2 June 2013

A little update..

Hello everyone. A mixed update really. Yesterday mum and dad went out for the afternoon to a 40's event. The bonus was that it was a new one and only a 20 min drive from us. They really had a good time and the event was a huge success. The other big bonus was that when they came back they saw that I had eaten a small amount by myself. Not a lot but I had eaten and this made mums day...
                                                Mum loves this one..
                                              The mixed update is that although I ate a little on my own yesterday I have not repeated it and am quite quiet and sleepy today. dad is getting the tablets ready as we speak. Mum is at work today on late shift so its just me and dad for the rest of the day.
                          Thank you again for all the great comments as they really do keep mum going. Mum got to visit quite a few friends and will try to get to some more when not at work.
                           Love and hugs to all .... GJ xxxx


Barb said...

Keeping you all in our prayers and purrs.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well my dear friend, that is wonderful you had some bites on your own, now do it again. Repeat after me GJ, repeat and eat. We are all purring for you like crazy GJ. We love you!!!

Marg said...

We certainly are sending many more purrs Jasper. Please, please eat some more food. We all have our paws and hooves crossed for ya. Take care.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww sweet GJ!!! We continue to send you many many many purrs and healing hugs! We know you are trying your best!! You rest now and enjoy the sunny weather!

Awwww your mum and dad are gorgeous in their 1940's gear!! Love these pics!!! Yay! take care

Anonymous said...

Constantly in my thoughts all of you.


Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper, your folks look really neat and snappy in their 40's dress!
As always, we purr very hard for you and hope you can make a comeback like last time. Hugs!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We ♥ the pics of your mum and dad.

Now you can do this GJ.. you CAN eat a bit EVERY day.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so glad your parents had a chance to get out and have fun. We loves the pictures of them.

Glad you ate on your own yesterday, now be a good boy for your Daddy and eat some more today. In fact we thinks you should lick your plate clean.

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, we're glad your humans got out and had fun. Both pics are great, and we can see why your mum loves the second one in particular.

You know we're purring and purraying for you, GJ. Whatever happens, you're deeply loved.


Hannah and Lucy said...

Your Mum and Dad look so smart in their outfits for the 40's event. We hope you will have a few nibbles again today GJ - little and often is good.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Love the photos!

Please keep eating Ginger!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Hey Dood you are making a bit of progress which in impurrtant. Keep nibbling here and there and you will be back in the saddle in no time.

Dad and Mom look really nice. Better still they look like they still have that spark between them. Things that make you want to purrrr.

Best wishes from your Pals at the Tomcat home

Katie Isabella said...

I would SO love, my mommy said, to view the 40's event. Mom said she loves the pictures and remembers when you posted some last time. For me..I love viewing YOU GJ. I ask that you please please please eat more and try to move about a bit. Please do. All my love.

katsrus said...

Purrs and hugs to you Ginger.
Sue B

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Sending purrs and purrayers across the Big Pond! We have faith in you, GJ! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Kari said...

We love to hear that you've eaten! Timmy Tomcat is right. Nibble small bits throughout the day. Many small
snacks may feel better on your tummy than larger meals.
God bless your dad for doing the trying and stressful job of giving you your pill. It always brings a smile to our faces to think the he wasn't a "cat person".

Your beans look so cute! They both pull off the 40's look effortlessly. The style really becomes your mum, she look soooo pretty. Glad they had a good time. Lightening of the stress is good for them.

BeadedTail said...

We're glad your mum and dad were able to attend an event close to home. They looked great! We're also glad you ate a little bit on your own and hope you eat something for your dad too. We love you Jasper and are sending you lots of purrs!

Asta said...

Dawling GJ
I am continooing to cwoss my paws fow you and sending healing smoochies and soo hoping you will eats mowe. I love the pictoowes of youw Mum and Dad..they look wondewful
smoochie kisses

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We always enjoy seeing your Mom and Dad in their 40's dress!

meowmeowmans said...

Love those photos of your Mom and Dad, GJ. You are constantly in our thoughts, purrs and prayers. Keep trying to eat, okay? Hugs.

Sparkle said...

Purrs to you and your humans, GJ... I am hoping for better days for you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are lovely photos of your mum and dad GJ.
I am glad you managed to eat a little bit on your own. Please try to keep doing that. All these little bites add up.

Terri said...

We are sending purrs, love and hugs to you all. We wonder if a little people food meat might tempt you to eat?

I agree with your mum--that's a great picture :)

Mandu said...

Good boy, GJ!

Pattyskypants said...

Eat a little more, GJ, and we'll be in business! xxoo Bhu

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're sending big Aby purrs, GJ!

Poppy Q said...

Your mum and dad look very spiffy in their photos.

GJ - good on you for eating a little bit. Keep up the good work buddy.

All my love
Julie and Poppy Q

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we are purring for you and hope you will eat a little bit more.

A Tonl said...

oh GJ, please nom just a little bit more???

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That surely IS a great pic of Mum and Dad. We are glad they were able to have such a fun time. Now, GJ, take those pills and do eat some more.

Woos - Phantom. Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hope that Dad and the tablets helped you decide to eat some more food...

san said...

Every little bit that you eat is a joy GJ.

GLOGIRLY said...

Those are beautiful photos, GJ!!!
You're in our thoughts and purrs, sweetie.

Katie & Glogirly ...and Waffles TOO

Please be sure to vote for your favorite logo today in the Pet Blogger Mall Logo Contest! Voting ends tonight (Monday June 3) at midnight, EST. CLICK TO VIEW LOGOS & VOTE

Team Tabby said...

We're glad to hear your mom and dad enjoyed taking part in the 40's event, they look wonderful.

so glad to hear you are eating a bit GJ, every little bit helps, so keep this up. sending purrs to you.

Unknown said...

Darling GJ

I'm still keeping track of your condition all the way from sunny Penang in Malaysia. You ate a little yesterday and i'm sure you can do it again. For the sake of all your furfriends, YOU CAN DO IT! I'm praying crazily for you here.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Just popped by to send more PURRS and love. xxx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

maybe your Mum and Dad should leave bits of food around the house that you could eat at your leisure? Maybe you like to eat privately? No matter how you do it, please eat GJ!!
Loved your Mum and Dad's 40 photos! Soooo sweet!

SuziQCat said...

A few bites on your own is great news. Keep it up GJ!

Have you tried giving him fluids? Sometimes that helps if you are not eating and drinking well, you get dehydrated some and that can make you feel nauseated. Fluids can help with that rather quickly. Just a thought.

Just Mags said...

Good job sweet G.J. now just keep doing it and doing it so you will get all better. We really like your Mum and Dad's 40's outfits and we are glad to hear they had a good time at the event. Keeping those prayers going here for you all. Hugs and nose kisses

John Bellen said...

We're still thinking of you, Ginger Jasper. Eat some more; you have to stay healthy.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

You gotta eat a little bit more GJ, until you are very hungry.
We have a saying in French: "L'appétit vient en mangeant" (Appetite comes with eating - not sure it exists in English too).

We're sending lots and lots of purrs so that you keep on eating!


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Those are lovely photos of your mum and dad GJ !
Keep sending lot of (((purrs))) and huggies <3

Kitties Blue said...

GJ, Those pictures of your mum and dad are so adorable. We've never heard of a 40s event before. You were such a good boy to eat some nibbles of food. Purrlease eat some more. We are still purraying for you. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

So lovely photos of you beans~!
We are keeping sending you purrs.

Ellen Whyte said...

We're purring for you, Jasper!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

I'm so glad you ate, Ginger Jasper! Could you do it again please? We're purring for you!

I don't know if you can get it where you are, but have you tried Liqui-Tinic? It did wonders for Spanky of Love and Hisses when he nearly stopped eating, gave him an appetite and some more time with his family. I know you can get it on amazon.
Praying the pills work!

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrrs and prayers for you Ginger Jasper!! Eat as much as you can!!
(((((HUGGGGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,