24 September 2012

keeping check.....

I was out in the yard with dad and got up on the gate to check all was well...
                                                               Check round here.....
                                                               Seems OK here......
                                                              Mmmmm up here now....
                                                                 Better get a  a closer look....
                                                        Check all around because you never know...
                                                   All is OK dad and no problems....
                                             Have a good day everyone and here's hoping that this week will be a better one for everyone.... Hugs To all GJxxx


Hannah and Lucy said...

We bet your Dad feels less scared now you've done the security check GJ. We'll second your last words and hope it is a better week for everyone.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Unknown said...

Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly

John Bellen said...

My cats check out the property from inside the windows; they're not quite as brave as you, Ginger Jasper. But I'm glad you are feeling strong and healthy. I'm sure this week will prove a better one after the sadness of last week. Have a wonderful day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You were very thorough GJ!!! Love ya big guy!

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, your dad sure is lucky to have you to keep him safe!

The Meezers or Billy said...

good job keeping check on efurryfing

Just Mags said...

Good job sweet GJ. You are so good at checking out the place and making sure everything is okay. Have a great day! Hugs and nose kisses

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We would all feel safer with you on patrol!

Marilia said...

What a sweet face you have GJ!!!!
Have a great week!!!

BeadedTail said...

You're very thorough in your inspection Jasper! We know your mum and dad feel very safe with you on duty!

Jenna and Sissy said...

The human wil haf a very busy week. She sez she won't get to chek the CB as often. We think dat no fair. We doz hope eferyone haf a good week wif no sick kitties or people.

Sparkle said...

An uneventful patrol is always a good thing!

I hope your commenting issues on my blog are taken care of, GJ - let me know if they are not!

Marg said...

Oh GJ, you are just so smart to snoooopervise and make sure everything is all right and keep the family nice and safe. GJ, give your Mom and extra head bump for all of us.

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ your Dad is very lucky to have such a devoted Sentry as you!
Hugs your BFFF

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful and ever so floofy and fabulous GJ!! Look at you snoopervising dad and patrolling your area! You are AMAZING!!! And what a jump from the fence to the roof! WOW!!!Take care

Princess Jasmine said...

You do a great security job CJ, we bet your daddy is glad to have you :)xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your mum and dad must feel a lot safer after your thorough check for introoders.


Good for you keeping check. Take care.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Look at you jump! So fast they only thing they catch is your bum! You are so cute and fluffy we can't stand it! Good working inspecting everywhere!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mum and Dad are so lucky to have you there to do all that snoopervising for them. Just do be careful when you go up so high there.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lorenza said...

I can see you have everything under control!
Happy week to you too!
Kisses and hugs

GLOGIRLY said...

The world is safe under your watch, GJ.
: ) Katie

White Dog Blog said...

Here's for good weeks and secure homes! Sending White Dog Army positive thoughts.

The Island Cats said...

GJ, you sure did a good job to make sure your dad is safe!

Kari said...

Just look at that precious little face! Adorable! You are an absolute picture!
Since there are no introoders to chase away, you and your dad can settle into a comfy chair and share some man time together.
All of our love.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy GJ, have a good week too. With you on watch, everything should be just fine. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

A Tonk's Tail said...

Wishing you a wonderful week as well!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OutSTANDING patrollin, GJ!!!

We love LUNA said...

Dear Jasper,
You have such a charming tail! ;)
Love your pictures!

Mr Puddy said...

GJ...Great job !
And I'm sure you will get a big hug from your daddy after that : )

Thanks for purring for me, I feel so much better now

meowmeowmans said...

Great job checking things out, GJ! We, too, hope this week is better, and filled with some happy news.

Hugs to you, Mum and Dad

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Don't forget to ask for more treats for your good work ;-)