for when the book is published?
my email address is: y.lewis36@yahoo.co.uk


Anonymous said...

Dear Carol,

It's been a long cold, dark, snow, gray winter here in the northeast US, too. You've had a big loss... Completely understand and think you have every right to feel down and talk about it. Telling it and sharing it helps. We're here to support and to listen knowing you would do the same. We hope Spring and those gorgeous flowers help you heal.


Lizzine & 2 kitties

Kari said...

I know that I may sound like a broken record but night shift work will sooner or later start to affect your equilibrium. Even if one loves
working nights, it's hard to keep
moods on an even keel. It takes
longer for some people to be affected
than others but we all eventually are.
Not all the time, but every now and
then. You've had a hard year, dear
friend. We hope from now on things
start to even out. We send you all of
our love. Kari, Gran and the cats.

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of hugs and purrs for you!! Howdy from your TX furiends,
Samantha & Clementine

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are in awe over the very orange flowers. And all the others. But mostly those ornge ones.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Don't worry about all your friends on the CB Carol, take care of yourself first and try not to beat yourself up about small little things. GJ would not want you to be so sad all the time so please try and smile as you think of him gossiping with all his friends at Rainbow Bridge. Think of the lovely flowers in York Park as a tribute to him.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Carol we certainly understand..we all know how you feel and the love you and Barrie had for GJ. Dang we never met him and we loved him.
We are here and you just take your time...no pressure you write what you feel.
Lots of hugs madi and Mom your buds forever

Jans Funny Farm said...

We too understand that sometimes it isn't easy or even possible to be "up". A big warm hug!

Debra Taylor said...

I think we all understand! I hope you are feeling much more like you want to.

For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.