2 October 2012


This year has been a very sad and upsetting year and we have lost so many friends both human and fur friends to the dreaded c. we also have so many still fighting the awful disease and many that are survivors and have won the fight. I dedicate my post to friends and family who have lost the fight. who are fighting the fight and who have won the fight.
                                 To our dear friend Vic who fought so bravely and recently lost the fight. To grandad who lost his fight. To our nephew Steven who last his fight at 5 years old. To our friend  Paul who lost his fight just very recently. For all our fur friends who have lost the fight including very recently  Sadie and Tamir. there are so many that have gone to the bridge that I am not going to name all because I don't want to miss any names, but we think of them all. We think of and care about their families.
                                To our friends and family who are survivors, mum who won, Our dear friend Jackie who won, Jan and so many others that are survivors. Live Strong.
                               For friends and family that are still fighting the fight. Judi bug and so many more. We are with you in the fight and we strive  and pray for the day that we can say there is no more of the evil that is cancer. LIVE STRONG.
                                             Love and hugs to all our friends

                                                      We care ..  GJ Carol and Barrie xxx


Brian's Home Blog said...

That was lovely GJ. I just know that together we can defeat that Evil C. I hope we do it soon. Love ya GJ!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

This is a wonderful post GJ Carol and Barrie, and we share your prayers that the day is not far off when the evil c is defeated once and for all.

Oskar said...

Lovely post GJ!

Nubbin wiggles,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It's been a rough year for a lot of our friends and furiends. But together we can stand and live strong and beat the evil C.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Just Mags said...

Nice post sweet GJ. We are LivingStrong with you sweet friends. We hope and pray soon there will be a cure for all cancer. All who are touched in any way by this terrible disease is in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What a pawsome tribute. We hope fur a world without the evil "C".

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring and praying for a world without cancer.

The Florida Furkids

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That was lovely GJ. We just know that together we can defeat that Evil C. We hope we do it soon, we are losing way to many of our friends and loved ones to the Evil C.

Love ya GJ! and love your Halloween theme.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Lovely post. We're purring for the day where cancer no longer exists.

Ellen Whyte said...

Hi GJ, long time no see, hope you are furry purry.

Nice post! And we do love your graphics. We've posted too but in a Malaysian context. Meow from all of us!

Sparkle said...

It HAS been rough this year for many of us! My purrs are with the ones still fighting, and for the families of those who are gone.

Catio Tales said...

It has indeed been a very hard year. Livestrong together GJ good buddy x

Cat said...

Livestrong today and always and Lovestrong too!!!

Maxmom said...

Be strong! Be courageous! Live stong!
Too many friends lost and suffering. My heart also goes to Ann in her loss of Vic ...
A beautiful post, thank you!

Unknown said...

Lovely! Have a terrific Tuesday GJ.
Best wishes Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Beautiful post, GJ!

The Chans

ZOOLATRY said...

We, too, care ...

Marg said...

That is so true. We just need to send this darn cancer packing. We sure are sending good thoughts to the people winning the battle and to those that have lost the battle. Thanks GJ.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy GJ, that was beautifully said. We lost our angel Oscar to cancer and our Aunty has fought this monster too and has survived. Thanks for this post. Live Strong. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

We love LUNA said...

I'm praying for our world without this terrible "C".Thanks for this post dear Jasper!

The Island Cats said...

We purr for those who have been and those who are affected by the evil C. Livestrong!

Angel Simba said...

GJ this a really a wonderful post, remembering all those special ones who have lost the fight, are still fighting, or won. We love the badges with your picture. May all LIVESTRONG!!

Angel Simba said...

Oh and Pee Ess, your Halloween banner and background are GREAT!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We purr for everyone whose lives have been affected by this evil disease.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katie Isabella said...

Cancer has taken mom's mother and mom and I wish that somehow a cure could be found. We have hope though, and as I have read in many of the blogs, some of our friends have won the battle while others have gone on.

Thank you GJ for your beautiful blog today. xoxox

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful words lovely GJ! It's a day for reflection, memories and hope, hope, hope! Take care

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a beautiful post, GJ! We must livestrong every day and lovestrong too.

Unknown said...

Wonderful post! Together we shall prevail!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are so sorry for your losses and the losses of so many others. We like how YOU actually went yellow GJ ((((hugs))))

Sasha said...

thanks for making my day special by sending me birthday greetings. I enjoyed all the greetings. It is nice to have kitty friends.
best wishes,

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

A beautiful post. We are sad for so much loss of so many beloved people and animals.
LiveStrong dear friends. xx

Pip said...

Beautiful post, GJ. You are so dear!

Cathy Keisha said...

I'll keep purring for a cure and for the loved ones left behind and for the survivors.

Gattina said...

Yes it's everywhere the same and so much grief and sorrow ! Instead of looking for water on planet mars they should invest the money to find a medication to stop or heal cancer ! Last week I went to the funeral of my friend 55 years old she had lung cancer !

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet post and tribute. Live Strong

Marilia said...

Have a livestrong!

Kari said...

Wonderful, lovely post dear Ginger Jasper.
Right now, two of our kitty brothers, Tucker and Oliver, are fighting their battles. The evil "C" does not discriminate. It attacks all species, all ages and all genders. It must be stopped! Our prayers are with all who lost their valiant battle, those who are fighting right now and those who have triumphed.
Praying and purring for the cure.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

GJ, that was a very special tribute. Everyone still fighting is in our hearts. Those who have fallen victim to the dreaded disease have our prayers and our sorrow. We hope and live strong until a cure is found.


Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Livestrong, everyday!

Asta said...

Dawling GJ
I cawe and dweam of a wowld whewe this fight doesn't have to be anymowe, but meanwhile LIVE STWONG! and nevew fowget those who have left us
smoochie kisses

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

There have been SO many... We are purrin our best today to stop the C.

Mickey's Musings said...

We purr for those who have passed away from cancer
and we purr even harder for those continuing to fight !!
Lovely post!!

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

White Dog Blog said...

We too dream of a day...soon...when cancer.touches.NO.one! And more than just dream, we stand proudly at your side fighting the good war to end the reign of terror. LiveStrong.

meowmeowmans said...

We hate cancer, and look forward to the day when “cancer” is just a word for something that used to exist. We join you Living Strong today, and every day.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sorry we're late. Very nice post, GJ. Sorry for the loss of your family members and friends.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

There has been so many beautiful posts like yours that I cannot believe it will not send positive purrs into the air and help a bit those who are still fighting, those who lost someone and those who actively look for a cure.