7 November 2012

Not the news I wanted....

Its that time of year again. If you would like a Christmas card from me this year please email to cazbaz7 at aol dot com
                           Hello everyone.. Today was my half day check at the vets. They take my blood pressure, bloods etc. Mum and dad were quite optimistic that all would be good although I have maybe been more sleepy than normal. I was dropped of at around 8:15 and I can tell you I sang all the way.. Our vet rang mum around three hours later and gave her my results. My blood pressure is raised . My value's are all worse. Urea is high, cretin high, in fact all are raised. The vet man said he cant raise my medication any higher as it is as high as he can take it. he said we have to really try harder to get me to eat renal food. I hate it but mum is going to squash small amounts in with the other and try to get me to eat it. They are also ordering me some special renal dry food to try. The vet said that it is a fine balance because he knows how quickly I stop eating if I don't like something so we have to do our best but not to the point of me not eating. Mum asked that they do my yearly booster a couple weeks early while I was there so as not to have stress of going again. I got the booster but instead of going back for all tests in three months like I have been I have to go back in a month to get all levels done again and see if I managed the diet and it helped. So just when we were saying I am a good statistic I go and do this and of course mum and dad will now worry. Wish me luck with the new foods.
                                     Hope you are all well..
                                                   Love and hugs GJ xx


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh GJ, that is not the news we wanted to hear either. But I know you can do it, just start with itty bitty bits of the food and work your way up. We love, love, love you GJ and eat you must.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

precious baby it isn't your fault! You didn't do anything! Cody has to eat special rabbit food due to allergies, do you think that maybe you could try to eat your renal food? It will help you sooooo much!
We are purring and praying that you will decide that you like the food.....but you didn't do anything wrong! (((((hugs))))

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, we wish we were reading better news too.

Can your mum sprinkle something enticing on the renal food? Our human sprinkles a bit of FortiFlora on our canned food to get us (mostly Derry) to eat wet. She also will sprinkle a bit of ground-up (in a coffee bean grinder) dry (it's a grain- and potato-free kibble) on our canned too.

Just tossing out ideas, something to get you to eat more of the food that will help.

Paws crossed and lots of purrs!

Old Kitty said...

Oh GJ!! Sweet beautiful GJ. We are also really worried about you and after you were doing so well too! Please please please continue eating and taking your meds. We hope this is just a temporary glitch. Please please please take care. We send you lots of hugs and purrs and positive vibes! Take care

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Surtainly NOT the news I wanted to hear either :(
Keep my paws crossed that you like the new Renal dry food !

Marilia said...

Oh sweetie! I´m purring to you!!!!!

MrsB said...

To Jasper's Mum,
Do you have mobile vets in the UK? if you do, it might help with the stress if vet comes to you.

Marg said...

Oh GJ, we didn't want to hear that news either. We sure hope you and Mum and Dad can figure out the food so you will eat it. So please eat that food GJ. We are sending so many purrs that we know you will eat it. WE are sure cheering you on. Take care. And eat GJ.

The Paw Relations said...

Oh dear Jasper. Are you sure you don't have white coat syndrome? The mum has it and it makes her blood pressure sky rocket.

We hope you find a renal food you like.

Random Felines said...

well geez.....that could have gone better. we hope you can be convinced to eat the fuds though!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are sending more healing purrs and we has our paws crossed you will like the food and eat it. We are counting on a GOOD report next month GJ.

Dachshund Nola said...

PLEASE eat the food, GJ! Paws crossed

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

OK, GJ, our mission now is to help your Mum and dad find the right kind of renal food. It might be worth their while to try several different brands in case one of them tckles your fancy. One of the reasons we say this is that one of the dry foods we all love best is something that #1 ordered because it's supposed to be for weight control, even though diet foods are generally not as nice. You could take a look at www.zooplus.co.uk. Some of these foods are available in very small 250gr packs, so good for trying. Also, let us know if you need any more appetite stimulant.

The Chans

Mr. Black said...

GJ, you really need to eat your renal diet! There are a lot of good ideas in the comments above.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, we wish the news had been better. Please eat your new food! Maybe it won't be so icky this time. But you are a strong kitteh and you have a great family. Hang in there, dear furriend!

Deb said...

You'll be in my thoughts. Be good boy and eat the food. Big hugs, Deb

JC said...

Well, that is lousy news.

All the paws are crossed for you at my house and that's a lot of them.

Take care you sweet orange,
JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Poor Jasper. Please do try and eat your special food. We'll be crossing our paws and sending lots of purrs your way!

Angel Simba said...

GJ, we will purr hard for you to develop a taste for the fancy renal food you don't like. We are sorry your news was not better, but we fell you can do it if you try. Nosetappies, sweet boy.

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes Jasper! We're sending purrs that your next results are much better and this was just a fluke. We hope you like the renal food too. Crossing paws and sending hugs to you mum!

Sparkle said...

I didn't want to hear this news either, GJ! I am hoping that some of this renal health food starts to appeal to you - I'm sending lots of purrs your way!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry that your tests were not good. We are sending purrs to you and your family!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh GJ, that is not the news we wanted to hear either. We hope you can manage to eat your renal food. We are purring for better results when you go back in a month.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!
Eat the good food!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh GJ, we did not want to see this report either. Why can't you just eat that stuff? You and Phantom are both having some tough days here. We hope you will like that renal food and gobble it all up. Hugs to you and Mom.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Just Ducky said...

Hugs GJ, we hope you try to eat the other foods. It will help you.

The Life of Riley said...

Our paws are crossed for you GJ. Just and idea, though your humans may alreayd have done this. We are not sure what temperature you get your food (e.g. straight out of the fridge), but if it isn't just kibble then sometimes room temperature (or slightly warm) is more tasty and intersting to eat than cold food. We wish you well.

Love and woofs,

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh GJ, we haven't visited in soooo long and now to hear this news. If you don't like the food and you aren't eating enough...you will lose weight and that's not good either. Teri says a little sub q fluids every day will help more and not be as yucky as the foods you don't like. Please have your Mum Skype Teri if she wants to talk...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We are purring for you, my dear GJ!!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we're sorry your results were not good. We hope you will eat your renal food. Teri mentioned sub-qs. Has your vet said anything about that? Sub-qs can help. We are purring for you.

Unknown said...

Dearest GJ,
that is not the good news wes was wanting to hear. Yous is going to has to eats the new foods yous know...

san said...

Hi GJ. The good food may not taste right the first time but it would improve later. We all ate the renal food as well when our bruffer Totoro was here. he had sub q as well - 3 times per week. We had Walthams Renal for feline. Even the stray cats liked it.

Tanaka and the amigos

Angel Prancer Pie said...

GJ, you get in there and eat that food like the champion you are! We said last year we knew you could do this and you have! Big ((hugs)) from across the pond.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

We are purring and praying that this new food will be irresistable to you!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope your new food will help get your blood pressure and your high values down GJ. We hope the dry renal food will be to your taste. Please eat the special food for your Mum and Dad's sake and well as your own.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh GJ, we is purrrring for you to eat some of the renal foods and get better levels!

Terri said...

GJ, sweetie, we did not want to hear bad news! Do different brands of renal food exist? Maybe you'd like a different brand.

Wonky Girl said...

Oh GJ, sorry to read about this. I know it keeps you from feeling well. Our kitty Mr. Pibbs is a new diabetic now. Hard to keep his blood sugars regulated.
We will pray for you to get better.

Maxmom said...

Sending lots of love to you. Get well soon, GJ!

Kari said...

Oh Jasper, darling. We join all of your loving friends when we say we did not expect to hear the results if your lab tests. Can you not have sub cutaneous fluids at home? We are on kitty #8 right now and believe us when we say it's easier on our mum than trying to get us to eat renal food. Terrl would be a wonderful resource in this matter. We also think that Forti-Flora ( flavored pro biotic) might help give the renal diet a bit of flavour; if it's ok with your vet. If you need anything or we can help in any way, please let us know. All of our love-Always!

Kari said...

Forti-Flora does have protein in it but but the powder is a very tiny amount.

Mollie said...

Hold ya nose and just get in there. Everyone wants you better GJ :) XX00XX

Mollie and Alfie

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh GJ, we were so hoping for better news for you. You poor sweet boy. Rumblemum is thinking such positive thoughts for you and we're both sending our purrs. Please feel better.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy GJ, listen mate. Try not to worry too much and just eat what your mum and dad tell you to ok? We might just have to send healing slobbers to rub all over your body and somehow we don't think you would enjoy that! Take care oh fluffy friend. Hugs to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

GreatGranny said...

Sweet GJ, We're sorry fur your vet visit. Mom feeds me renal fuds too. I eat about a teaspoon at a time. So maybe you can try that. We so hope you can coz we love you.
xoxo Kassey

Team Tabby said...

GJ think of something really yummy and pretend you are eating it instead of the renal food.

Sending lots of good luck!!

Pattyskypants said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to eat that food 'cuz it tastes like wet paper! YUK! Anyway, we are rooting for you, GJ! Do good, dude! xxoo Bhu

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ - please eat your new foods! Now's not the time to play the finicky card. We're purring really hard for you.

Truffle and Brulee

White Dog Blog said...

OK, good friend, do not panic. Keep an open mind about the food. Mum has a good idea to mash it in with what you like...give it a chancePLEASE! We are send White Dog positive energy and healing thoughts that will help make your nubers better. We send strength to you all...wrapped in LOTS of white floofy love!

A Tonk's Tail said...

GJ dude, ya gotta give it the old college try with those new foods. Your humans are counting on you!

We send you purrs for healing and good results next month.

lupie said...

GJ Buddy!

Please eat! You need to eat for energy and be better!

Sending you lots of healing vibes and we are purring like a motorboat for good results soon!

Love, Lucky & Gang

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ sweet boy I hope you can find something you like about your renal foods. I know we cats are rather finicky but you don't want your peeps worrying.
Hugs and purrs for tasty foods
Madi and Mom

meowmeowmans said...

Oh noes! GJ, this is not the news we wanted to hear, either. Please, please eat those renal foods, okay? We love you so much, and want you to get those numbers going in the right direction again.

Hugs, purrs and prayers to you, and your mum and dad, too.

Colehaus Cats said...

We are purring hard for you, GJ, and can tell you from personal experience, eating the renal foods will make you feel better! Purrs...

Anonymous said...


This site helped my mommy unnerstand more better and her found ways to make me feels better too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Of course they worry. That's what a mom and dad do. But we hope you will eat right and will do better. It will make them very happy.

Wu-Dong said...

Oh, hope you get better soon Ginger Jasper! Such devastating news..

Meowing Off,


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