18 July 2012

Would you believe it.....

Would you belive it.. Dad made me come in out of my yard.. Because......
                                                   Of this... Introoder...
The neighbour had put out food on the shed roof and this introoder.. ( who mum thought was cute) was eating the food and dad said  she looked hungry and to make sure I wouldn't chase her   away made me come in... Sheesh  ..
But I suppose it was OK this once..
Don't tell mum but she could be right because she is kinds cute..
Love and hugs to all
GJ xxxx


Fuzzy Tales said...

Aww, she's pretty, though she looks quite wary. Poor sweetie. We're glad someone's putting out food for her, GJ, and that you weren't able to chase her away!

Marilia said...

She´s a beautiful girl GJ!

Sparkle said...

If it's helping a kitty in need, then it's okay - we do have to look out for our own!

Deb said...

You know you come first in mom and dad's eyes. It's nice to share space and food sometimes so hopefully you will become friends.

Marg said...

Oh GJ, she really is cute. We think you should become friends with her.Hope those people keep feeding her. Wonder if she is friendly. HAve a great day.

meowmeowmans said...

She's a cutie for sure, GJ. Moms and Dads are cautious by nature, and yours are just being extra careful, since they love you so much. :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GJ... I suppose she WAS right to have you come in. THEY can't be ALWAYS wrong... or can they?

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ your introoder is rather cute, she looks a little bossy...make sure she knows you are ONLY sharing your turf for a little while.
Hugs Madi

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

She is pretty! It's probably best that you went in. Your mum and dad don't want you chasing her off across dangerous roads.

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwww, she does look cute. I hope she enjoyed her food and that you got some treats for being good and coming indoors :)xx

The Whiskeratti said...

We know it's tough to watch the Ebil Introoders, but sometimes it's a good thing to let them be there. Like when they need to be fed.

Old Kitty said...

Gorgeous and ever so adorable GJ!! Awwww your new introoder is beautiful! And your mum and dad and neighbours who look out for her are wonderful too! Yay! take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Maybe that intruder will come back and make friends with you, GJ.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Katie Isabella said...

Oh GJ, she is very beautiful and I fink she may like to get to know you. I am glad you came in though as she needed a meal. We have to look after our own as another good kitty said above me here.

Kari said...

What a lovely kitty visitor. I think your mum and dad were worried about you both. They certainly wanted the stray kitty to eat and not be afraid of you. (We Kitties do need to tale care of our own.). And they were afraid you'd run after the kitty and keep going. Your mum and dad and all of us that love you couldn't bear if you got lost. You're King of Hearts to us.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

she is very cute. We were imprisoned for days because of Butters. Mommy talked to the cat man this morning Butters is settling in nicely at his home and the cat man adores him.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Maybe--maybe she needs a home she can really call her own......? Pretty girlcat if I do say so myself!

The Meezers or Billy said...

she is cute - but you would not chase her would you GJ?

Pattyskypants said...

She looks more like a "guest" than an introoder to me! xxoo Bhu

Unknown said...

She is very cute! Purrhaps she has heard what a gentleman yous is GJ!

Just Ducky said...

A new girlfuriend for you GJ?

Dachshund Nola said...

She's really cute! Love the new header

The Island Cats said...

Maybe the introoder wants to be your furiend!

m.q said...

beautiful introoder GJ!! maybe both of you can be friends

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor kitty! Do you think she's lost her way? Your neighbour is kind to feed her.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

She is very cute! WE are glad you are feeding her!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

She might be a good girlcatfriend, GJ!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, she is pretty. Good thing you went in, she looks like she'd run! I hope you got some snugglings to make up for having to leave the out of doors!

John Bellen said...

Yes, it's best that you don't exert yourself too much, Ginger Jasper. Besides, she doesn't look like an evil intruder - just an intruder.

On other notes, we sure hope that Alivia gains some weight and good health soon. And good thoughts to your mum, as well. We can see there's a lot to worry about, but stay positive, and there'll be less soon.

White Dog Blog said...

Aw, GJ, you and your folks have such big hearts to be concerned about the hungry street kitty not getting interrupted while she eats.She IS kinda cute!

Team Tabby said...

She is very cute!

Hannah and Lucy said...

hat a sweet little kitty GJ - we hope she has a home.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Awww GJ what a sweet kitty you are. She IS awfully cute! We also hope she has a home

Anonymous said...

Sweet GJ we are sorry you had to go in and couldn't enjoy your yard. But we gotta agree that kitty is cute. It was nice of your dad to put out food for her. Hugs and nose kisses

Terri said...

She is a lovely kitty. We're glad someone is feeding her.

We hope everything is better on the home front. Sometimes it seems like the sky is falling...

Jacqueline said...

That is a lovely intruder you have there, handsome GJ; we're sure she would love to meet you, sweetie!!...So sorry to hear about darling Alivia's illness and your Mum's upcoming procedure=we will keep them both in our purrs and prayers...Wishing you a happy weekend ahead, precious friend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We agree that she is rather cute, GJ!

The WriggleButts said...

Nice of you to go inside so she could have a relaxing meals!

Kisses, Virus and Hyssy!

dobson said...

Your fat furry face is too much!
Either way, a few cautious meetings with Intruder Cat and you'll probably become friends.