9 May 2011

Simple pleasures...

Hello everyone, I thought I would show you a few photo's that mum says are simple pleasures that made her smile..
I thought I spotted a spider...
can you see what mum's doing....

A fish pedicure and mum loved it....

Lilli bean and mum in the Wendy house at the allotment....

Mollie bean at the allotment...

Mollie bean picking radish....

Lilli bean with one of her chickens...

Lilli bean got a early birthday present. Harry the rabbit....

Can you see what is peeping out...

This mum has five new babies and they are gorgeous.

One day old and just so cute...

The beans spend a lot of time at the allotment and mum says simple pleasures are so good and the fresh air is also so good for the beans.. Mum says sometimes simple pleasures are just the best....

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.. I am still eating small amounts some days not so much and some days a little more.. No weight gain yet but hopefully going the right way.. Thank you my friends for all the lovely comments. I love you all...

We have just seen on our news that there have been floods across the pond and pray that everyone is safe..

Hugs GJ xxx


Kari in Alaska said...

I have to say, the fish pedicure creeps me out!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It is wonderful to have the allotment. Fresh veges, animals fresh air, furn and responsibility!

Angel Simba said...

Those pictures all made my Mom smile too, GJ. Keep up the eating.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those pictures made me smile too GJ! Now, eat a bite for me!!!

The Monkeys said...

It looks like your beans have the right idea on relaxing!

We are still purring that you keep up your eating and put some of your lost weight back on, GJ!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

A fish pedicure??? Now that is a new one on us - we have to help Mom find out more about this.

Time at the allotment - wonderful fresh air, and great veggies growing, and fun animals to see. All in a wonderful day.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ what wonderful pictures they made us smile too...the fishies eating moms feet made us giggle.
You have very beautiful women in your family.
Hugs Madi

Cat Mandu said...

Wow! Look at all those birdies!
I hope those weren't piranha fishies in the tub with your Mum!

Cat said...

Great pics!!! I've heard of the fish pedicure but never had one...was it weird?

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, we love all of the pictures!! It sounds like everyone had a great time! We hope you got that spider! Eat a little more please! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A fish pedicure would be tasty. I wish my human would get one--at home!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, you made our Mommy long for her kitchen garden she had back in Illinois! Simple things are the best. A head scratch, a nice cuddle, a treat.
Good to hear you are eating, we hope you keep moving towards a ManCat appetite.

Mr Puddy said...

Now I imagine myself to do fish pedicure ! How fun !!! I guess I will eat it all when they tickle my paws..heh..heh

Your mom take those fish for you.: )
Great to know you eat more, GJ



Simple things are the best any day. loved the pictures.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

All is well here we are actually in a drought, but North Mississippi is experiencing some flooding. Mommy had heard about fish pedicures but never knew anyone who had actually had one. She said it looks like fun and she will have to try to find somewhere around here that offers them.

Harry the rabbit looks very handsome. Mommy knows he and Lilli will be very happy together. She had a rabbit when she was around Lilli's age.

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful and amazing GJ!! Awww what a sweet lovely post!! Me and Charlie hope you got that spider!! Good for you!!

Goodness those fish look hungry! LOL!! Awwww glad your mum enjoyed her fish pedicure!! Yay!

What a fun day at your allotment!! Mollie and Lilli bean are lovely!! We love Harry the Rabbit!! Awww and mum hen and her babies are adorable!!

Yay for such simple pleasures in life!! Please keep eating lovely GJ! Take care

Cindy said...

I don't know about that pedicure...it must tickle. Great pictures of the beans and animals.

Oskar said...

The allotment looks wonderful, but my mom person doesn't think she'd like fish nibbling at her feet!

Nubbin wiggles,

BeadedTail said...

Those are all wonderful pleasures to make us smile too! The bunnies and chicks are cute! We hope you keep eating more GJ! Purrs to you!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Just dropping by to say a special hello to you and your mom.

Mom Paula

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hmm, we're not sure about the fish pedicure. We hope there wasn't a stray piranha in with them.We agree, the simple things in life are the best.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I loved the pictures and so did mommy. GJ. we love you truly. Please keep eating and getting better. xoxoxox

Athena said...

Great pictures! I love the baby chick-hens. Do try to eat a bit more, sweet one.

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! A fish pedicure??? That could be fun, but we would like to eat them after,heehee Did they tickle your Mom's feet???
Looks like she had a fun day too.
Jasper, as long as you are holding your own that is a good thing :) HUGS!!!!

Great job on silencing that mousie Mr Puddy!!!!!!!!!! You are great Mancat ;)

Purrs Tillie and Georgia

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we don't know about that fish pedicure...we'd rather stick our paws in there and get those fishies!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I have never heard of a fish pedicure before!! OMC! Do the fish nibble at your toes? I have never heard of it. Are fish supposed to have some sort of vitamin that is good for feet?

I agree with you that simple pleasures are the BEST! They most certainly are!

Deborah said...

Hi GJ,I can't believe your mom with her pedicure!!! Although, in the ocean, sometimes you swim in a pool of fish, so I guess this is the same thing. I'm NOT showing the kids this though because they will want to try it with our fish tank!!

Marg said...

That fish pedicure is something else. Does it really help??
All that country stuff is so good for anyone. I love being able to go outside and see all my critters. Those baby chickens are the best.
GJ, you had just better start eating some more. Still sending lots of purrs and prayers. We are all crossing our paws too that you will eat just a little more. Take care.

Just Ducky said...

Someone near here tried to open a fish pedicure place. They had to stop since they can't "sterilize" them between people!

Lorenza said...

Simple pleasures... the best, right?
That pedicure looks... interesting!
Kisses and hugs

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

That pedicure looks pretty fishy. Ginger J. I hope your appetite improves. The pictures are wonderful. Mama thought the chicken was really pretty and hopes its not going to be dinner.

Sparkle said...

I love your humans' allotment photos, GJ! Those birdies look yummy, I mean, cute!

I am still purring for you to eat more!

Unknown said...

Hey GJ, maybe your Mom should have brought you home dome fishies from the pedicure to eats!!!
Glad yous has some good days.
Loved the pictures o the allotment and the little beans

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We saw Harry's PA Khousin on our walk Monday night - he was in Clooney's yard with another pal!

Thanks fur sharing those great pikhs!

It is always nice to see Ben's Beans!

PeeEssWoo: Keep up the good work GJ!

Anonymous said...

Your simple pleasures pictures are great. Not too sure we would want a fish pedicure though. Hugs and nose kisses

White Dog Blog said...

Simple pleasures are treasures!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We never heard of a fish pedicure, but we might like to try to catch those fishies.

GJ, keep up the good work eating as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're OK GJ. Talk soon! Katz Tales

We love LUNA said...

I love all pictures!
So cute critters there!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

What FAB pics! Mom wasn't sure abowt the pedicure though ~ although she said all sorts of famous people have them!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

PS: keep eating GJ ~ we love yoo!

Lou Belcher said...

What a wonderful series of photos. I love the little chick peeking out. Great shot. Glad to know that you are still eating something everyday, GJ... Keep at it.


SuziQCat said...

These are all great pics...we love the ones with the animals and fresh veggies the best. I don't think I could do the fish pedicure...that seems kind of weird :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Perhaps you could have a fish paw-di-cure GJ and maybe a fish to nibble on instead of a treat!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid said...

I am always ready for new experiences but this fish pedicure ... I am not so sure !
Fortunately you GJ don't need such treatments. Try to eat a little more every day so that you will become a fat cat !!

"The Boys" and Karen said...

I believe I'll pass on the fish pedicure; but if you love it you're the one that counts.

Glad to here GJ is eating some, and just so he doesn't start losing weight, whether he gains or not, his progress seems promising.

jen said...

i need one of those fish pedicures...

Anonymous said...

love the fish pic of your mom. That looked liked a lot of fun. When I was a kid and went tothe rock quarry we used to throw out pinchies of bread and the small fish would surround me and eat the bread. That was a lot of fun.

I love the little girl Lilli what a beautiful name. And your garden is really nice. I like all the animals. it looks like there is proably never a dull moment at your house.
GJ..sweet baby..please keep eating. We are sending our purrs your way.
we Love You

Sagira said...

Never seen photos of a fish pedi before. That looks interesting. Did it tickle?

Lillie bean is so proud of the animals and so cute. :)