6 August 2012

Purrs for our friends.+..But I dont want to come down......

Hello everyone.. Firstly sorry that mum is not posting or commenting a lot ,mum is having a tough time working through things at the moment but is trying. Yesterday and today we heard that two friends were in need of our prayers and purrs, and their health problems so put our problems into perspective. We send so much love to our friends, one who you all know and love as well. To Ann and Vic we send so much love, prayers, purrs and everything else we have. To our friend here we give the same.. Mum says if love and hope can help then we have buckets  of both and give them freely. Please pray for our dear friends at Zoolatry.. Power of the paw please because they need it so much......

Today the little cat came back. Dad spotted that I had seen her/him and had given chase. Mum came out and tried talking me down.  
                                       I stared and stared....
She stared and stared....
Mum talked and talked for ages and prevented a fight.. I eventually let her back of and to get away..Mum said please don't fight because she is hungry and much smaller than me..
I listened and I came down..
Here is a little of the stand off...

                          Take care everyone.. Much love everyone.. We so appreciate everyone..
                                                           Hugs GJ xxx


Marilia said...

GJ, you´re so fluffy!!!!!
Lovely videos.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That was kind of you not to start a fight, GJ. And we are purring hard for our friends Vic and Ann too.

Sparkle said...

It took your human a long time to convince you to come down, GJ! I do feel bad for the little intruder - she does look hungry. Purrs to your human - I hope things start looking up.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww sweet GJ!! Awwwww we can hear the yowling and howling! Awwwwww!!! But you listened to your lovely mum and left this tiny sweetie alone! Yay!! You are a good boy!!! Wonderful!!

We hope mum feels a little better soon!! Take care

Sweet Purrfections said...

You were a good mancat to protect your home but to also listen to your mom (we love listening to your mom talk).

We're also purring for Vic and Ann.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We could certainly hear cat posturing sounds too!

GJ, we wouldn't have listened to our human, that's for sure. She'd have had the spray bottle (water and vinegar) out within seconds, spraying between the two of you. LOL.

Poor little girl...We hope someone in the area is feeding her, if your mum isn't able to.

Purrs to her, to you, to your mum, and to Vic and Ann.

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, you and your Mum are Good Eggs to put your troubles aside and purray for others.

Now please let the little stray kitty have some supper!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all purring and praying for Poppy Vic. We love you GJ and you, your Mum and Dad are always in our thoughts and prayers too.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I nevFUR realised how Siberian woo are!

PeeEssWoo: I've got the paws khrossed here as well!

The Monkeys said...

GJ, you look so cute during your stare-down!

We hope the intruder is getting fed somewhere or lives somewhere close by!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You were very good not to fight the little stray GJ. It takes a big mancat to let her get away. We are sorry to hear your mum is still having a tough time with everything and hope things soon start to look up for her. We are purring and praying for Ann and Poppy Vic, and send purrs for your mum's friend too.

Unknown said...

We send much love too, to your friends. Take Care.
Best wishes Molly

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sending purrs and prayers to Ann and Vic as well as to your family!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All the thoughts and prayers we can muster are with Ann and Vic here too - we are all hoping for some good news.

GJ, you can be a mischievous little guy, can't you?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Katie Isabella said...

Honey you were such a gentleman...thank you for not hurting her. She was hungey and frightened.

We are also heartbroken about Poppy Vic.

Ellen Whyte said...

GJ you are a true gent. Poor little cat, we hope she finds a home.

Jenna and Sissy said...

The human uses her cheery kitty voice and tells me how nice the introoders are, pretty they are...you get the idea. I now just paw at the patio door.

We are sending purrs and hugs to your mum. We thinks lotsa kitties and people need them now.

Debra Taylor said...

You are so very cute! I am like your mum - very little time to post and comment like I wish I could do.

Glad you came down - charmed by mum.

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.


The Island Cats said...

We're glad you listened to your mum and came down, GJ. Maybe that kitty wants to be your furiend!

We are purring for your mum and hope things get better.

Kari said...

You are quite the cat for protecting your home but you are an extraordinary mancat to show mercy to the little hungry intruder. Do you realize how lovely it is to snuggle with another kitty. To have the companionshp of another of our own kind is the most wonderful thing in the world. We are sending lots and lots prayers and purrs your way. Direct them to where they are needed most. He will understand. PS: Did you ever think that the little intruder was sent to brighten your and your mum and dad's day?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Purrs and purrayers fur all those in need. Mom says she hopes your wee one if growing and doing well. XOXO

Just Ducky said...

Yeah, don't start a fight with a lady cat. I don't think you can win in the long run.

Unknown said...

Dear Gj
It is so good to sees yous! We is happy that yous posted and that yous did not chase the lady cat!
We has been purraying for so many peoples and pet but wes still has lits of hugs for yous!

White Dog Blog said...

Sending love and strength to mum. Thanks for taking the road of compassion and understanding GJ, the little girl DID look hungry and scared.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Ginger Jasper, how are you mate. Don't fight with the little kittie She looks sweet. She probably wishes she had a lovely home like yours. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're relieved you listened to your Mum GJ and left that little kitty in peace. We hope no-one has dumped her and she has somewhere to go for food and shelter.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Well we has to admit we were not very nice to Butters but we hope you will let your Mommy help the poor hungry kitty. We understand about not liking intruders though.

We has an award for you today.

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ...you are such a good sentry for your house and we are proud of you for letting the little intoooder back away w/o an incident thanks to you mom's kind voice
Hugs Madi

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

GJ, we wish we had an award ta give you fer yer kindness to the other cat. So just consider you got one.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad you didn't beat up on her, GJ.

We send {{{hugs}}}, purrs and pawhugs to your mom and hope things get better for her soon.

CCL Wendy said...

Happy World Cat Day, GJ! We are so happy you are still feeling frisky enough to stalk other kitties. And the results from your tests are simply speCATular!

Keep on truckin' big boy!

John Bellen said...

You do a good job of protecting your domain, Ginger Jasper. But I don't think you need to worry about the intruder; she's probably just hungry and scared. Good luck to all there who are having troubles. Your friends are thinking of you.

Mrs Mac said...

Oh GJ, she is probably intimidated by your leonine tresses. She might think you want to eat her ears. I am so glad you are well enough now to climb up there, btw, but do be careful!