16 October 2009

A couple of smiles... Awards and anouncements...

My Woofie friend Khyra was giving this rather lovely award.. The sentiment behind it is lovely.. Show some love.. We all should do that.. Please take it and show some love.. Pass love on .. Help others....
This rather sweet stamp was from my friends Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Ferris The rules are that you link back to who gave it to you and pass on to ten more blogs. I am going to break the rules again, (sorry ) and ask that my friends take this lovely stamp for themselves. with love. x
Your blog is a dream stamp.....
Now a smile or two what about these cute little ones.. How cute this tiny hedgehog.
Check out that sweetest of faces...
What about a cat with wings that mum came across.. Wouldn't need a boogie mat to visit with friends..
Now just to say please keep praying, purring and woofing that Mr Tigger comes home safely, he is still alone out there..
Now more news, we need to help Little Bitsy get to the semi finals.
She's finished in the Top 30, then in the Top 10 and then in the Top 3.
But we need to get her to 1st place!
As of this morning she has 2,466 votes -- but many of the weekly winners are pulling
in close to 4000, so there is work yet to do.
This is week number 11 -- if we can get lots of votes for her today and tomorrow, she
might just "take this week" and become a semi-finalist.
Please share this information with all your cat & dog blogging friends -- we really need
your help and we really need your votes! Thanks so much. Voting link is:


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Purrrrry khool stuff my furiend!

Mom thinks the little Spiney Normans are always soooo khute!

Happy Friday to woo, your mum, and your dad!


Anonymous said...

What a lovefurly post today!!! And the kittie with wings??? We LOVE him/her! Mom said she wants that kittie to come live with us! Hope are have a purrific weekend!

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

Nice post ! Hope are have a beautiful weekend!Purrrs

The Creek Cats said...

Concats on all those well deserved awards! Thanks so much for the smiles today!
We are purring very hard for Mr.Tigger to come home soon!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Congratulations on the awards. That is a very cute face. WE are still purring for Mr. T.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Such a cute hedgehog - we'd like to have one to roll arund.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

SeaThreePeeO said...

Thanks for the smiles and that lovely award!

Cindy said...

How precious!! So tiny

Amy & the house of cats said...

Congrats on the awards! And boy that is a cute hedgehog. The cat with wings though - I am totally confused!

We are still praying and purring very hard for Mr. Tigger to come home, and we have been casting our votes for Little Bitsy - we hope there are good outcomes for both of these!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Have a purrrrfect weekend, GJ.

One Cats Nip said...

Oooohhh I love the hedgehog how adorable! That kitty with wings is absolutely precious!

Anonymous said...

ConCATs on yer awardies! A kitteh wif fev-ver's? Dat is strange fer sure.

Team Tabby said...

We love the tiny hedgehog, we don't have them here. Now we're headed off to vote.

Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on those awards! What nice thoughts! And that tiny hedgehog! So cute!!!

We voted for Bitsy and we'll keep voting for her!!

Have a great weekend!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That hedgehog looks SO FUN!! (to play nicely with, not to hurt)

septembermom said...

Congrats on all those well deserved awards. You deserve them all!! You did make me smile. Love the cute hedgehog :)

The Army of Four said...

Those little hedgies are so cute!
Congrats on the award! Very well deserved.
We'll say a prayer for Mr. Tigger.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Those sure are a lot of awards and announcements! That little baby hedgehog is adorable.

I'm still purring for Mr. Tigger.

Vicki said...

How cute is that baby hedgehog!!!!!!

Ingrid said...

What an adorable little hedgehog baby !
We used to have one in our garden and he ate together with Arthur in one bowl ! They love cat food.

Anonymous said...

WOW wot lovely awards. Thanks for sharing. We are still purring for Mr T ~ we called round at his bloggie today again ~ but no noos yet .... it's so sad and worrying. We can't imagine how upset his fambly feel.

Milo and Alfie xx

Teddy Westlife said...

That baby porcipine is adorable!

Slash and Bronzy said...

Ooooh... We wants that hedgehog!!! It looks furry floofy in a pointy way.

Cory said...

We purrr purrr purrr every day for Mr. Tigger to come home.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your awards and those little critters are so cute. We have been voting for Little Bitty right along.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

Woos, the OP Pack