But I am not happy about this old one... Sheesh...
This morning mum was going to work and it was at a silly hour and still dark.. I got on the windowsill to say bye bye.. Mum could not resist getting the camera out to get this scary picture for Halloween..
Scary stuff...

I so hope that all my friends are OK after the terrible storm. I have been watching the awful pictures and news footage and worrying about everyone..There were so many effected and so much heartache.. Take care dear friends..
Happy Halloween..
Hugs GJ xxx
You are a Halloween Treat GJ! Love ya pal!
Very spooky, GJ. We'll pretend we didn't even see that second pic. Hee-hee!
That top photo is really spooky!
That one of you in the costume..yeah, you look real happy about that!
Great shiny-eyes photo for Halloween.
Happy Halloween, GJ, you make a great pumpkin.
Lots of damage for so many, and a lot of lives lost too. So sad.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
HAHAHA! You are such a cutie.
GJ! You look pretty cute there!! Happy Halloween!!
I love the photo your human got of you through the window, GJ - that was really spooky!
Happy Halloween Jasper !!!
We love that first pic!! Never get tired of that ;)
The lazer eyes in the window...pawsome ! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
We love those pictures!
GJ Me thinks yous males a pawsome Pumpkin...And me loves the top one of yous as a Roaring Moon, and me must say the Laser Eyes is marvelous and so are the Pumpkins with yous peeking outs and the fence.Great Scary Stuff!
We love that first graphic, too. Happy Halloween.
Lots of spooky fun, GJ! Love the photos.
Woof! Woof! Happy SPOOKY Halloween. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Howl-o-ween! as we White Dogs say! Love your glowing eyes photo.
We worry about so many still in the throes of the storms aftermath and who will be flooded or without power possibly for days and we ask the Universe to protect the animals that have been separated from their families, who live on the streets, or which are wild.
Those glowing eyes are spooky. Happy Halloween! Purrs!
Have a happy Halloween GJ.
Best wishes Molly
We hate to tell you GJ, that we kind of like the first picture. Great Halloween picture. Also love the laser eyes. Hope all of you have a super day.
Awwwww gorgeous GJ!!! You look super duper cute in your outfit!! Awwwww!! But your laser eyes are proper scary! Yay!! Happy Halloween!! Take care
Jasper, you lookz so cute. Wez love the photo's. Happy Hallooweeeen and hope you getz lotz of treats..MOL xx0xx
Mollie and Alfie
Those are very spooky pictures.
Happy Halloween, we hope you get lots of treats.
Happy Hween! Our Mom thinks you look adorable in your costume. WE think it's sooo undignified and deserves the Back of Disrespect.
Those are great Hallowe'en pictures, Ginger Jasper, especially the first one - very scary. The second one isn't so frightening...
We actually love all those pictures, GJ! Happy Halloween to you, Mum and Dad!
Thank you for thinking of us ... that Hurricane Sandy was so scary!
You did a great job of being spooky for Halloween Jasper! We think you make a cute pumpkin too! Happy Halloween to you and your mum and dad!
Happy Halloween
Stop on by for a visit
Oh GJ! I love you in your pumpkin suit -- you're so sweet! I'll bet you'd make a great pumpkin pie (or two or three).
Happy Halloweenie! Hope you get lots of treats.
your photos are CATABULOUS!! Happy Halloween!!
GJ your are very boo-tiful w and w/o a costume. You do make a most adorable pumpkin
Hugs Madi your BFFF
Nice Halloween lasers, GJ!!! You'll have to turn them on again for the trick or treaters!
Happy Halloween!
; ) Katie
Happy Halloween! Scary laser eyes!
Have a happy Howl-o-ween, GJ!
Kisses and purrrs and headbonks
Sherlock,Ash and Traveler
Love the pics, GJ! We don't remember the one with you in the sky being scary. Glad your mom put it in a post again!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Happy Halloween GJ!!!
You are so adorable wearing the outfit!! Looking great!!
Happy Halloweenie to you too!
Love the pictures ~ very spooky.
Lily Belle
Eeeek! How scary, GJ. Great job.
GJ, those are great pix. You are also the purrfect howl-o-ween colors. Have fun!
OK, yer orinj, but... A PUMPKIN Suit? Oh how embarrassing!
Oh Jasper, sweetheart! What a scary photo of you!
We'll have to give you lots if treats so you won't scare us even more.
You are such a dear in your little pumpkin costume. Wouldn't we just love to give you a Halloween cuddle.
Hope you got lots of yummy treats. Lots of love to you.
Love all the photos, thanks for sharing!
Belated Happy Halloween GJ!
We like that first picture of you too. It is very scary.The other pictures are spooky too.
You really were scary at that window, GJ! Thanks for coming by to support Charlotte in her first party. Hope there will many more.
We love all the pictures. Very spooky. We especially love the one of you. You make a great pumpkin.
Hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles
How did we miss this yesterday? We bet Mum had nodded off over the computer again - it's her age you know! Take care.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
LOVE the photo on your laser eyes , lookes really spooky !
Hope you had a great Halloween !
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